Insecticide Efficacy and Initiation/Termination for Stink Bugs and Other Arthropods in South Carolina Soybeans
Sustainable Production
Biotic stressCrop protectionField management Pest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Jeremy Greene, Clemson University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
Insect pests are a major limiting factor to producing soybeans in South Carolina. Numerous species like stink bugs, podworm, soybean looper, velvetbean caterpillar, green cloverworm, threecornered alfalfa hopper, kudzu bugs, lesser cornstalk borer and many others, infest soybeans in the state annually. Data and recommendations regarding efficacy of insecticides and appropriate timing and termination of chemical control are needed. This work addresses the pod-feeding complex and includes defoliators and stem feeders, as well. This project provide insecticide efficacy data on stink bugs and other arthropod pests in soybeans and investigates appropriate timings for initiating and terminating insecticide applications for stink bugs and other major insect pests.
Key Beneficiaries:
#agronomists, #extension agents, #farmers
Unique Keywords:
#insect management, #insects, #insects and pests
Information And Results
Project Summary

Insect pests are a major limiting factor to producing soybeans in South Carolina. Numerous species, including, but not limited to, stink bugs, podworm, soybean looper, velvetbean caterpillar, green cloverworm, threecornered alfalfa hopper, kudzu bugs, lesser cornstalk borer, many others, infest soybeans in the state annually. Of these insect pests, stink bugs are the most important group, especially with the recent expansion of invasive species into the state. The redbanded stink bug (RBSB), Piezodorus guildinii, and the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys, have been observed in large numbers in recent years in the state, with notable reproduction in soybeans during 2021. Data and recommendations regarding efficacy of insecticides and appropriate timing and termination of chemical control are needed. This proposed work will address the pod-feeding complex and include other feeding groups (defoliators and stem feeders) as well.

Project Objectives

1. Provide insecticide efficacy data on stink bugs and other arthropod pests in soybeans, with particular attention to the invasive species BMSB and RBSB.
2. Investigate appropriate timings for initiating insecticide applications for stink bugs and other major insect pests.
3. Investigate appropriate timings for terminating insecticide applications for stink bugs and other major insect pests.

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Updated May 10, 2023:

View uploaded report PDF file

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.