Improving management of soybean cyst nematode through Extension demonstration and outreach: Phase II
Sustainable Production
Lead Principal Investigator:
Loren Giesler, University of Nebraska
Co-Principal Investigators:
Tom Welacky, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Gregory Tylka, Iowa State University
Douglas Jardine, Kansas State University
George Bird, Michigan State University
Samuel Markell, North Dakota State University
Jamal Faghihi, Purdue University
Lawrence Osborne, South Dakota State University
Jason Bond, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Anne Dorrance, The Ohio State University
Terry Niblack, University of Illinois-Carbondale
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky
Dean Malvick, University of Minnesota
Laura Sweets, University of Missouri
Paul Esker, University of Wisconsin
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Brief Project Summary:

The project goal is to improve soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management in the North Central states. As part of this overall goal the team will establish on-farm plots in all states involved. The focus will be on large scale demonstrations that provide an information resource for Extension grower meetings and developing fact sheets.

Unique Keywords:
#nematodes, #soybean cyst nematode (scn), #soybean cyst nematode - educational activities, #soybean cyst nematode - management, #soybean seed treatments
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

Final Project Results

A field experiment protocol agreed upon by all states was followed for plot establishment in producer fields and university research farms. Field experiments were established in the following states (Number of locations): IL(4), NE (2), IA (2), OH (3), MN (2), MO (2), ND (3), WI (1 & one lost to weather), KS (2), MI (3), SD (2), IN (2), ON (2). All locations utilized small plots and a core set of treatments including Apron Maxx, Avicta Complete Beans, Trilex 2000 and Trilex 2000 with Poncho Votivo. At some locations N-Hibit and Cruiser Maxx were also compared. All states processed soil samples from the spring and fall to determine SCN population densities. Samples to determine the SCN HG type present at each experimental location were collected and sent to Dr. Terry Niblack’s lab at the University of Illinois.

All yield data has been summarized from 2011 and locations were sorted by SCN population density category. Comparisons in yields were made between a base fungicide treatment and the product from that company with a nematicidal product. For example, Apron Maxx was compared with Avicta Complete Beans from Syngenta. We were limited in treatment strategy for this project based on what each company was willing to provide. One problem with our treatment comparisons is that the nematicidal product is being marketed and sold with an insecticide product for both Syngenta Crop Protection and Bayer Crop Science. Yield increases with the nematicidal products were 2.1, 0.6, and 1.2 Bu./Acre for the comparison products with Avicta Complete Beans, Poncho Votivo and N-Hibit, respectively. For both the Syngenta Crop Protection and Bayer Crop Science comparisons, we had a large number of locations. The comparisons for N-Hibit were only done at 9 locations and one location increased the average from 0 to 1.2 Bu./A.

For both the Avicta Complete Beans and Poncho Votivo comparison, there were more locations that had higher SCN population densities and positive yield effects. In both cases, all of the high SCN population density locations (over 3,000 eggs/100 cc soil) had positive yield effect when the nematicidal product was used. This data will be combined with the 2012 season data for an overall conclusion about these treatments. At that time, we will also run a comparison with the non-treated check for all treatments to determine final effects of these treatments.

In addition to yields being measured, SCN reproduction factors (Rf) were calculated based on SCN population densities measured at planting and at harvest. No consistent season-long impacts on SCN reproduction were observed based on the results of the 2011 trials. This data will be further analyzed and combined with year two after the 2012 season to determine if minor effects on population density can be identified.

A fact sheet is being written to summarize all of the findings during 2008-10 related to the impact of SCN genetics on yield and SCN reproduction.

In 2011, Extension programs with SCN information were delivered in all states and Ontario. More than 46 field days and 68 indoor educational programs were delivered to 8,500 participants in over 140 hours of programming.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.