Reports will be submitted to the Soybean Board as requested on a quarterly basis. Growers will be able to view all 4 sets of plots at field days in September. Results from the test will be distributed to growers and agents in January in the form of Fact Sheets or a newsletter. Results will also be presented at county production meetings.
Objective 1: Grower fields in 4 counties will be used as test sites to study this phenomenon. Possible causes include shifts in races, selection of new species due to repeated use of the same sources of resistance, or the presence of other nematode species. Progress in Objective 1 will be measured by identification of new races or species or confirming that it is the high density of root-knot nematodes or additional nematode species, not shifts in virulence causing the problem.
Objective 2: Progress in Objective 2 will be measured by the development of nematode management schemes and a list of varieties that are suitable for use in each field on the test farms.
Progress in Objective 3 will be measured by the number of growers attending field days and meetings as well as the acreage planted in 2021 to soybean varieties identified by this research as more tolerant of root-knot nematode damage. The number of growers taking advantage of “prepaid” nematode samples for their own farms will also be a measure of grower interest and utilization.