Personal Information

Jason Bond
Plant, Soil & Agricultural Systems
Carbondale, IL 62901
Email: jbond at

Projects as Lead Investigator

Year Project Name
2025 Assessing the impact of cover crops on SCN populations in field conditions
2025 Soybean Stem Pests: Survey, Impact and Education - Diseases
2024 Assessing the impact of cover crops on SCN populations in field conditions
2024 Soybean Stem Pests: Survey, Impact and Education
2023 Assessing the impact of cover crops on SCN populations in field conditions
2023 Soybean Stem Pests: Survey, Impact and Education
2023 Using multispectral platforms to manage the soybean cyst nematode
2022 Seedling Pathogens in the Soybean Production Cycle: Management and Communication
2022 Soybean Stem Pests: Survey, Impact and Education
2022 Using Multispectral Platforms to Manage the Soybean Cyst Nematode
2021 Using multispectral platforms to manage soybean cyst nematode
2020 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Management and Education
2019 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education (Year 3 of 1720-172-0127)
2019 Seedling Diseases: Biology, Management and Education
2019 Double Crop Rotation -- Improving Yield and Profitability and Reducing SCN
2018 Seedling Diseases: Biology, Management and Education
2018 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education (Year 2 of 1720-172-0127)
2017 Seedling Diseases: Biology, Management and Education
2017 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education (Year 1 of 1720-172-0127)
2016 Weed management programs for Mississippi soybean production
2016 Seedling Diseases: Biology, Management and Education
2016 Sudden Death Syndrome Commercial Variety Trials (Year 2 of 1520-532-5619)
2016 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education (Year 2 of 1520-532-5667)
2015 Identification and biology of seedling pathogens of soybean
2015 Sudden Death Syndrome Commercial Variety Trials (Year 1 of 1520-532-5219)
2015 Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education (Year 1 of 1520-532-5667)
2014 Sudden Death Syndrome Soybean Commercial Variety Test (1420-532-5619)
2014 Soybean Diseases and Pests (Managed Research Area)
2014 Identification and biology of seedling pathogens of soybean
2013 Soybean Diseases and Pests (Managed Research Area)
2013 The Illinois SDS commercial variety testing project
2013 Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode
2013 Evaluating SCN-resistant varieties for resistance
2013 Project 1: Establish on-farm soybean research to evaluate disease, insect, and nematode management practices
2013 Project 2: Visual assessments to monitor diseases and to assess insect and soybean cyst nematode populations based on management practices
2013 Identification and biology of seedling pathogens of soybean
2012 Identification and biology of seedling pathogens of soybean
2012 SCN phenotypic variability: Assessment and awareness for Illinois producers
2012 Charcoal rot: Refining assays and identifying resistant varieties
2012 The Illinois SDS commercial variety testing project
2012 Managing SDS with resistance and the influence of planting date
2012 Impact of foliar fungicides on soybean rust and native diseases in late planted soybean
2012 Identifying virulence determinants in three soybean killers
2011 Charcoal rot: Refining assays and identifying resistant varieties
2011 Managing SDS with resistance and the influence of planting date
2011 Impact of foliar fungicides on soybean rust and native diseases in late planted soybean
2011 Identifying virulence determinants in three soybean killers
2011 SCN phenotypic variability: Assessment and awareness for Illinois producers
2011 The Illinois SDS commercial variety testing project
2011 Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode
2011 Management options for frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central Region
2010 Soybean Diseases and pests surveys
2010 Characterization of the SDS pathogen in Illinois
2010 Using race-specific probes to monitor population shifts of the frogeye leaf spot pathogen
2010 Illinois soybean rust sentinel plots
2010 Fungicide applied research and spraying guidelines
2010 Deciphering the interaction between SCN and Fusarium virguliforme
2010 Phenotypic variability in SCN populations in Illinois
2010 Integrating strategies to manage SCN
2010 Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode
2010 The Illinois SDS commercial variety testing project
2009 MRA-Project #1: Soybean Diseases and pests surveys
2009 MRA-Project #8. Characterization of the SDS pathogen in Illinois
2009 MRA-Project #9: Using race-specific probes to monitor population shifts of the frogeye leaf spot pathogen
2009 MRA-Project #1: Illinois soybean rust sentinel plots
2009 MRA-Project #3: Fungicide applied research and spraying guidelines
2009 MRA-Project #1: Deciphering the interaction between SCN and Fusarium virguliforme
2009 MRA-Project #2: Phenotypic variability in SCN populations in Illinois
2009 MRA-Project #3: Integrating strategies to manage SCN
2009 MRA-Project #2: Identifying varieties with resistance to root knot nematode
2009 MRA-Project #3: The Illinois SDS Commercial Variety Testing Project

Projects as Co-Investigator

Year Project Name
2024 Multi-dimensional approaches for improved productivity, sustainability, and management of major soybean diseases in the North Central U.S. - year 3
2023 Multi-dimensional approaches for improved productivity, sustainability, and management of major soybean diseases in the North Central US
2023 The SCN Coalition: Economics and Advancing Management
2022 Multi-dimensional approaches for improved productivity, sustainability, and management of major soybean diseases in the North Central US
2022 The SCN Coalition: Building on Economic Impact
2021 The SCN Coaltion: Advancing Management
2020 Expanding the SCN Coalition
2019 Expanding the SCN Coalition
2018 Second SCN Coalition: Resistance Management and Awareness Campaign
2017 Second SCN Coalition: Resistance Management and Awareness Campaign
2017 Exploiting potential bio-control agents to manage seedling diseases of soybean
2016 Increasing profits through genetic resistance to SDS
2016 Exploiting potential bio-control agents to manage seedling diseases of soybeans
2016 Breeding to improve resistance to SDS in soybean as a means to protect yield - delivering resistant varieties and lines
2015 Increasing profits through genetic resistance to SDS
2015 Breeding to improve resistance to SDS in soybean as a means to protect yield: Delivering resistant varieties and lines
2015 Exploiting potential bio-control agents to manage seedling diseases of soybean
2014 Increasing profits through genetic resistance to SDS
2014 Breeding to improve resistance to SDS in soybean as a means to protect yield: Delivering resistant varieties and lines
2014 Phase II – Continuing the Search of New Genetic and Genomic Resources in Soybean for Breeding Resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 3 of 2218)
2014 Identification and Biology of Seedling Pathogens of Soybean (Year 3 of 2267)
2014 Charcoal Rot: Host Resistance and Disease Development (1420-532-5647)
2013 Investigations into the Occurrence, Distribution, and Impact of Nematodes in Soybean Fields in the Southern United States (Year 3 of 1278)
2013 Phase II – Continuing the Search of New Genetic and Genomic Resources in Soybean for Breeding Resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 2 of 2218)
2013 Charcoal Rot: Confirmation of Resistance in Adapted and Exotic Sources of Resistance (Year 3 of 1247)
2013 Improving management of soybean cyst nematode through Extension demonstration and outreach: Phase II
2013 SDS Research Alliance
2013 Genetic and Genomic Analysis of Soybean Cyst Nematode Virulence (1320-532-5620)
2012 The sudden death syndrome research alliance
2012 Improving management of soybean cyst nematode through Extension demonstration and outreach: Phase II
2012 Evaluation of soybean cyst nematode: Rhizoctonia solani interactions
2012 Biotic determinants of the interaction between SCN and SDS
2012 Illinois soybean disease monitoring and reporting program
2012 Biotic and abiotic factors that influence SDS severity
2012 VIPS-Variety disease and pest evaluations
2012 Phase II – Continuing the Search of New Genetic and Genomic Resources in Soybean for Breeding Resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 1 of 2218)
2012 Charcoal Rot Cultivar Evaluation Using Adapted and Exotic Sources of Resistance (Year 2 of 1247)
2012 Investigations into the Occurrence, Distribution, and Impact of Nematodes in Soybean Fields in the Southern United States (Year 2 of 1278)
2012 The Sudden Death Syndrome Research Alliance (2264)
2011 Program administration
2011 Application of New Genetic and Genomic Resources to the Improved Control of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 3 of 9218)
2011 Addressing critical soybean weed control issues in Mississippi
2011 The sudden death syndrome research alliance
2011 Evaluation of soybean cyst nematode: Rhizoctonia solani interactions
2011 Biotic determinants of the interaction between SCN and SDS
2011 Illinois soybean disease monitoring and reporting program
2011 Biotic and abiotic factors that influence SDS severity
2011 SCN assessments
2010 Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central Region
2010 The sudden death syndrome research alliance
2010 Managed Research Area: Soybean Diseases and insect pests
2010 Charcoal rot management in Illinois
2010 Delayed infection of Fusarium virguliforme using fungicide seed treatments, and its impact on sudden death syndrome and soybean yield
2010 Evaluation of fungicide seed treatments on performance of soybean in Illinois, and the impact of soybean cyst nematode on the efficacy of seed treatments
2010 Managed research area administration
2010 Managed Research Area: Management of soybean rust, sentinel plots, diagnostics, outreach and research
2010 Managed Research Area: Soybean cyst nematode (SCN)
2010 Evaluating SCN-resistant varieties for resistance
2010 Application of New Genetic and Genomic Resources to the Improved Control of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 2 of 9218)
2009 Charcoal Rot Cultivar Evaluation Using Adapted and Exotic Sources of Resistance (Year 2 of 8247)
2009 The Sudden Death Syndrome Research Alliance (Year 3 of 7264)
2009 Application of New Genetic Resources to the Improved Control of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) (Year 1 of 9218)
2009 Managed Research Area: Soybean Diseases and Insect Pests
2009 MRA-Project #6: Charcoal rot management in Illinois
2009 MRA-Project #7: Delayed infection of Fusarium virguliforme using fungicide seed treatments, and its impact on sudden death syndrome and soybean yield
2009 MRA-Project #13: Evaluation of fungicide seed treatments on performance of soybean in Illinois, and impact of soybean cyst nematode on the efficacy of seed treatments
2009 MRA-Project 18: Managed research area administration
2009 Managed Research Area: Management of soybean rust, sentinel plots, diagnostics, outreach and research
2009 Managed Research Area: Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN)
2009 MRA-Project #4: Evaluating SCN-resistant varieties for resistance