Assessment of Soybean Yield Potentials with Yield Monitors in Western New York
Sustainable Production
Data ManagementDrone/UAS
Lead Principal Investigator:
Jodi Putman, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
SYBN 20 012
Brief Project Summary:

Yield monitor data allow for evaluation of both spatial and temporal yield variability for all fields, soil types, and management zones within a specific farm. This information will help identify areas of high yield potential, areas of stable yield versus variable yield over time. The latter is useful for development of management zones that can lead to increased yield and yield stability over time. In addition, yield data can be used to quickly evaluate field or soil type specific yield potentials (multi-year data).
In the past year, work has focused on soybean yield data as part of a regional project to evaluate soil type specific yield potentials on individual farms and to develop a...

Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

The data cleaning instruction materials will be made available electronically through our NWNY CCE media outlets and NMSP websites. Talks will be given to stress the importance of data cleaning and standardization of methods across farming units (equipment, software use, etc.) and the information that can be gained when accurate soybean yield records are being kept for multiple years. Findings will be summarized in individual farm reports, extension presentations, and extension articles (local newsletters, What’s Cropping Up?).

Final Project Results

Updated February 28, 2022:
Farmer reports were given. We had one virtual data cleaning workshop western ny producers and are looking to expand and evaluate headland production in 2021. We were also able to generate some factsheets which can be found on the Cornell nutrient management spear program website.

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Each of the participating farms received a farm-specific report with yield per harvested soybean field, yield per field without headland areas included, yield per soil type within a field, and yield per soil type on the farm. These farm reports can aid farmers in creating yield records that include multiple years of data. More farms have been added and our database continues to grow. Please see attached reports of some additional farms.

Since we keep adding to this project database each year and continue to evaluate soil type specific yield potentials, final projects results are ongoing. Our plans are to evaluate headland production in 2021.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.