Updated January 25, 2024:
2023 NCSRP Final Report (January 31, 2024)
Submitted by: Damon L. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The second year of funding for this project started October 1, 2022. We made excellent progress again in the second year of the project and greatly appreciate the support to continue the project into the final year (year 3), expanding and further developing on the progress found below. We have a year-3 planning meeting scheduled for March 5, 2024, which will take place in conjunction with the NCERA 137 meetings in Pensacola Florida. This meeting will be used to finalize protocols and talk through current data. Below please find specific updates on our current progress for each objective of the research contract.
Objective 1: Conduct multi-site-year product efficacy trials to develop a robust, non-partial dataset to educate and inform farmers and practitioners on the performance of disease control products available for soybeans.
Objective 1a. Conduct uniform foliar fungicide trials that target a holistic approach to control white mold, frogeye leaf spot, and stem canker (Diaporthe diseases); find programs that might be able to cover these major diseases simultaneously.
In the first year the research group decided to split foliar uniform fungicide trial (UFT) protocols into two separate protocols. We continued this in year 2 and repeated the general foliar UFT targeted at management of frogeye leafspot, Cercospora leaf blight, and Septoria brown spot. The group finalized this protocol at the March 23, 2022, meeting which included 8 core treatments with 3 core inserts for more “northern” locations in the NC region and 2 core inserts for more “southern” locations (ex. Southern Illinois has a different environment than northern Illinois) in the NC region. Iowa, North Dakota, Indiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin participated in year 2 of these trials in 2023. These data are currently being analyzed and combined with year 1. Decisions on year 3 are being made on treatments to include for the third season but may not deviate significantly from previous years to ensure more site-years of data on these programs.
A separate white mold-focused protocol has been generated and finalized (March 23, 2022) for this objective. The group felt that white mold necessitated a separate, focused trial to better understand core treatments for management. This protocol includes 12 core treatments and 5 additional optional treatments. The optional treatments mostly focused on drop-nozzle applications and were deemed optional for locations where researchers do not have the equipment to apply those treatments. In 2023 we repeated this protocol to generate more site-years of data. These data are now being combined with year 1 and additional datasets going back to 2019 to conduct a meta-analysis of fungicide performance on more modern fungicide programs. In 2023 Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, and Wisconsin participated in these trials. Planning is underway for treatments to be evaluated in 2024.
Information from both protocols were used to inform and update efficacy rating for the Soybean Foliar Fungicide Tables for 2024 (see Objective 4a below).
Objective 1b. Conduct uniform seed treatment trials to target sudden death syndrome, brown stem rot, Phytophthora root rot, and Pythium root rot.
Two uniform seed treatment trials (finalized at the March 23, 2022, meeting) have been generated and were conducted for this objective. In 2023 we repeated these studies to compile more site-years of data. The first protocol focuses on sudden death syndrome and includes 7 seed treatments applied to two varieties (an SDS-susceptible and an SDS-resistant). The data are currently being compiled for years 1 and 2 and will be analyzed. A research paper will be written along with an extension fact sheet. This work follows up on previous NCSRP-funded work evaluating seed treatments on varieties with differing resistance. We included the well documented ILEVO and Saltro seed treatments here but have expanded to include several new seed treatments being marketed for SDS management, but have not been evaluated in university trials previously.
Uniform fungicide seed treatment trials targeting Pythium and Phytophthora were performed in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa in 2023. The field trial in each state consisted of 5 commercially available fungicide seed treatment options (non-treated, Intego Suite, Zeltera Suite, Cruiser Maxx Vibrance, Acceleron) specific for the management of oomycete pathogens like Phytophthora and Pythium. Like the foliar trials, these was a repeat protocol from 2022 to generate more site-years of data. The uniformity of the trial allows us to combine data across all states and make regional conclusions based on pooled data, which is currently underway. In 2024, these trials will be repeated to obtain additional site-years so that a multi-location analysis can be conducted.
Objective 2: Conduct research and validation trials to develop and/or validate disease prediction tools or risk studies for major soybean diseases.
Modeling work is underway for each specific disease as indicated below.
Objective 2a. Develop a frogeye leaf spot model using the Sporecaster framework.
We have done the first round of model development from a multi-site-year dataset of frogeye data. A portion of this data was leveraged against data obtained from the fungicide UFT trials referred to above. Some of the data was historical going back to 2009. We were also able to leverage NCSRP funding against and SSRP multi-regional grant with Dr. Carl Bradley, to augment NCSRP frogeye data with data from southern states. This joint effort has led to the beta version of Frogspotter which will be tested in the field in 2024 in the North Central Region.
Objective 2b. Develop prediction tools for stem canker of soybean using the Sporecaster framework.
We are aggregating existing stem canker data to determine the best approach to model stem canker diseases. While the datasets for this disease are not as dense as those for frogeye, we do believe that preliminary models can be generated, and we can leverage the UFT trials in objective 1a to validate these models in future years.
Objective 2c. Validate an existing soybean sudden death syndrome prediction tool for predicting risk of epidemics in soybean fields.
At Michigan State University the MSU SDS risk prediction tool is being validated through the testing of soil samples collected from 2020 (n=542), 2021 (n=251), and 2022 (n=84). COVID-19 restrictions slowed initial progress on the project. However, the real-time PCR assay has been optimized for detection of Fusarium virguliforme (Fv) in soil samples with a sensitivity of 100 fg of Fv DNA which is approximately 100 spores per half-gram of soil.
Objective 3: Develop improved understanding of the biology and epidemiology of emerging and re-emerging diseases of soybean in the North Central Region.
Please see specific updates for each sub-objective below.
Objective 3a. Monitor for fungicide resistance in the frogeye leaf spot pathogen, Septoria brown spot pathogen, stem canker pathogens, white mold pathogen, Pythium species, and Phytophthora root rot pathogens.
An extensive number of isolates within each pathogen species causing the respective diseases above, have been collected prior to the implementation of this research contract. We are actively documenting and cataloging these isolates, developing protocols, and identifying specific laboratories who can develop baseline fungicide resistance levels in existing isolates. Current progress is detailed below:
At Michigan State University F. virguliforme fungicide sensitivity monitoring has so far screened 75 historical (2009 to 2014) isolates and 79 contemporary (2020-2022) isolates. To date no change in fungicide sensitivity has been observed between historical (Mean EC50 = 2.08 mg/L) and contemporary (Mean EC50 = 1.89 mg/L) isolates. Efforts are currently focused at adding additional states and isolates.
The in vitro sensitivity of isolates of D. caulivora and D. longicolla to Difenaconazole (DMI) fungicide was determined. Twelve isolates of D. longicolla [Alabama (1), Minnesota (1), Nebraska (1), Mississippi (1), South Dakota (2), Michigan (2), Indiana (4),] and five isolates of D. caulivora [Wisconsin (1), New York (1), Delaware (1), Michigan (1), South Dakota (1)] from soybean between 2014 and 2017 were evaluated. The technical grade formulation of difenaconazole (95% a.i.; Syngenta Crop Protection, NC) was dissolved in acetone to obtain a stock solution of 100 mg/ml. Fungicide sensitivity was determined by the radial mycelial growth on 2% water agar amended with 0, 0.01,0.02, 0.04, 0.2, 1, 5, and 20.0 µg/ml difenaconazole. The experiment was conducted twice in a completely randomized design and each of the Diaporthe isolates was inoculated with a 6-mm-diameter mycelial plug onto three replicate plates of different fungicide concentrations. Plates were incubated for five days at 22°C in the dark before the radial growth was measured. Significant differences in EC50 values were observed among the isolates of D. caulivora (0.032 to 0.303 µg ml-1; p <0.0001) and D. longicolla (0.012 to 1.478 µg ml-1; p = 0.032) indicating that the isolates of D. caulivora and D. longicolla may differ in their sensitivity to Difenaconazole (DMI) fungicide.
In Ohio, Research in this objective was focused on the white mold pathogen (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), the stem canker pathogens (Diaporthe spp.), and the SDS pathogens (F. virguliforme) during 2022. Fluopyram is a common active ingredient in fungicides advertised to manage white mold (ex: Delaro Complete). The activity of fluopyram on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum growth was tested on 74 isolates collected from two time ranges: pre-2000 and post-2014. In total, 74 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates were tested for sensitivity to fluopyram. Overall, there was no significant difference in fluopyram tolerance between the two populations of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates. This suggests that fluopyram still has good efficacy in managing this disease, though timing of the application remains critical for optimal control. Further, screening 79 F. virguliforme isolates from 9 North-Central states against fluopyram further demonstrates that this fungicide still has good efficacy in managing this pathogen too. Finally, 35 isolates of Diaporthe spp. were screened for sensitivity to the QoI fungicide azoxystrobin. There is strong evidence to suggest that specific species within the Diaporthe genus respond differently to azoxystrobin, emphasizing the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis of what species is present in problematic fields with histories of stem canker. Individual isolates of all pathogens demonstrate some tolerance to each chemistry, and research in 2023 looked at the genetics of each pathogen to identify mutations that might confer fungicide resistance.
Objective 3b. Develop a better understanding of how to improve seed health and quality with a focus on Diaporthe diseases (stem canker) and brown stem rot.
A protocol was developed in 2022 to collect seed from multiple fields in states participating in this research contract. This protocol will be implemented at harvest in years with clear disease issues, to understand the impact that Diaporthe diseases and brown stem rot have on seed quality. In 2022 and 2023, no visible issues were identified, thus the protocol was not evaluated. We will try again in 2024, in hopes we will have locations with visible disease.
Objective 3c. Develop improved tools for frogeye leaf spot, sudden death syndrome, and brown stem rot management including fertility impacts on the disease, how rotations influence disease incidence and severity, and how new products like nano-fertilizers and other nanotechnology influence disease.
Two separate uniform research protocols have been generated for this objective. One protocol focuses on sudden death syndrome and includes 6 treatments focused on understanding the interactions of ILEVO seed treatment with traditional soil-applied fertilizers and new foliar-applied fertilizers, on SDS severity. This trial was first implemented across locations in 2022.
The second protocol focuses on white mold and includes 6 treatments focused on understanding the interactions of foliar applied fungicide (Endura) and traditional soil-applied fertilizers and new foliar-applied fertilizers on white mold severity. This trial was first implemented across locations in 2022.
Data from both trial protocols were obtained. We plan to repeat these studies in 2024 to gain more site-years of data so we can determine which treatments are consistent across location and environments. We hope that we will have reportable data sufficient for a peer-reviewed publication from these trials after the second season.
Objective 3d. Understanding the pathogen complex causing Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) in the North Central region. Conduct a survey in the NC region and understand the pathogen complex and how it relates to what has been identified in the south and mid-south.
Leaf samples will again be collected in 2024. Analysis is ongoing identifying species from the 2022 and 2023 samples. All data from 2022 and 2023 will be combined for analyses. These analyses should shed light on the Cercospora species present in the North Central region and help guide us on how to better manage these pathogens in soybean.
Objective 4: Develop extension tools through state extension programs, Crop Protection Network (CPN) and Soybean Research and Information Network (SRIN).
Please see specific sub-objectives below for updates.
Objective 4a. Use the efficacy information from objective 1a and 1b to inform and update fungicide efficacy charts annually for the Crop Protection Network.
New updated version of the Foliar Fungicide Efficacy Table for Soybeans and the Seed Treatment Efficacy Table for Soybeans have reviewed incorporating data from above objectives. These will be posted soon for the 2024 season and will be available on the Crop Protection Network Website: https://cropprotectionnetwork.org.
Future versions of these tables will continue to be updated with the information generated from Objectives 1a and b of this research contract.
Objective 4b. Communicate with farmers and agribusiness personnel through extension articles, videos, webinars, and field days.
A research update titled “Creation of New Soybean Varieties with High Levels of Resistance to White Mold” was also generated during this period. This research update is based on work funded from a previous proposal on white mold that was funded by the NCSRP. This research update presents results and development of 4 soybean lines that are highly resistant to white mold: https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/publications/creation-of-new-soybean-varieties-with-high-levels-of-resistance-to-white-mold.
2023 NCSRP Final Report (January 31, 2024)
Submitted by: Damon L. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The second year of funding for this project started October 1, 2022. We made excellent progress again in the second year of the project and greatly appreciate the support to continue the project into the final year (year 3), expanding and further developing on the progress found below. We have a year-3 planning meeting scheduled for March 5, 2024, which will take place in conjunction with the NCERA 137 meetings in Pensacola Florida. This meeting will be used to finalize protocols and talk through current data. Below please find specific updates on our current progress for each objective of the research contract.
Objective 1: Conduct multi-site-year product efficacy trials to develop a robust, non-partial dataset to educate and inform farmers and practitioners on the performance of disease control products available for soybeans.
Objective 1a. Conduct uniform foliar fungicide trials that target a holistic approach to control white mold, frogeye leaf spot, and stem canker (Diaporthe diseases); find programs that might be able to cover these major diseases simultaneously.
In the first year the research group decided to split foliar uniform fungicide trial (UFT) protocols into two separate protocols. We continued this in year 2 and repeated the general foliar UFT targeted at management of frogeye leafspot, Cercospora leaf blight, and Septoria brown spot. The group finalized this protocol at the March 23, 2022, meeting which included 8 core treatments with 3 core inserts for more “northern” locations in the NC region and 2 core inserts for more “southern” locations (ex. Southern Illinois has a different environment than northern Illinois) in the NC region. Iowa, North Dakota, Indiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin participated in year 2 of these trials in 2023. These data are currently being analyzed and combined with year 1. Decisions on year 3 are being made on treatments to include for the third season but may not deviate significantly from previous years to ensure more site-years of data on these programs.
A separate white mold-focused protocol has been generated and finalized (March 23, 2022) for this objective. The group felt that white mold necessitated a separate, focused trial to better understand core treatments for management. This protocol includes 12 core treatments and 5 additional optional treatments. The optional treatments mostly focused on drop-nozzle applications and were deemed optional for locations where researchers do not have the equipment to apply those treatments. In 2023 we repeated this protocol to generate more site-years of data. These data are now being combined with year 1 and additional datasets going back to 2019 to conduct a meta-analysis of fungicide performance on more modern fungicide programs. In 2023 Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, and Wisconsin participated in these trials. Planning is underway for treatments to be evaluated in 2024.
Information from both protocols were used to inform and update efficacy rating for the Soybean Foliar Fungicide Tables for 2024 (see Objective 4a below).
Objective 1b. Conduct uniform seed treatment trials to target sudden death syndrome, brown stem rot, Phytophthora root rot, and Pythium root rot.
Two uniform seed treatment trials (finalized at the March 23, 2022, meeting) have been generated and were conducted for this objective. In 2023 we repeated these studies to compile more site-years of data. The first protocol focuses on sudden death syndrome and includes 7 seed treatments applied to two varieties (an SDS-susceptible and an SDS-resistant). The data are currently being compiled for years 1 and 2 and will be analyzed. A research paper will be written along with an extension fact sheet. This work follows up on previous NCSRP-funded work evaluating seed treatments on varieties with differing resistance. We included the well documented ILEVO and Saltro seed treatments here but have expanded to include several new seed treatments being marketed for SDS management, but have not been evaluated in university trials previously.
Uniform fungicide seed treatment trials targeting Pythium and Phytophthora were performed in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa in 2023. The field trial in each state consisted of 5 commercially available fungicide seed treatment options (non-treated, Intego Suite, Zeltera Suite, Cruiser Maxx Vibrance, Acceleron) specific for the management of oomycete pathogens like Phytophthora and Pythium. Like the foliar trials, these was a repeat protocol from 2022 to generate more site-years of data. The uniformity of the trial allows us to combine data across all states and make regional conclusions based on pooled data, which is currently underway. In 2024, these trials will be repeated to obtain additional site-years so that a multi-location analysis can be conducted.
Objective 2: Conduct research and validation trials to develop and/or validate disease prediction tools or risk studies for major soybean diseases.
Modeling work is underway for each specific disease as indicated below.
Objective 2a. Develop a frogeye leaf spot model using the Sporecaster framework.
We have done the first round of model development from a multi-site-year dataset of frogeye data. A portion of this data was leveraged against data obtained from the fungicide UFT trials referred to above. Some of the data was historical going back to 2009. We were also able to leverage NCSRP funding against and SSRP multi-regional grant with Dr. Carl Bradley, to augment NCSRP frogeye data with data from southern states. This joint effort has led to the beta version of Frogspotter which will be tested in the field in 2024 in the North Central Region.
Objective 2b. Develop prediction tools for stem canker of soybean using the Sporecaster framework.
We are aggregating existing stem canker data to determine the best approach to model stem canker diseases. While the datasets for this disease are not as dense as those for frogeye, we do believe that preliminary models can be generated, and we can leverage the UFT trials in objective 1a to validate these models in future years.
Objective 2c. Validate an existing soybean sudden death syndrome prediction tool for predicting risk of epidemics in soybean fields.
At Michigan State University the MSU SDS risk prediction tool is being validated through the testing of soil samples collected from 2020 (n=542), 2021 (n=251), and 2022 (n=84). COVID-19 restrictions slowed initial progress on the project. However, the real-time PCR assay has been optimized for detection of Fusarium virguliforme (Fv) in soil samples with a sensitivity of 100 fg of Fv DNA which is approximately 100 spores per half-gram of soil.
Objective 3: Develop improved understanding of the biology and epidemiology of emerging and re-emerging diseases of soybean in the North Central Region.
Please see specific updates for each sub-objective below.
Objective 3a. Monitor for fungicide resistance in the frogeye leaf spot pathogen, Septoria brown spot pathogen, stem canker pathogens, white mold pathogen, Pythium species, and Phytophthora root rot pathogens.
An extensive number of isolates within each pathogen species causing the respective diseases above, have been collected prior to the implementation of this research contract. We are actively documenting and cataloging these isolates, developing protocols, and identifying specific laboratories who can develop baseline fungicide resistance levels in existing isolates. Current progress is detailed below:
At Michigan State University F. virguliforme fungicide sensitivity monitoring has so far screened 75 historical (2009 to 2014) isolates and 79 contemporary (2020-2022) isolates. To date no change in fungicide sensitivity has been observed between historical (Mean EC50 = 2.08 mg/L) and contemporary (Mean EC50 = 1.89 mg/L) isolates. Efforts are currently focused at adding additional states and isolates.
The in vitro sensitivity of isolates of D. caulivora and D. longicolla to Difenaconazole (DMI) fungicide was determined. Twelve isolates of D. longicolla [Alabama (1), Minnesota (1), Nebraska (1), Mississippi (1), South Dakota (2), Michigan (2), Indiana (4),] and five isolates of D. caulivora [Wisconsin (1), New York (1), Delaware (1), Michigan (1), South Dakota (1)] from soybean between 2014 and 2017 were evaluated. The technical grade formulation of difenaconazole (95% a.i.; Syngenta Crop Protection, NC) was dissolved in acetone to obtain a stock solution of 100 mg/ml. Fungicide sensitivity was determined by the radial mycelial growth on 2% water agar amended with 0, 0.01,0.02, 0.04, 0.2, 1, 5, and 20.0 µg/ml difenaconazole. The experiment was conducted twice in a completely randomized design and each of the Diaporthe isolates was inoculated with a 6-mm-diameter mycelial plug onto three replicate plates of different fungicide concentrations. Plates were incubated for five days at 22°C in the dark before the radial growth was measured. Significant differences in EC50 values were observed among the isolates of D. caulivora (0.032 to 0.303 µg ml-1; p <0.0001) and D. longicolla (0.012 to 1.478 µg ml-1; p = 0.032) indicating that the isolates of D. caulivora and D. longicolla may differ in their sensitivity to Difenaconazole (DMI) fungicide.
In Ohio, Research in this objective was focused on the white mold pathogen (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), the stem canker pathogens (Diaporthe spp.), and the SDS pathogens (F. virguliforme) during 2022. Fluopyram is a common active ingredient in fungicides advertised to manage white mold (ex: Delaro Complete). The activity of fluopyram on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum growth was tested on 74 isolates collected from two time ranges: pre-2000 and post-2014. In total, 74 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates were tested for sensitivity to fluopyram. Overall, there was no significant difference in fluopyram tolerance between the two populations of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates. This suggests that fluopyram still has good efficacy in managing this disease, though timing of the application remains critical for optimal control. Further, screening 79 F. virguliforme isolates from 9 North-Central states against fluopyram further demonstrates that this fungicide still has good efficacy in managing this pathogen too. Finally, 35 isolates of Diaporthe spp. were screened for sensitivity to the QoI fungicide azoxystrobin. There is strong evidence to suggest that specific species within the Diaporthe genus respond differently to azoxystrobin, emphasizing the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis of what species is present in problematic fields with histories of stem canker. Individual isolates of all pathogens demonstrate some tolerance to each chemistry, and research in 2023 looked at the genetics of each pathogen to identify mutations that might confer fungicide resistance.
Objective 3b. Develop a better understanding of how to improve seed health and quality with a focus on Diaporthe diseases (stem canker) and brown stem rot.
A protocol was developed in 2022 to collect seed from multiple fields in states participating in this research contract. This protocol will be implemented at harvest in years with clear disease issues, to understand the impact that Diaporthe diseases and brown stem rot have on seed quality. In 2022 and 2023, no visible issues were identified, thus the protocol was not evaluated. We will try again in 2024, in hopes we will have locations with visible disease.
Objective 3c. Develop improved tools for frogeye leaf spot, sudden death syndrome, and brown stem rot management including fertility impacts on the disease, how rotations influence disease incidence and severity, and how new products like nano-fertilizers and other nanotechnology influence disease.
Two separate uniform research protocols have been generated for this objective. One protocol focuses on sudden death syndrome and includes 6 treatments focused on understanding the interactions of ILEVO seed treatment with traditional soil-applied fertilizers and new foliar-applied fertilizers, on SDS severity. This trial was first implemented across locations in 2022.
The second protocol focuses on white mold and includes 6 treatments focused on understanding the interactions of foliar applied fungicide (Endura) and traditional soil-applied fertilizers and new foliar-applied fertilizers on white mold severity. This trial was first implemented across locations in 2022.
Data from both trial protocols were obtained. We plan to repeat these studies in 2024 to gain more site-years of data so we can determine which treatments are consistent across location and environments. We hope that we will have reportable data sufficient for a peer-reviewed publication from these trials after the second season.
Objective 3d. Understanding the pathogen complex causing Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) in the North Central region. Conduct a survey in the NC region and understand the pathogen complex and how it relates to what has been identified in the south and mid-south.
Leaf samples will again be collected in 2024. Analysis is ongoing identifying species from the 2022 and 2023 samples. All data from 2022 and 2023 will be combined for analyses. These analyses should shed light on the Cercospora species present in the North Central region and help guide us on how to better manage these pathogens in soybean.
Objective 4: Develop extension tools through state extension programs, Crop Protection Network (CPN) and Soybean Research and Information Network (SRIN).
Please see specific sub-objectives below for updates.
Objective 4a. Use the efficacy information from objective 1a and 1b to inform and update fungicide efficacy charts annually for the Crop Protection Network.
New updated version of the Foliar Fungicide Efficacy Table for Soybeans and the Seed Treatment Efficacy Table for Soybeans have reviewed incorporating data from above objectives. These will be posted soon for the 2024 season and will be available on the Crop Protection Network Website: https://cropprotectionnetwork.org.
Future versions of these tables will continue to be updated with the information generated from Objectives 1a and b of this research contract.
Objective 4b. Communicate with farmers and agribusiness personnel through extension articles, videos, webinars, and field days.
A research update titled “Creation of New Soybean Varieties with High Levels of Resistance to White Mold” was also generated during this period. This research update is based on work funded from a previous proposal on white mold that was funded by the NCSRP. This research update presents results and development of 4 soybean lines that are highly resistant to white mold: https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/publications/creation-of-new-soybean-varieties-with-high-levels-of-resistance-to-white-mold.