Benefit To Soybean Farmers
Soybean farmers in South Carolina have historically taken advantage of double cropping soybean behind small grain, in addition to planting full-season soybean. In order for farmers to take advantage of the maximum profit generated per acre per year, double cropping is a desirable planting scenario, and it works well in our region. Over the last several years, when commodity prices have been considered high, some farmers in SC have taken advantage of double cropping soybean behind corn rather than leaving the field fallow. While this scenario associates quite a bit of risk with it, a considerable number of acres are planted annually in SC with this scenario. In this project we would like to evaluate this planting scenario from a whole system approach, including agronomic, pest, disease, fertility, and economic parameters associated with planting soybean behind corn in SC, in order to provide farmers with best management practices for this scenario.