Objective 1: Develop efficient PAMless Cas9 and Prime Editing platforms for soybean.
This is a gene editing tool development objective that builds upon the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing platform that we previously developed.
Building a Prime Editing system for soybean.
Two separate Prime Editing systems have been built for soybean based on our highly efficient Prime Editing system in rice. The systems have been used to make constructs to designed to edit calcium dependent protein kinase (CDPK) family genes (CDPK47, 48, 49, and 50).
a. Construct NK124: pAtEC-ePE1-CDPK49-50 (Targets CDPK49 and CDPK50). We are in the process of producing transgenic plants that carry this construct. Currently, four regenerated plants are in soil, and three additional shoots are in rooting medium.
b. Construct NK135: pAtEC-ePE1-CDPK49-50 is ready for transformation, which will begin soon.
c. We are in the process of making a few additional constructs to also target the CDPK47 and CDPK48 genes.
Objective 2: Apply base editing and Prime Editing to modify genes affecting soybean responses to drought.
1. We have designed two different CRISPR-Cas9 constructs to knockout the function of CDPK genes that are predicted to affect soybean responses to drought.
CRISPR-Cas9 based gene knockout of the soybean CDPK family genes (CDPK47, 48, 49, and 50)
Two CRISPR constructs (NK44, and NK46) have been built to knockout two combinations of CDPK genes.
a. NK44: pAtEC-Incas9-gCDPK49-50 (Targeting CDPK49 and CDPK50)
b. NK46: pAtEC-Incas9-gCDPK47-50 (Targeting CDPK47, CDPk48, CDPK49 and CDPK50)
Soybean transformation was performed with these two constructs and regenerated plants were genotyped for the presence of the transgenes. The resulting plants are now being grown in the greenhouse, and they have started flowering and setting seed.
So far, we have obtained three transgene positive plants for the NK44 construct with a few more awaiting genotyping. We have obtained seven transgene positive plants for the NK46 construct. After seeds are obtained from these plants, we will test the progeny for the presence of mutations that disrupt the target genes.
Objective 3: Application of CRISPR-Cas-based gene editing to identify genes that are critical for SDS resistance in soybean.
We have reported earlier that overexpression of GmDR1 enhances broad-spectrum resistance against two soybean pathogens and two pests including Fusarium virguliforme that causes sudden death syndrome (SDS). Our results suggested that enhanced resistance against F. virguliforme in plants overexpressing GmDR1 is mediated by a number of genes including those that encode disease resistance-like receptors, receptor-like kinase, and WRKY transcription factor. The rationale of the proposed study is that once we establish that overexpressed GmDR1 mediates defense functions by regulating the expression of genes encoding disease resistance-like receptor proteins, receptor kinases and a transcription factor, it will be feasible to utilize these genes in enhancing SDS resistance in soybean. At the end of the three-year project period, we expect to establish the defense functions for six signaling and regulatory genes. Once we establish the role of these genes in SDS resistance, one could use these as markers in breeding soybean for SDS resistance. We have generated CRISPR-Cas9 DNA constructs, using resources optimized for soybean, to knockout six target genes for determining their role in defense responses. The egg cell-specific promoter that we demonstrated to work well in expressing Cas9 in soybean has been used in generating the constructs. The constructs will be evaluated in hairy root assays prior to time consuming stable soybean transformation. It has been shown that multiple genes can be mutated simultaneously in one plant through CRISPR-Cas9 system. We will determine if all six genes can be knocked out in hairy root assays. If we are successful, then we will generate stable transgenic soybean lines to knock-out all six target genes. The stable transgenic mutant plants will be evaluated for responses to F. virguliforme, P. sojae, and SCN infections.
Selected genes and construction of CAS9 vectors
Based on our earlier RNA-seq and qRT-PCR results, nine genes were selected for being knocked out to investigate their involvement in soybean immunity against F. virguliforme (Table 1): four encode disease resistance-like receptors leucine-rich repeat (LRR), two encode the LRR receptor kinases, and 3 are encode regulatory genes. Next, primers were designed for the guide-RNA (gRNA) of each of the selected genes using the Iowa State University Crop Bioengineering Consortium's CRISPR Genome Analysis Tool http://cbc.gdcb.iastate.edu/cgat/ (Zheng et al., 2020).
Table1. Constructs created for selected genes
Construct # Genes # of units pAtgRNA expression vector used (each gene in 1 vector)
1 4 LRR (all As) 4 pAtgRNA1, 2, 3, 4T
2 2 kinases (all Bs) 2 pAtgRNA1 and 2T
3 WRKY DNA -binding domain (C1) 2 pAtgRNA1 and 2T
4 NAD(P)-linked oxidoreductase (C2) 2 pAtgRNA1 and 2T
5 F-box family protein (C3) 2 pAtgRNA1 and 2T
6 3+4+5 6 pAtgRNA1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
7 1+2 6 pAtgRNA1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Progress Report:
We created seven constructs to knock out the selected genes in various combinations as shown in the Table 1. After cloning each individual CRISPR guide RNA spacer sequence into pAtgRNA expression vector, the constructs were assembled into pENTR4-ccdB vectors using the Golden Gate-cloning technology. Each of the constructs were sequenced to confirm the identity of each of the seven constructs. Each construct was transferred into two different binary vectors using the LR Gateway cloning system to obtain the following two plant expression vectors:
1. P1300-2X35S-Cas9-ccdB (vector A) for the generation of soybean hairy roots in order to check the success of knocking out the genes.
2. P1300-AtEC-Cas9-GFP-ccdB (vector B) for the generation of stable soybean transgenic lines.
Except for construct # 7, all the 6 other constructs have been cloned in both binary vectors and transferred to Agrobacterium rhizogenes k599 for soybean hairy roots, and to A. tumefaciens EH105 for production of stable soybean transgenic plants (Table 2). We are preparing the media and reagents to initiate the soybean transformation, which will be started soon.
Table 2. Status of the constructs
Constructs # # of units In pENTR4-ccdB In vector A In vector B In A. rhizogenes In A. tumefaciens EH105
1 4 yes yes yes yes yes
2 2 yes yes yes yes yes
3 2 yes yes yes yes yes
4 2 yes yes yes yes yes
5 2 yes yes yes yes yes
6 6 yes yes yes yes no
7 6 no no no no no
In the first year of this project, we achieved the following results in our technology development objective, drought tolerance objective, and SDS resistance objective.
1. Technology development: New Prime Editing constructs were built, and we are in the process of producing stable transgenic plants from which seeds will be obtained. The seeds from these plants will be germinated and seedlings will be tested for the presence of the desired specific changes in target genes in year 2. These expected results will demonstrate the functionality of the new Prime Editing system.
2. Drought tolerance objective: We have produced four different constructs so far that will create either specific DNA changes or knockout of function in four genes that we are targeting to determine if they have a role in drought stress and and be modified to improve soybean drought stress.
3. Drought tolerance: Transgenic plants carrying Prime Editing constructs are in the process of being generated. We have also generated transgenic plants of CRISPR-Cas constructs designed to knock out four target genes (CDPK47, 48, 49, and 50).
5. Drought tolerance: We have begun genotyping T0 to determine presence of CRISPR-Cas constructs and seed are being produced to generate progeny plants in which we will determine if edits can be identified in the target genes.
6. SDS resistance objective: Seven CRISPR-Cas9 constructs specific to each of the six target genes and combination of all six signaling and regulatory genes were generated, and we are ready to begin producing transgenic soybean plants carrying each of these seven constructs.