Michigan State University


Associated Projects

Year Project Name Funded
2024 Development of Soy-Lignin Polyurethane Flexible Foam for Automotive $160,000
2023 Continue Development and Commercialization of Non-GMO High Oleic Varieties in Maturity Groups I to III $99,996
2023 Development of Soy-Lignin Polyurethane Flexible Foam for Automotive $150,000
2023 Incorporation of Novel Resistance Genes into Non-GMO High Oleic Soybean $60,000
2022 Continue Development and Commercialization of non-GMO High Oleic Varieties in Maturity Groups I to III $100,229
2022 Determining the potential for High Oleic Soybean (HOS) meal inclusion in lactating dairy cow diets for maximizing the yields of milk fat and protein $98,000
2022 Evaluating the impact of raw vs roasted high oleic acid soybeans on the yield of milk fat and protein of high producing dairy cows $45,000
2021 Adjusting Nutrient Management Strategies to Enhance Soybean Production $44,732
2021 Continuing to examine strategies to manage waterhemp in Michigan soybean $26,825
2021 Development of a Disease Risk Sensitivity Index for Michigan Soybean Production $29,427
2021 Enhance Research in Soybean Field Evaluations in Michigan $52,902
2021 Evaluation of Syngenta Soybean Cultivars (Golden Harvest and NK) for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance $3,599
2021 Expanding Molecular Herbicide Resistance Testing Capacity for Michigan Soybean Growers $29,730
2021 Improving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency and Disease Management Using Low-Cost Sensor Monitoring Unit $29,773
2021 MSU Extension On-farm Research, Education, and Communication Projects $22,217
2021 Optimizing planting decisions for improved yield and profitability in Michigan soybeans $57,777
2021 Phytophthora stem and root rot management: varieties and seed treatments $30,000
2021 Soybean Breeding and Genetic Improvement for Michigan Environments $113,727
2021 Soybean cyst nematode management using selected cover crops and cover crop blend with PI 437654 (SCN resistant wild type soybean), along with compost and manures $20,912
2021 Soybean SDS and SCN management: risk prediction, seed treatments and variety screening $35,000
2021 State-wide Survey to Assess SCN Populations, Distribution, HG Type and factors that influence their presence. $17,455
2021 Weed management strategies in non-GMO soybean $8,150
2020 Agronomic management strategies to improve yield and profitability in Michigan soybean production $52,000
2020 Development and Commercialization of Advanced High Oleic Varieties for Michigan $99,166
2020 Innovative strategies to manage glyphosate-resistant horseweed (marestail) in soybean $26,000
2020 Strategies to manage waterhemp using new soybean technologies $26,825
2019 Agronomic and economic consequences of variable rate seeding in Michigan cropping systems $8,000
2019 Controlled Drainage: A drainage conservation practice to reduce phosphorus loss from subsurface-drained fields $15,000
2019 Cover crops and other strategies to manage glyphosate-resistant horseweed (marestail) $27,333
2019 Development and Commercialization of Advanced High Oleic Germplasm Lines with Natural Mutations (1920-162-0121-A) $102,020
2019 Enhancing nutrient uptake in soybean production systems $43,080
2019 Evaluation of the effectiveness of soybean seed treatments Nemastrike, Ilevo, and BIOst Nematicide 100 to protect soybean yields in Soybean Cyst Nematode infested fields $7,950
2019 Management of herbicide-resistant waterhemp with new herbicide technologies $27,731
2019 Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode through the use of compost and SCN resistant soybean varieties $5,200
2019 Management strategies to improve yield, quality and profitability in soybean under different planting dates $48,404
2019 Role of population density in determining seed quality and yield in food grade soybean varieties $15,000
2019 Screening and development of germplasm with resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Cyst Nematode $15,000
2018 2018 MSU Extension On-farm Research, Education and Communication Projects $26,480
2018 Continued support for weed control in non-GMO soybean $8,084
2018 Development and Commercialization of Advanced High Oleic Germplasm Lines with Natural Mutations (1820-162-0144) $101,794
2018 Evaluating sample-unit size for estimating stink bug abundance on soybean $7,641
2018 Evaluation of the effectiveness of soybean seed treatments nemastrike and BIOst nematicide 100 soybean cyst nematode $8,394
2018 Glyphosate-resistant horseweed (marestail) management in soybean $26,474
2018 Management of soybean cyst nematode through rotation of soybean cyst nematode resistant varieties, and other management practices $15,000
2018 Management strategies to improve yield and profitability in soybean under different planting dates $48,149
2018 Measurement and incorporation of preferential flow paths into the selection of the best management practice to minimize soluble phosphorus transport $32,060
2018 Role of population density in determining seed quality and yield of food-grade soybean varieties $20,000
2018 Tillage and other strategies for glyphosate-resistant waterhemp management $27,600
2017 2017 MSU Extension On-farm Research, Education and Communication Projects $17,468
2017 Determination of Phytophthora sojae populations and assessment of management strategies $30,000
2017 Evaluation of Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) resistant varieties and poultry manure on SCN $4,906
2017 Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp management strategies $21,000
2017 Management strategies to improve yield and profitability in soybean under different planting dates $39,919
2017 Options for glyphosate-resistant horseweed (marestail) management in soybean $18,107
2017 Soybean Cyst Nematode Trap Crop Development $15,000
2017 Soybean seeding rate, nutrient input and management intensity interaction studies $42,789
2016 Continued weed management support for non-GMO soybean growers $9,000
2016 Evaluation of the effect of cover crops on soybean cyst nematode $17,000
2016 Herbicide-resistant horseweed (marestale) burndown options in no-till soybean $11,500
2016 Map SDS resistance genes in early maturing soybean germplasm $10,000
2016 Maximizing the cover crop potential of cereal rye before soybean through alternative termination timings and methods $10,000
2016 Optimizing soybean nutrient inputs in a limited economic environment $35,000
2016 Soybean pathogen fungicide sensitivity screening $43,000
2016 Soybean SDS management: detection, fungicides and resistance $44,000
2016 Understanding soybeans spatial and temporal variability at the field scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and airborne remote sensing imagery $21,000
2015 Biochar/Soybean research $2,000
2015 Center for Excellence on the road $18,200
2015 Development of a rapid SCN virulence test $64,000
2015 Enhance research in soybean field evaluations in Michigan $35,800
2015 Evaluation of the effect of cover crops on soybean cyst nematode populations $17,000
2015 Evaluation of the efficacy and profitability of seed treatment against soilborne disease pathogens of soybean $43,600
2015 Genotype-independent genetic transformation of soybean for development of cyst nematode, sudden death syndrome and Liberty herbicide resistance $33,762
2015 Identify DNA markers closely linked to aphid resistance genes from wild soybean $46,400
2015 Improvements of soybean irrigation scheduling methods $12,036
2015 Improving management of SDS through detection, germplasm and fungicides $45,000
2015 Improving white mold management: fungicide timing and plant resistance $45,000
2015 Indiana/Michigan irrifated soybean production program $4,375
2015 Integrating a rye cover crop as an additional tool to manage glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth $26,398
2015 Maximizing soybean economic return in a modified relay intercropping system $2,500
2015 Microbial community dynamics analysis for improving understanding of root rot disease $10,300
2015 MSUE on-farm research, education and communication projects $27,100
2015 Pyramid yield increasing genes in elite soybean germplasm $62,800
2015 Screening of soybean germplasm for SDS resistance and determining the efficacy of seed treatments $26,100
2015 Soybean breeding and genetic improvement for Michigan environments $127,600
2015 Soybean Cyst Nematode Management Research Proposal $19,200
2015 Using cover crops with wheat to improve rotational profitability $14,500
2014 Determination of isoflavone (genistein and daidzein) content, total oil content and fatty acid composition of soybeans as affected by environment and management inputs $27,500
2014 Determining the return on investment of soybean seed treatments for Michigan producers $20,000
2014 SCN management research: Resistant varieties, seed treatments, plant health regulators and soil health $19,400
2014 Screening of advanced Michigan soybean germplasm for resistance to charcoal rot $16,000
2014 Screening of fungicides for white mold management in Michigan soybeans $14,400
2014 Soybean Soil Health $18,000
2014 Understanding cover crop use in soybean production systems $157,645
2013 Agronomic maximization of soybean yield and quality: an USB collaboration project $28,000
2013 Continuation of sudden death syndrome and soybean cyst nematode research at the Soybean Disease Research Center in Decatur $16,000
2013 Evaluation of vertical tillage tools for residue management, manure incorporation and seeding cover crops $7,200
2013 Greenhouse and assisting with in-field screening of soybean germplasm for SDS resistance $20,000
2013 Improving corn and soybean yields through aerial seedling of cover crops $17,893
2013 In-field screening of advanced breeding lines and mapping populations for white mold resistance $9,000
2013 Interaction of soybean sudden death syndrome and SCN on root health, distribution and prevalence of SDS, assessment of pathogen virulence and sensitivity to new fungicides $20,000
2013 Management of Glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth in Michigan $28,800
2013 Map SDS resistance genes in early maturing soybean germplasm $8,000
2013 Potassium recommendations for Michigan soybean production $19,100
2013 Preliminary screening for mechanical damage occurring during on-farm seed treatment in Michigan $580
2013 SMaRT on-farm research and demonstration trials $36,800
2013 Soybean response to sulfur fertilization and placement $27,400
2012 Control of suspected glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Michigan $14,600
2012 Development of an evaluation system to determine whether foliar Mn fertilizers are effective without reducing glyphosate activity $16,400
2012 Field application of Contans?WG to control white mold in Michigan to optimize application timing and testing compatibility with other chemicals $9,000
2012 Improve Michigan soybean for resistance to multiple biotypes of aphids $20,000
2012 Map genes contributing to soybean yield in elite soybean germplasm $125,000
2011 Evaluate early maturing soybean germplasm for SDS resistance $8,000
2011 Experimental soybean production (ESP) in S.W. Michigan $2,930
2011 Field application of Contans WG to control white mold in Michigan $9,000
2011 Improve Michigan soybean for rust resistance $24,000
2011 Mapping distribution of soybean sudden death syndrome caused by Fusarium virguliforme and assessment of pathogen virulence and fungicide sensitivity to facilitate management and breeding efforts $15,000
2011 Michigan soybean cyst nematode survey $28,900
2011 Optimizing the conditions for soybean white mold control by using cultural practices and biological control agents $18,900
2011 Use of adjuvants to solve problem interactions in double stacked herbicide resistant soybeans $17,900
2011 Weed control systems in non-GMO soybeans $5,200
2010 Foliar manganese recommendations for Michigan soybean on chronically Mn deficient soils $18,300
2010 Potential herbicide interactions in double and triple stacked herbicide resistant soybeans $20,000
2010 Screening for herbicide resistant weeds in no-till soybean production systems $0
2010 Soybean aphid management: The next step $14,000
2010 Strip testing at regional sites (STARS) $6,000
2010 Upgrading thumb area research and education (TARE) technologies (exclusive of equipment $9,000
2010 Weed control and yield comparisons in new herbicide resistant soybean varieties $22,000
2009 Biological control of the soybean aphid $0
2009 Establishing a forecasting system for white mold $20,000
2009 Evaluation of fungicidal seed treatments for soybean root diseases $9,000
2009 Impact of winter annual weed populations on early-season pest in reduced and no-till soybean $20,000
2009 Introgress germplasm to elite Michigan soybean germplasm $20,000
2009 Long-term management of dandelion in a corn and soybean rotation $5,500
2009 MSU diagnostic services free SCN soil testing/Communications $22,000
2009 Overcoming the barriers to higher soybean yields: A Soybean Project $10,000
2009 Rust resistance confirmation and utilization in Michigan soybean improvement $23,500
2009 Screening for herbicide resistance horseweed and lambsquarter in no-till soybean production systems $1
2009 Soybean aphid resistance to insecticides $14,000
2009 Soybean cyst nematode management research and education $10,000
2009 Soybean on-farm research and demonstration trials $16,000
2009 Soybean yield contest for Michigan $8,000
2009 Specialty soybean breeding and soybean germplasm enhancement for Michigan environments $72,000
2009 Sudden death syndrome isolate, screening, culture collection and inoculation preparation $8,300
2009 The effect of utilizing soybean cyst nematode resistant varieties on SCN types in Michigan $7,200
2009 Using biological agents to control soybean white mold $20,000