ILSoyAdvisor.com Platform
Sustainable Production
ExtensionIndustry outreach
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Cassie Yontz, Charleston/Orwig
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

The ILSoyAdvisor.com program provides farmers with the tools, technologies and resources to help keep them competitive in an uncertain global marketplace with timely advice and local recommendations to help increase yields, profits and sustainable production practices. For FY17, the ILSoyAdvisor.com program includes ongoing website innovations, updates, and content creation along with CCA Soy Envoy engagement. The ILSoyAdvisor platform also includes the Yield Challenge competition and outreach and Double Crop research outreach and sharing of best management practices for yield and profitability.

Key Benefactors:
farmers, agronomists, extension specialists

Information And Results
Project Deliverables

ILSoyAdvisor.com content and management

For FY17, ILSoyAdvisor.com becomes the main platform to engage farmers and influencers across all of ISA’s farmer-facing efforts, especially those related to increasing yields, profitability and sustainable production practices

Meet farmer needs by adapting the website interface to accommodate all farmer-facing communications
Agronomics and profitability will remain the primary focus, but content will expand to include additional Best Management Practices and other topics relevant to our farmer audience
Provide a refreshed platform that allows for expanded farmer outreach
Conduct User Experience focus groups to maximize utility for farmers and industry influencers who visit the site
Includes website updates and verification of function across multiple platforms, including mobile devices
Easier and more intuitive to find the information you’re searching for
Streamlined interface
Develop and manage engaging content
Coordinate with outside contributors to provide regular, timely and localized information throughout the season
Expand content to include other farmer-facing communications efforts, especially as related to water quality and soil health
Includes standard written blog posts as well as rich media such as podcasts and videos
Engage on social media channels
Refine @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter handle as a trusted source of timely, local information for farmers and industry influencers
Includes regular Tweets as well as occasional promoted (paid) posts for special events and activities
Build followers from 4 to at least 430 in FY17 (approximately fifteen percent of current ISA @ilsoy followers)
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counseling and client service
Participate in weekly team calls and meeting attendance as needed
Produce quarterly and final reports
Provide regular client updates on project status and budgets
Includes developing weekly update content, coordinating media interviews and responding to other ad-hoc client requests as needed

CCA Soy Envoy support and collaboration

FY17 marks the third year of our successful collaboration with Illinois Certified Crops Advisers.

As local experts, the Envoys help extend ISA’s reach and help position us as a trusted third-party source of information. It also shows that we invest your checkoff dollars in ways that provide tangible, factual observations and recommendations that can help farmers increase their yields, enhance their profits and protect our environment.

At the same time, ISA provides support for the CCA program, helping to elevate the awareness and influence of the CCA group and the individual CCA Soy Envoys.

In addition, the Illinois CCA program requested additional continuing education (CEUs) training opportunities for CCAs in Illinois and these are being offered through webinars being presented on the ILSoyAdvisor with CEUs included.

Collaborate with ILCCA and the Soy Envoys
Ongoing communications and outreach on monthly ILSoyAdvisor contributions
Build relationships with important influencers and provide an avenue for cross-promotion of ILCCA and ISA outreach efforts, including events
Sponsor portions of ILCCA and IFCA annual meetings
Provide CCA Soy Envoy-branded shirts and small thank-you gifts
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counseling and client service
Participate in weekly team calls and meeting attendance as needed
Produce quarterly and final reports and regular client updates on project status and budgets
Includes developing weekly update content, coordinating media interviews and responding to other ad-hoc client requests as needed

ISA Yield Challenge

The Yield Challenge is a field-based testing program engaging farmers, agri-business, and educational institutions in identifying, demonstrating, and verifying yield enhancing practices adaptable to Illinois soybean producers.
Jim Nelson, Yield Challenge Coordinator

Jim Nelson will serve as the Yield Challenge Coordinator to bring more sponsors into the Yield Challenge, answer questions about the program and rules, and serve as ISA’s official yield verifier in the 100-bushel Challenge. Duties and responsibilities include:

•Recruit sponsors into the Yield Challenge

•Assist sponsors to help recruit participants

•Develop an excel file database of sponsors contacts (with names, affiliation, email address and telephone number)

•Serve as a yield verifier and validate yield in the 100-bushel challenge

•Provide progress reports to ISA

•Interact with and support Yield Challenge participants as needed

•Enter registration information and enter harvest data

Dan Davidson, ISA Technical Consultant

•Monitor registration and the harvest data submission to ensure that data is collected and reported

•Review entries to make sure they comply with the rules of the Yield Challenge and are complete

•Monitor harvest completion including all data and yield submission information

•Analyze results and confirm winners

•Complete a final summary report of results


•Complete website updates

•Develop electronic versions of forms and other support materials

•Promote Yield Challenge

•Promote 2016 Yield Challenge Recognition Event in February 2017

•Format 2017 final report

•Create publicity for 2017 Winners

Final Project Results

Updated March 28, 2019:
Was the project implemented as planned?
o Yes
• Output(s): Content management, digital strategy and brand awareness
initiatives in FY17 included:
o Content management including editorial calls, internal team touch-bases,
weekly update submissions, media advisories and communications with
contributors and site partners
o Content editing, proofing and posting to ILSoyAdvisor.com
? September 2016: 19 posts
? October 2016: 21 posts
? November 2016: 12 posts
? December 2016: 18 posts
? January 2017: 20 posts
? February 2017: 24 posts
? March 2017:18 posts
? April 2017: 21 posts
? May 2017:19 posts
? June 2017: 24 posts
? July 2017: 19 posts
? August 2017: 17 posts
o Content contributors included: CropLife, Illinois Cooperative Agricultural
Pest Survey Program, Syngenta, StollerUSA, Kris Ehler CCA, CCA Soy
Envoys, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Burrus Hybrids,
University of Wisconsin Extension, Illinois Farmer Today, Economic
Evaluation of Cover Crops in Midwest Row Crop Farming, Illinois CBMP,
AgriGold, Iowa State University, Kelly Robertson, La Crosse
Seed, NoTillFarmer.com, The Ohio State University, University of
Wisconsin – Madison, Wyciskalla Consulting and more.
o General ILSoyAdvisor.com site maintenance
o Continued weekly e-blasts with most recent ILSoyAdvisor.com articles
distributed every Thursday morning
o Managed ILSoyAdvisor Twitter account, including content creation and
o Coordinated 10 webinars and posted them to ILSoyAdvisor.com,
ILSoy.org and ISA’s YouTube channel:
? Promotions beforehand included reminder e-mails, mentions in
weekly updates and media advisories, social media and listings on
ILSoyAdvisor.com and ILSoy.org
• Lessons from the 2016 Soybean Season: Another
Outstanding Crop
o 78 attendees
o 239 YouTube views
• Managing the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Crop System in
o 103 attendees
o 100 YouTube views
• What Six Secrets Research Has Taught Us About High Yield
o 78 attendees
o 501 YouTube views
• Solutions to Effectively Manage SCN and SDS
o 63 attendees
o 38 YouTube views
• Variable Seeding: Benefits for changing variety and
population across the field
o 61 attendees
o 82 YouTube views
• Role of Gypsum in Improving Soil and Water Quality
o 62 attendees
o 103 YouTube views
• Evaluating Critical Management Strategies to Increase
Soybean Yields
o 87 attendees
o 351 YouTube views
• Optimizing Crop Nutrition with Tissue Testing
o 86 attendees
o 219 YouTube views
• Why Soil Sampling is Important for High Yielding Soybeans
o 72 attendees
o 62 YouTube views
o Created the curriculum for the CCA Soy Envoy Training workshop
? Worked with Dan Davidson to create agenda, hands-on exercises
and presentation
? Developed agenda, handouts and presentation with Dan Davidson
? Gathered giveaways for Envoys
? Conducted the afternoon training portion involving writing tips,
“how-to’s” and CCA feedback
o Scheduled and conducted 6 podcast interviews with each CCA Soy Envoy
for posting on the ILSoyAdvisor web platform
• Outcome(s)
o As a result of our communication efforts farmers and industry influencers
recognized ISA and the soybean checkoff as being more relevant and
engaged in their local areas. We also increased awareness of better
management practices for increased soybean yields and profitability, while
minimizing environmental impact.
o We actively promoted the ILSoyAdvisor brand and engaged with target
audiences on multiple platforms and at a variety of trade show events.
o The website showcased the Illinois Soybean Association as a leader and
trusted third-party source in grower’s pursuit of their competitive edge.
o ILSoyAdvisor.com content offers additional, actionable information for
farmers, while increasing awareness of conservation practices they might
try on their farms.
• If applicable, what were the constraint(s) on meeting the project Objective
in the contracted timeframe
o Budgets were tight, especially in Q3 and Q4, requiring us to prioritize
projects to stay within budget.
• Was the expected result/time frame achieved?
o Yes
• Describe how you accomplished your Project Performance Measures
o This program was supported with strong collaboration with other
contractors. Monthly editorial calls, weekly touch-bases check-ins,
frequent e-mail exchanges and quarterly reporting helped facilitate this
collaboration to keep all ILSoyAdvisor editorial team members informed
about strategy implementation, program execution and contract
• Was the project Output(s) effective in moving toward the planned
o Yes
• Were the right expected result/time frame established?
o Yes
• Was the right audience targeted?
o Yes
• Were the right amount of resources invested?
o Yes
• What lessons were learned?
o Growers, agronomists, industry partners and CCAs are eagerly seeking
new information and rely on a broad array of resources.
o All perceive ISA to be a good, trusted resource for information on soybean
management and profitability. Opinions are based on their experience with
our ILSoyAdvisor events, webinars and general perception.
• If applicable, how will you disseminate the information generated by the
o Regular and sustained outreach via ISA communications vehicles,
including weekly updates, newsletters, Illinois Field & Bean magazine,
ILSoyAdvisor.com and via ISA/Advisor local and regional events.
• If applicable, describe how the results will change the behavior of the
target audience and plans to accomplish this
o By leveraging our soybean checkoff-funded ILSoyAdvisor web platform
and programs to reach and educate audiences on best soybean
management practices, more farmers and influencers will recognize ISA
as an industry leader and trusted source of information for increasing
soybean profits.
• If applicable, what will be the impact on whom in the soybean industry and
o More farmers and influencers will reco
? FY17 webinars hosted, on average, 77 attendees – with the most
attended webinar, “Managing the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®
hosting 103 attendees during the live broadcast
? Webinars are recorded and posted to YouTube and available for
viewing after the live event
• The recorded webinars receive an average of 132 views
with the most viewed webinar, “Evaluating critical
management strategies to increase soybean yields,”
receiving 343 views
o @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter Management. From Sept. 1, 2016 to Aug. 31,
? Collected over 209,000 impressions
? The “Top Tweet” for each month averages approximately 2,063
? Average a 1.2 percent engagement rate
• According to 2016 Trackmaven study, the industry average
is 0.5 percent—we achieved well over average this year
? Average 108 link clicks per month
? Average 23 retweets per month
o ILSoyAdvisor.com Website Analytics. From Sept. 1, 2016 to August 31,
? ILSoyAdvisor.com increased unique pageviews by 36 percent
? The blog has received almost 45,000 unique users to the content
? ILSoyAdvisor.com content reaches an average of 3,706 unique
viewers per month
? Proactive promotion and outreach has contributed to consistently
increasing traffic to ILSoyAdvisor.com
? This has allowed the platform to expand to include monthly
podcasts, seasonal webinars, sponsored editorials and contributed
content, with an average of 20 articles posted each month
? Throughout the past year, we have shared 235 articles on
o CCA Soy Envoy Program
? The Soy Envoy program is meant to benefit both CCAs and
growers who are looking for content from the Soy Envoys on
? We conduct an end-of-year survey to collect the Soy Envoys’
feedback and inputs on the program: did they feel they were
contributing to the ag industry, did they enjoy the requirements, did
they feel engaged with the other program participants, etc.
• Feedback from Soy Envoy participants:
o “I enjoyed the chance to show readers what CCAs
are all about. It was as much about promoting IL-CCA
and building awareness about that program as aiding
ISA with information. Partnerships of this kind are and
always will be invaluable to our organizations in the
future. We must stick together and pool limited
resources for the good of the growers in our industry.”
• The CCA Soy Envoy Podcast program received over 275
total listens throughout the year (Sept. 1, 2016 – Aug. 31,

Was the project implemented as planned?
o Yes
• Output(s): Content management, digital strategy and brand awareness
initiatives in FY17 included:
o Content management including editorial calls, internal team touch-bases,
weekly update submissions, media advisories and communications with
contributors and site partners
o Content editing, proofing and posting to ILSoyAdvisor.com
? September 2016: 19 posts
? October 2016: 21 posts
? November 2016: 12 posts
? December 2016: 18 posts
? January 2017: 20 posts
? February 2017: 24 posts
? March 2017:18 posts
? April 2017: 21 posts
? May 2017:19 posts
? June 2017: 24 posts
? July 2017: 19 posts
? August 2017: 17 posts
o Content contributors included: CropLife, Illinois Cooperative Agricultural
Pest Survey Program, Syngenta, StollerUSA, Kris Ehler CCA, CCA Soy
Envoys, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Burrus Hybrids,
University of Wisconsin Extension, Illinois Farmer Today, Economic
Evaluation of Cover Crops in Midwest Row Crop Farming, Illinois CBMP,
AgriGold, Iowa State University, Kelly Robertson, La Crosse
Seed, NoTillFarmer.com, The Ohio State University, University of
Wisconsin – Madison, Wyciskalla Consulting and more.
o General ILSoyAdvisor.com site maintenance
o Continued weekly e-blasts with most recent ILSoyAdvisor.com articles
distributed every Thursday morning
o Managed ILSoyAdvisor Twitter account, including content creation and
o Coordinated 10 webinars and posted them to ILSoyAdvisor.com,
ILSoy.org and ISA’s YouTube channel:
? Promotions beforehand included reminder e-mails, mentions in
weekly updates and media advisories, social media and listings on
ILSoyAdvisor.com and ILSoy.org
• Lessons from the 2016 Soybean Season: Another
Outstanding Crop
o 78 attendees
o 239 YouTube views
• Managing the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Crop System in
o 103 attendees
o 100 YouTube views
• What Six Secrets Research Has Taught Us About High Yield
o 78 attendees
o 501 YouTube views
• Solutions to Effectively Manage SCN and SDS
o 63 attendees
o 38 YouTube views
• Variable Seeding: Benefits for changing variety and
population across the field
o 61 attendees
o 82 YouTube views
• Role of Gypsum in Improving Soil and Water Quality
o 62 attendees
o 103 YouTube views
• Evaluating Critical Management Strategies to Increase
Soybean Yields
o 87 attendees
o 351 YouTube views
• Optimizing Crop Nutrition with Tissue Testing
o 86 attendees
o 219 YouTube views
• Why Soil Sampling is Important for High Yielding Soybeans
o 72 attendees
o 62 YouTube views
o Created the curriculum for the CCA Soy Envoy Training workshop
? Worked with Dan Davidson to create agenda, hands-on exercises
and presentation
? Developed agenda, handouts and presentation with Dan Davidson
? Gathered giveaways for Envoys
? Conducted the afternoon training portion involving writing tips,
“how-to’s” and CCA feedback
o Scheduled and conducted 6 podcast interviews with each CCA Soy Envoy
for posting on the ILSoyAdvisor web platform
• Outcome(s)
o As a result of our communication efforts farmers and industry influencers
recognized ISA and the soybean checkoff as being more relevant and
engaged in their local areas. We also increased awareness of better
management practices for increased soybean yields and profitability, while
minimizing environmental impact.
o We actively promoted the ILSoyAdvisor brand and engaged with target
audiences on multiple platforms and at a variety of trade show events.
o The website showcased the Illinois Soybean Association as a leader and
trusted third-party source in grower’s pursuit of their competitive edge.
o ILSoyAdvisor.com content offers additional, actionable information for
farmers, while increasing awareness of conservation practices they might
try on their farms.
• If applicable, what were the constraint(s) on meeting the project Objective
in the contracted timeframe
o Budgets were tight, especially in Q3 and Q4, requiring us to prioritize
projects to stay within budget.
• Was the expected result/time frame achieved?
o Yes
• Describe how you accomplished your Project Performance Measures
o This program was supported with strong collaboration with other
contractors. Monthly editorial calls, weekly touch-bases check-ins,
frequent e-mail exchanges and quarterly reporting helped facilitate this
collaboration to keep all ILSoyAdvisor editorial team members informed
about strategy implementation, program execution and contract
• Was the project Output(s) effective in moving toward the planned
o Yes
• Were the right expected result/time frame established?
o Yes
• Was the right audience targeted?
o Yes
• Were the right amount of resources invested?
o Yes
• What lessons were learned?
o Growers, agronomists, industry partners and CCAs are eagerly seeking
new information and rely on a broad array of resources.
o All perceive ISA to be a good, trusted resource for information on soybean
management and profitability. Opinions are based on their experience with
our ILSoyAdvisor events, webinars and general perception.
• If applicable, how will you disseminate the information generated by the
o Regular and sustained outreach via ISA communications vehicles,
including weekly updates, newsletters, Illinois Field & Bean magazine,
ILSoyAdvisor.com and via ISA/Advisor local and regional events.
• If applicable, describe how the results will change the behavior of the
target audience and plans to accomplish this
o By leveraging our soybean checkoff-funded ILSoyAdvisor web platform
and programs to reach and educate audiences on best soybean
management practices, more farmers and influencers will recognize ISA
as an industry leader and trusted source of information for increasing
soybean profits.
• If applicable, what will be the impact on whom in the soybean industry and
o More farmers and influencers will reco
? FY17 webinars hosted, on average, 77 attendees – with the most
attended webinar, “Managing the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®
hosting 103 attendees during the live broadcast
? Webinars are recorded and posted to YouTube and available for
viewing after the live event
• The recorded webinars receive an average of 132 views
with the most viewed webinar, “Evaluating critical
management strategies to increase soybean yields,”
receiving 343 views
o @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter Management. From Sept. 1, 2016 to Aug. 31,
? Collected over 209,000 impressions
? The “Top Tweet” for each month averages approximately 2,063
? Average a 1.2 percent engagement rate
• According to 2016 Trackmaven study, the industry average
is 0.5 percent—we achieved well over average this year
? Average 108 link clicks per month
? Average 23 retweets per month
o ILSoyAdvisor.com Website Analytics. From Sept. 1, 2016 to August 31,
? ILSoyAdvisor.com increased unique pageviews by 36 percent
? The blog has received almost 45,000 unique users to the content
? ILSoyAdvisor.com content reaches an average of 3,706 unique
viewers per month
? Proactive promotion and outreach has contributed to consistently
increasing traffic to ILSoyAdvisor.com
? This has allowed the platform to expand to include monthly
podcasts, seasonal webinars, sponsored editorials and contributed
content, with an average of 20 articles posted each month
? Throughout the past year, we have shared 235 articles on
o CCA Soy Envoy Program
? The Soy Envoy program is meant to benefit both CCAs and
growers who are looking for content from the Soy Envoys on
? We conduct an end-of-year survey to collect the Soy Envoys’
feedback and inputs on the program: did they feel they were
contributing to the ag industry, did they enjoy the requirements, did
they feel engaged with the other program participants, etc.
• Feedback from Soy Envoy participants:
o “I enjoyed the chance to show readers what CCAs
are all about. It was as much about promoting IL-CCA
and building awareness about that program as aiding
ISA with information. Partnerships of this kind are and
always will be invaluable to our organizations in the
future. We must stick together and pool limited
resources for the good of the growers in our industry.”
• The CCA Soy Envoy Podcast program received over 275
total listens throughout the year (Sept. 1, 2016 – Aug. 31,

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.