University of Arkansas


Associated Projects

Year Project Name Funded
2024 High yielding, non-nodulating isolines as a tool for improving soybean meal protein concentration $80,824
2023 Assessment of dietary essential amino acid needs in modern broilers $243,623
2023 Characterizing Top to Bottom Soybean Yield Variability in Furrow Irrigated Field $64,000
2023 Formulating broiler diets with productive energy (Ark NE) increases the value and percentage of energy from soybean meal $199,927
2023 High yielding, non-nodulating isolines as a tool for improving soybean meal protein concentration $39,596
2023 Optimization of Fungal Pathogens AF22 and AF24 as bioherbicides for Palmer Amaranth Pigweed $40,000
2022 High Yielding, Non-Nodulating Isolines as a Tool for Improving Soybean Meal Protein Concentration $50,000
2022 Utilizing Genes from the Soybean Germplasm Collection to Mitigate Drought Stress $352,212
2021 High yielding, non-nodulating isolines as a tool for improving soybean meal protein concentration $50,000
2019 A team approach to weed management in soybean $205,093
2019 Accelerated development of bioherbicides to control palmer amaranth (pigweed) $35,407
2019 Assessment of soybean varieties in Arkansas for sensitivity to chloride injury $30,060
2019 Assessment of the importance of target spot on soybean in Arkansas $43,969
2019 Breeding and selecting for early-maturing soybean with drought and heat tolerance $73,052
2019 Breeding new and improved soybean cultivars with high yield and disease resistance $194,499
2019 Breeding soybean under reduced irrigation conditions $45,437
2019 Comprehensive disease screening of soybean varieties in Arkansas $124,746
2019 Cover crops and the control of soybean diseases $57,623
2019 Determining the impact of disease and stinkbug feeding on soybean quality $89,273
2019 Determining the value of fungicide application on regional, field level, and within-field scales $23,000
2019 Development of an effective program to manage fungicideresistant disease of soybean in Arkansas $48,761
2019 Development of an on-line course - nematology and sampling $7,498
2019 Development of integrated management strategies for insects in soybean $69,995
2019 Economic analysis of soybean production practices $7,002
2019 Economics of irrigation technologies and practices $19,051
2019 Educating growers and consultants on insect monitoring and control $5,000
2019 Fertilization of soybean and variety chloride trait classification $63,807
2019 Growing and non-growing season impacts of herbicides in recovered tailwater $75,009
2019 Improving technology transfer for profitable and sustainable soybean production $30,900
2019 Increasing nutrient utilization of soybean meals for largemouth bass through combined use of fermentation and prebiotics $18,800
2019 Integrated management of soybean nematodes in Arkansas $66,950
2019 Investigating emerging production recommendations for sustainable soybean production $180,973
2019 Investigation of metolachlor resistance in palmer amaranth in Arkansas $69,154
2019 Management and termination of cereal rye cover crops in Arkansas edamame production $18,755
2019 Preference assessment of soybean traits for its application in a public breeding program $23,358
2019 Promoting irrigation water management for soybeans $151,410
2019 Purification and production of pre-foundation seed of UA soybean lines $47,190
2019 Screening for soybean tolerance to metribuzin $14,818
2019 Soybean androgenesis by isolated microspore culture $22,132
2019 Soybean germplasm enhancement using genetic diversity $155,060
2019 Soybean research verification program $177,574
2019 Soybean science challenge (SSC) $73,340
2019 Technology integration to improve irrigation efficiency in Arkansas soybean production $45,300
2019 Understanding charcoal rot and taproot decline; potential yield limiting soybean diseases in Arkansas $53,000
2019 Utilization of Chile for winter-nursery progeny rows to supplement MG4 soybean variety development $30,900
2019 Utilizing chloride-tolerance markers and phenotypes to develop improved varieties $49,908
2019 Yield response of early- and late-planted soybean to N fertilizer and inoculant $43,973
2018 Developing winter cover crop recommendations for a soybean-corn rotation $37,000
2018 Utilizing Genes from the Soybean Germplasm Collection to Mitigate Drought Stress (1820-172-0118-A) $424,834
2016 Soyrisk: A decision tool to analyze risk and return to soybean maturity group and planting date choices in the Mid-South $26,108
2015 A new transgenic approach to control diseases of soybean in Arkansas $58,000
2015 A soybean nematode survey and education program for Arkansas $65,000
2015 Application Technology Demonstration and Education Program for Arkansas Crops $78,000
2015 Characteristics of maximum yield soybean fields $79,000
2015 Decadal effects of residue and water management practice alternatives on soybean yield and soil properties in a wheat-soybean double-crop production system $46,000
2015 Decision-support Tools and Economics of Maturity Group Selection for Planting-Date and Latitude Combinations throughout the Mid-South Soybean Production Region (1520-832-8280) $58,064
2015 Developing cultural management practices for winter cover crops to improve soybean performance and yield in the full season soybean production system $66,000
2015 Development of an on-line course - future of biotechnology crops $9,000
2015 Dissecting the epidemiology and resistance to soybean vein necrosis virus $80,000
2015 Drought tolerance research- tagging drought tolerance genes using rapid screening methods $76,000
2015 Economics of multiple water-saving technologies across the Arkansas delta region $47,000
2015 Effect of planting date, latitude, and environmental factors on choice of maturity group in Mid-South soybean production $50,000
2015 Establishment of drought-tolerant soybean plants by genetic manipulation of ERECTA signaling $35,000
2015 Improving germination rate of soybean seed dried using recently-introduced in-bin dying systems agents with commercialization potential $41,000
2015 Integration of brassica winter cover crops into soybean production systems for the suppression of nematodes and other soil borne diseases $25,000
2015 Soybean Science Challenge $76,000
2015 Survey of seed pathogens in seed samples submitted to the variety testing program using DNA based diagnostics $28,500
2015 Use of a plant elicitor peptide for broad-spectrum nematode resistance $36,000
2014 Alternative winter crops for soybean double crop system $29,065
2014 Bee project: Assessing the impact of neonicotinoid seed treatments on pollinators $100,000
2014 Comparison of uniform and variable rate potassium fertilization for soybeans $23,000
2014 Developing profitable irrigated rotational cropping systems for Arkansas and the Mid-South $30,000
2014 Development of an effective program to manage Strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot in Arkansas $50,000
2014 Double crop resource for Illinois soybean producers $19,827
2014 Fire ant control in soybean $0
2014 Purification and production of pre-foundation seed of UA soybean lines $17,000
2014 Soybean variety testing seed packaging $20,000
2014 Validating soil-test based fertilizer recommendations for soybean $25,000
2013 Approaches to determining salt tolerance in Arkansas soybean varieties $66,400
2013 Characterization of the functionality of soybean seed coats and evaluation of novel prebiotic fibers from soy in humans $35,000
2013 Control of new soybean cyst nematode races using rotation of different Roundup Ready and conventional soybean varieties $42,200
2013 Defining potassium nutritional requirements for soybeans with indeterminate growth habit $32,500
2013 Defining the spatial distribution and movement of inoculum of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 for the precision management of aerial blight on soybean $35,100
2013 Detection and characterization of Mycoviruses as a soybean cyst nematode bio-control agent with commercialization potential $40,028
2013 Development of a soybean variety database and interactive selection website $30,000
2013 Educating growers and consultants on insect monitoring and control $4,800
2013 Effects of genotype on severity of charcoal rot and yield in soybean $20,300
2013 Effects of intensive chemical use of pathogenic expression of Fusarium, SDS agent on Roundup Ready soybeans $85,524
2013 Farm Bill proposals analysis $7,700
2013 Flag the technology $199,000
2013 Foliar disease management in full and double crop production systems in Arkansas $43,400
2013 Integrated management of soybean nematodes in Arkansas $45,100
2013 The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program $18,300
2013 Understanding Neocosmospora, Thielaviopsis, and Fusarium virguliforme in early season production systems $56,600
2012 A comprehensive approach to assessing soybean varieties for chloride toxicity $60,000
2012 Achieving maximum yield potential in soybean $90,000
2012 Arkansas Discovery Farm Program: Addressing sustainable water issues associated with crop production $17,000
2012 Characteristics of profitable Arkansas crop farms $13,000
2012 Commercialization of fungi for biocontrol of soybean nematodes $55,000
2012 Control of seedling diseases by fungicide seed treatment and cultivar selection across soybean production systems $66,000
2012 Developing a new threshold for corn earworm $36,000
2012 Disease screening for Phytophthora resistance $32,000
2012 Double-cropped soybean management alternatives and their long-term effects on crop production, water conservation, and soil quality $37,000
2012 Drought tolerance research: Developing rapid screening methods $64,000
2012 Economic contribution of the Arkansas soybean industry $18,000
2012 Effect of Planting Date, Latitude, and Environmental Factors on Choice of Maturity Group in Mid-South Soybean Production (Year 1 of 2234) $253,330
2012 Epidemiology and Identification of Resistance of Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus (Year 1 of 2226) $174,370
2012 Evaluation of control options and threshold levels for redbanded stink bug in Arkansas soybean $28,000
2012 Farm bill analysis $6,000
2012 Fertilization of soybean $36,574
2012 Improving yield and yield stability of irrigated soybeans $38,000
2012 Integrated management of soybean cyst and reniform nematodes $54,000
2012 Investigating efficacy of inoculants and the use of winter cover crops to improve soybean performance $63,900
2012 Investigating emerging production recommendations for sustainable soybean production $149,000
2012 Late season diseases (Anthracnose and pod & stem blight) management in early season production systems in Arkansas $45,000
2012 New resources to control Cercospora diseases of soybean in Arkansas $55,000
2012 Newly emerging diseases in early season production systems in Arkansas $44,426
2012 Optimizing lime requirements for soybeans $22,000
2012 Prescription management of aerial blight on soybean by understanding inoculum and disease distribution patterns $35,000
2012 Producing and maintaining high quality soybean seed in Arkansas and grower education $174,000
2012 Rotation of Roundup Ready and conventional soybean varieties from sources with different soybean cyst nematode resistance reactions $41,000
2012 Soybean enterprise budgets and production economic analysis $9,000
2012 Streamlining the disease screening by relocation of stem canker screen to Newport and developing a technique for screening for SDS $27,000
2012 Team approach to weed management in soybean $195,000
2012 To identify commercial soybean cultivars and germ plasm lines that have moderate or high levels of resistance to charcoal rot $46,000
2011 Developing a disease screening protocol for the evaluation of cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora sojae in Arkansas $33,258
2011 Epidemiology of soybean vein necrosis virus $33,400
2011 High-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) soy oil quality $70,063
2011 Identification of the factors that cause soybean green bean syndrome $55,408
2011 Screening soybean germ plasm and breeding soybeans for flood tolerance $39,045
2010 Arkansas biodiesel research, demonstration and education project $28,150
2010 Assessment of soybean varieties in Arkansas for sensitivity to chloride injury $29,700
2010 Detection of soybean cyst, reniform and root-knot nematodes in soil using multiplex real-time PCR $49,598
2010 Soybean real-time weed and disease alerts $9,994
2009 A screen for soybean lines with potential for enhanced insect resistance $18,374
2009 Breeding soybean cultivars with high yield potential and multiple disease resistance $101,442
2009 Comprehensive disease screening of soybean varieties in Arkansas $114,601
2009 Developing a rapid and efficient method for screening chloride tolerance in soybean $19,875
2009 Double crop soybean production system $184,648
2009 Early season soybean production system $297,153
2009 Economic analysis of soybean production practices $12,900
2009 Full-season soybean production system $460,877
2009 Improving technology transfer for profitable and sustainable soybean production $4,534
2009 Soybean germ plasm enhancement using genetic diversity $94,270
2009 Soybean planting seed quality assessment and education in Arkansas $190,200
2009 Soybean research verification program $100,017