The research protocol for SCN Trap cops will include a comparison of nematode development associated with a SCN susceptible soybean variety, SCN resistant (Pl548402) soybean variety, beet cyst nematode trap crop and three potential SCN trap crops (BioFum, Cappichino and Terranova). Greenhouse conetainers will be used for this 56-day protocol, with each of six replicate experimental units being destructively sampled every 14 days and SCN development evaluated using root staining technology. As soon as the SCN trap crop protocol has been validated (repeated at least once), it will be used to evaluate a series (most likely six to twelve) other potential SCN trap crop varieties. Under 2015 field conditions at the MSU Collins Road Farm, the necessary controls from the trap crop protocol and a series of potential SCN Trap Crops will be evaluated for SCN population density reduction in 152 ft. field plots. Six replicates of each variety will be destructively sampled and evaluated using root-staining technology 30 and 6o days after planting. The SCN egg densities at 2015 soybean harvest will be
determined in addition to the overwintering cyst/egg population densities, evaluated in the spring of 2016.