Palmer amaranth seed were planted and sprayed in the greenhouse at EREC from October 2022 through early January 2023. All populations from the 22 counties showed resistance to both the 1X and 2X rates of glyphosate (MOA 9) and Staple (MOA 2) [ALS-inhibitor]. This confirms results from past Palmer amaranth collections in that glyphosate and ALS-resistance is persisting in South Carolina populations. In contrast, all populations were sensitive to the 1X rates of Reflex,
Liberty, Enlist One, and Dicamba postemergence herbicides. In the preemergence experiments, there were populations from 10 counties that we observed survivors from the atrazine at the 1X rate. In addition, there were populations from 5 of those counties with survivors from the 2X rate of atrazine. The remaining Palmer populations were controlled by atrazine at the 1X rate. In the Dual Magnum treatment, we observed populations from 3 counties with survivors at the 1X rate. There were no survivors at the 2X rate of Dual Magnum. The HPPD herbicide Balance (isoxaflutole, MOA 27) provided excellent control of all populations tested. Although atrazine is not used in cotton, we observed more survivors from the atrazine treatments compared to the 2021 population survey. Also, there were several populations that survived the Dual Magnum (MOA 15) preemergence treatments (@1X) which could indicate that this herbicide family may lose effectiveness soon. Further research is needed on populations that are surviving both atrazine (MOA 5) and Dual Magnum (MOA 15) herbicides.