Clemson University


Associated Projects

Year Project Name Funded
2023 Activated Carbons from Soyhull for Energy Products $300,000
2023 Asian Soybean Rust Monitoring System $3,000
2023 Developing high-protein soybeans that provide enhanced nutritional and economic value $10,168
2023 Development of molecular markers to facilitate breeding for heat-tolerance in soybean $10,168
2023 Evaluating a Soybean & Grain Sorghum Double Crop System $5,000
2023 Factors influencing grass control with glyphosate and dicamba tank mixes in dicamba $13,148
2023 Further analysis of the economic impact of deer populations on soybeans across South Carolina $15,730
2023 On-farm Evaluation of Soybean Broiler Litter Recommendations in South Carolina $18,992
2023 On-farm Evaluation of Soybean Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations in South Carolina $18,992
2023 Using Simulated Injury and Natural Populations of Insect Pests to Refine Treatment Thresholds in Soybeans $20,000
2023 Utilization of foliar fungicides to improve the seed quality of early planted MG IV soybeans in South Carolina $13,472
2022 Evaluating the Effects of Broiler Litter on Soybean-Corn Productivity and Soil Health Through On-farm Trials $18,662
2022 Evaluating Ultra-Late Soybean Planted Behind Corn in South Carolina $20,000
2022 Insecticide Efficacy and Initiation/Termination for Stink Bugs and Other Arthropods in South Carolina Soybeans $12,000
2022 Survey of Palmer Amaranth Resistance in South Carolina Cotton Production $8,472
2022 Validation of Soil Test Potassium Recommendations and Plant Tissue Analysis to Optimize Soybean-Corn Rotation $18,662
2021 Calculating the Fertilizer Value of Poultry Litter $18,328
2021 Determining the Economical Impact of Deer Populations on Soybeans in South Carolina $9,850
2021 Evaluation of Soybean Insecticide Wash-off Intervals for Maximizing Pesticide Efficacy $10,000
2021 Evaluation of Soybean Varieties and Fungicides for Control of Fungal Foliar and Pod Stem Diseases $8,732
2021 Herbicide Systems in Dicamba Tolerant Soybean $9,456
2021 Survey of Palmer Amaranth Resistance South Carolina Soybean Production $10,860
2021 Survey of Spray Application Water Quality $2,500
2021 Validation of Soil Test Potassium Recommendations and Plant Tissue Analysis to Optimize Soybean Yield $9,000
2020 Broadleaf Weed Management Programs in Soybean $6,256
2020 Determining the Optimum Soil Moisture Sensor Threshold in Soybean $6,000
2020 Developing High Protein, Low Oil Content Soybeans that Provide Enhanced Nutritional and Economic Value $37,556
2020 Development of Molecular Markers to Facilitate Breeding for Heat-Tolerance in Soybean $7,000
2020 Evaluation of Detergents as a Means of Suppression of Deer Feeding Injury to Soybeans $15,159
2020 Exploring the Differences in Gene Expression of Drought Sensitive and Drought Tolerant Genotypes Using RNA-Seq $12,000
2020 Water Use Efficient Soybeans for South Carolina $7,500
2019 Determining volatility potential of Xtendimax and Engenia herbicides $4,500
2019 Asian Soybean Rust Monitoring System $2,000
2019 Determining the Optimum Planter Downforce Settings in Soybean $8,480
2019 Evaluating and Improving Feed Value of South Carolina Soybean $33,614
2019 Evaluating Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations For Irrigated and Dryland Soybean in South Carolina $9,000
2019 Evaluation of Available Resistance in Soybean to Southern Root-knot Nematode $4,963
2019 Evaluation of South Carolina Soybean Breeding Lines in 2018 $15,222
2019 Insect Abundance and Importance in Variable Systems of Maturity Group and Planting Date $11,000
2019 Obtaining One Hundred Yields in SC $3,700
2019 Spatial Associations of Soil and Crop Characteristics, Insect and Nematode Abundance and Injury, and Yield Deficit Analyses in Soybean $9,333
2019 Strategies for identification and rescue of poorly nodulated soybeans $10,000
2019 Variable Rate Soybean Seeding: On-Farm Tests $5,000
2019 Varietal Comparison of Drought Tolerance in Soybeans Grown in SC $8,500
2018 Asian Soybean Rust Monitoring System 2017 $5,000
2018 Development of biomarkers predictive of reniform nematode resistance in soybean $1
2018 Efficacy of Selected Postemergence Herbicides in Soybean Based on Weed Size $1
2018 Evaluate current, elite public and private soybean lines for drought tolerance $1
2018 Evaluation of Different Row Widths and Plant Populations on Soybean Yield in SC $1
2018 Evaluation of Insecticides and Repellents for Suppression of Feeding Injury by Deer in South Carolina Soybeans $1
2018 Evaluation of Insecticides and Repellents for Suppression of Feeding Injury by Deer in South Carolina Soybeans $1
2018 Evaluation of South Carolina Soybean Breeding Lines in 2016 $1
2018 Identification of Soybean lines with traits that contribute to early-season drought tolerance $1
2018 Image Analysis for Soybean Defoliation $1
2018 In Season Fertilizer for Additional Soybean Yield and Quality Increase $1
2018 Increasing Soybean Yields in South Carolina $1
2018 Soybean/Sorghum Rotation Study $1
2018 Variable Rate Seeding Prescription Development for Soybeans $1
2018 Variable Rate Seeding Prescription Development for Soybeans $1
2018 Varietal Comparison of New Conventional Varieties to Top GM Varieties $1
2017 Identification of soybean lines with traits that contribute to early-season drought tolerance $1
2015 Effects of intensive Palmer amaranth herbicide programs on in-season soybean growth, development, and yield $10,000
2015 Effects of seed treatment and foliar applications of neonicotinoid insecticides on the populations of the invasive bean plataspid [aka Kudzu Bug] (Megacopta cribraria) in South Carolina soybeans $7,250
2015 Evaluation of South Carolina soybean breeding lines $12,650
2015 Evaluation of soybean genotypes of insect resistance $12,865
2015 Evaluation of the effects of commercially available products on soybean pod retention $11,510
2015 Investigating the injury and feeding behavior of the kudzu bug (Megacopta cribraria) in South Carolina soybeans $7,640
2015 The RMA planting trial date $19,000
2014 Bioengineering soybean for enhanced abiotic stress tolerance $15,576
2014 Identifying Reniform Nematode resistance genes in soybean $10,355
2014 Investigating bio-control options for managing the invasive Bean Plataspid (aka Kudzu Bug) (Megocopta cribaria) in South Carolina soybeans $12,000
2014 Manipulation of Kudzu Bug bacterial community to reduce transmission efficiency of its required nutritional sysmbiot $6,000
2014 Twin row cropping systems on the growth, development, and yield of soybeans in South Carolina $5,000
2014 Using STS technology to control glyphosate-resistant Palmer Amaranth in soybean production systems $9,000
2013 Chemical ecology of the invasive bean plataspid (Megacopta cribraria) in South Carolina soybeans $5,000
2013 Determine the interaction of late planting date and seeding rate at two locations to improve grain yields of Roundup Ready MG VII and VIII soybeans in South Carolina $5,000
2013 Effect of "Hot" herbicide systems on the growth, development and yield on soybeans in South Carolina $8,000
2013 Effect of starter fertilizer systems on the growth, development and yield of soybeans in South Carolina $8,500
2013 Enhanced management of Southern Root-knot, soybean cyst and reniform nematodes on resistant varieties utilizing nematicidal seed treatments $6,200
2013 Herbicide programs for Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth control in DTS and Enlist tolerant soybeans $24,009
2013 Improving the sampling of the invasive bean plataspid (Megacopta cribraria) in South Carolina soybeans $8,788
2013 Management of the Kudzu Bug/Bean Plataspid, Megacopta cribraria (Hemiptera: Plataspidae), in Soybeans in the Southeastern USA (Year 2 of 2502) $143,906
2013 Understanding soybean reactions to Reniform Nematode infection $6,000
2012 Evaluating the LibertyLink technology for weed control in soybean production in South Carolina $5,000
2012 Evaluation of selected herbicide programs for control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (pigweed) in soybeans $20,462
2012 Improvement of stress resistance in South Carolina soybeans: Markers and pathways $9,000
2012 Investigating the pest status of the invasive bean plataspid (Megacopta cribraria) in South Carolina soybeans $20,000
2012 Management of the Kudzu Bug/Bean Plataspid, Megacopta cribraria (Hemiptera: Plataspidae), in Soybeans in the Southeastern USA (Year 1 of 2502) $143,906
2011 Determining the incidence of potentially new and renewed insect pests of soybean in South Carolina and preliminary observations on control $8,000
2011 Equipment for variable-rate seeding of soybeans utilizing soil electrical conductivity data to enhance farm profit $11,500
2011 Herbicide evaluation programs for conventional and herbicide-tolerant soybean varieties $17,500
2011 Lance nematodes in South Carolina: Identification and distribution of species in soybean fields $10,510
2011 Survey of plant-parasitic nematodes and races of soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) prevalent in South Carolina soybean production areas $5,000
2011 The Role of Plastid Metabolism in the Accumulation of Storage Reserves in Soybean Seeds (Year 1 of 1233) $98,889
2011 To evaluate the influences of planting date and row spacing on yield of Roundup Ready MG VII and VIII soybeans at Edisto and Pee Research Education Centers $10,000
2011 Utilizing of ancestral molecular resistance for improvement of stress responses in soybean $4,400
2010 Management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in soybean production systems using preemergence and post emergence programs $14,459
2010 Management of soybean nematodes with resistance and Temik 15G $6,000
2009 Breeding improved soybean cultivars for South Carolina $14,200
2009 Control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in soybean production systems using alternative management strategies $10,436
2009 County resistant pigweed herbicide strip tests $2,500
2009 Development of Nematode Resistant Long-Juvenile Cultivars to Enhance Soybean Profitability in the Southern U.S. (9229) $18,345
2009 Diagnostic DNA system for enhancement of soybean productivity in South Carolina $4,000
2009 Evaluation of elite soybean strains and cultivars for multiple-disease resistance $6,000
2009 Evaluation of planting date, row spacing and plant population on soybean in relation to soil spatial variability $12,000
2009 Identification & Characterization Metabolic Factors Affecting the Oil Content of Soybean Seed (Year 2 of 8233) $98,314
2009 Optimizing insect management strategies for soybeans in South Carolina $8,000
2009 Utilizing fungicide applications for Asian soybean rust control $10,000