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Using a series dilutions of M. phaseolina genomic DNA in a range of 5 log difference in concentrations, we determined that primers for A1 and A2 amplicons are suitable for further study. However, primers for A2 amplicon were more sensitive and were able to amplify small amount of template. A protocol has been established to successfully isolate high quality genomic DNA from M. phaseolina, however, the protocol needs to be fine-tuned in order for it to work for infected plant tissues. My graduate student, Prajwal Bhandari, is working on optimizing the DNA extraction protocol to achieve consistent results. Currently, a graduate student is working on optimizing the protocol for genomic DNA isolation from infected plant samples and the real-time PCR assay. The assay will be applied to our working pathosystems in short term. During the grant period, two graduate students were supported as GRAs. One of them graduated in Summer and is admitted to a Ph.D program at University of Iowa. The other graduate student continues to work on the project and also develops new project based on current findings.