Overall Project Outputs
In 2020, results from these studies were shared at five Extension events and were presented as three poster or oral presentations at scientific meetings. Two M.S. theses were submitted, an Extension publication was published, and results are being prepared for publication in scientific journal articles.
Extension Presentations (5)
1. Sykes, V.R., Cover Crop Variety Trial 2019-2020, Part 2: Nitrogen. Organic Crops Field Tour. 1 Oct. 2020. Virtual. https://youtu.be/k4revtzfRTI
2. Sykes, V.R. and A. Wilson, University of Tennessee Cover Crop Variety Trial 2019-2020, Milan No-Till Field Day. 23 July 2020. Virtual. https://youtu.be/q8R4vTxaT9I
3. Shekoofa, A and K. Sheldon, Can cover crops cause allelopathic effects on soybean germination, Milan No-Till Field Day. 23 July 2020. Virtual.
4. Sykes, V.R., Cover Crops and Nitrogen Credits. East Tennessee Grain Conference. Lenoir City, TN. 23 Jan. 2020.
5. Shekoofa, A. Cover crop species and potential allelopathic impact on soybean germination and growth, UT, Soybean in-service, Milan TN, team, summer 2019, 30 agents & producers.
Papers or extended abstracts published in conference proceedings (3)
1. Sheldon, K., A. Shekoofa, L. Steckel, V.R. Sykes. 2020. Effects of allelopathic potential of cover crop species on soybean and goosegrass germination. ACS Annual Meeting. 8-11 Nov. 2020. Virtual.
2. Sykes, V.R., A. Wilson, A. McClure, R. Raper, R. Blair, F.R. Walker. 2020. Mid-South regional adaptation and variation among sixty cover crop varieties. ACS Annual Meeting. 8-11 Nov. 2020. Virtual.
3. Shekoofa, A., L. Steckel, C. Perkins, V. Sykes. 2020. “Inhibitions of goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] germination, growth, and development by cover crop residues”. Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), USA, Hawaii, March 2020.
Publications (1)
1. Sykes, V.R., A. Wilson, G. Bates, D. McIntosh, A.T. McClure, T. Raper, R. Blair, F. Walker. 2020. Cover Crop Variety Tests in Tennessee 2020. UT Extension W 593. https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W953.pdf
Theses (2)
1. Longmire, M. 2020. ‘Influence of Traditional and Dual-Use Cropping on Arthropods and Slugs in Soybean in Tennessee’. M.S. thesis. University of Tennessee. Knoxville, TN.
2. Bracey, W. 2020. ‘Cool-season annual cover crops and dual-use forage cover crops in no-till Tennessee production systems’. M.S. thesis. University of Tennessee. Knoxville, TN.