Cover crop seeding rates and corn and soybean fertility will follow UT extension guidelines. Fertility rates will be based on soil test results from the fallow (no cover) plots and will be applied equally to all plots in order to gauge potential nitrogen credits from each species.
Findings from this project will be presented throughout regional meetings, field days, blog posts, and Extension agent in-service training events. Co-PIs will work together to develop cover crop species Extension fact sheets which will include information on regional adaptation, economic benefits, and ecological impacts. A web-based application will also be developed to further simplify producer utilization of best practices identified in this study. Users will be allowed to input various cover crop/ cash crop combinations and management practices (e.g. dual use vs. single use, short season vs. long season) and an algorithm will be used to populate data on appropriate cover crop management practices, soil health benefits, potential weed and insect issues, nutrient benefits, and potential yield and economic return of cover crop species grown in Tennessee and the mid-South.