An educational program titled “Managing Irrigated Soybeans for Higher Yields” will be planned, promoted, conducted and evaluated. The program will be held at the Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana on Monday February 29, 2016. Drs. Kiersten Wise from Purdue and Martin Chilvers from MSU will present local research results and management recommendations for white mold and sudden death syndrome. Shaun Casteel, from Purdue will present results from his 2015 soybean agronomic research trials. Fred Warner, MSU nematologist, will present information on managing soybean cyst nematode in coarse-textured soils. Mike Staton will present research results from the 2015 SMaRT on-farm soybean planting rate research trials. Lyndon Kelley and Steve Miller from MSU will present a summary of their 2015 research project evaluating the accuracy of two irrigation scheduling programs. A panel of producers will also be assembled be part of the program. All costs associated with this program will be split equally between the Indiana Soybean Alliance and the Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee (MSPC).