The goal of this research is to improve the management of weeds in soybeans.
This project repeats a study conducted in 2007 where the two locations had different weather patterns. Princeton (KY) was very dry while Lexington (KY) had more timely moisture. Princeton had very heavy weed infestations, while the Lexington site had very few weeds. Yields were drastically different between the two locations due to rainfall received at each location. Generally, glyphosate applied at three weeks after planting was too early, resulting in lower yields. Normally, application of glyphosate at 5, 7, or 3 plus 7 weeks after planting for the higher seeding rates (125,000 and 175,000) resulted in maximum...
Unique Keywords:
#crop management systems, #glyphosate studies, #soybean production management systems, #weed control