Three individual trials will be implemented to evaluate the objectives above. The first project will be established at the Cimarron Research Station in Perkins, OK. Two different small grains will be grown that represent high tillering and lower tillering growth patterns. At harvest, the small grain will be collected through standard harvesting practices (i.e., a production sized combine will harvest to grain). After harvest, the plots will be established and a maturity group IV soybean will be planted. A vacuum planter equipped with trash cleaners will be used to plant the soybean crop using either inoculated or non-inoculated seed. Planting will occur within 5 days of harvest as long as adequate moisture is present. In the absence of adequate moisture at planting, an irrigation event will be applied and the soybean crop will be planted after drying. The fungicide, insecticide, in-season N, and foliar nutrients will be applied during the designated time in-season (i.e., in-season N will be applied at R2 growth stage).
Emergence date will be collected from all plots and populations and percent emergence will be determined when the trial as a whole has at least 75% total emergence. At the R2 (full-flower) growth stage, plant heights and total node counts will be determined. At R4 stage, soybean plants will be excavated within the guard rows for determination of root development and nodulation potential. Following dry-down but prior to harvest, plant height, height of first harvestable pod, total pod number, and seeds per pod will be evaluated to determine the location of yield increases associated. Whole plots will be harvested and weights will be used to estimate yield on a per acre basis. Seed subsamples will be collected from each plot and nutrient and oil concentration will be determined. Detailed economic analysis will be determined using exact cost of product and estimated application costs.