ILSoyAdvisor.com and CCA Soy Envoy Platform
Sustainable Production
ExtensionIndustry outreach
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Cassie Yontz, Charleston/Orwig
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

The ILSoyAdvisor.com website and CCA Soy Envoy programs support Illinois soybean farmers in their pursuit of the competitive edge by providing timely, actionable advice and recommendations to increase yields and profitability, while promoting smarter farm management and more sustainable production practices. The FY18 project includes ILSoyAdvisor.com content management and website updates, monthly content discussion meetings, more comprehensive digital and social media strategy, including paid support and CCA Soy Envoy training and engagement.

Key Benefactors:
farmers, agronomists, extension specialists

Information And Results
Project Deliverables

LSoyAdvisor.com Content and Management
FY18 continues to position ILSoyAdvisor.com as the main platform for engaging farmers with actionable timely, local management content; especially related to increasing yields, profitability and sustainable production practices. The goal of this website is to drive behavior change in Illinois soybean growers. We also will further refine the new website design and implement the updated programming for the ILSoyAdvisor.com and ilsoy.org platforms.

Leverage soybean checkoff dollars to meet farmer needs for actionable content related to increasing yields, profitability, sustainability and best management practices
Use the FY17 “User Experience Research” insights to provide an updated platform that streamlines content and improves usability of the site based on user-experience feedback
Based on industry trends, focus website content on agronomics, farmer profitability, best management practices and all other actionable farmer practices relative to yield and profitability (i.e. double crop practices, University research trial results and others based on FY17 research findings)
Develop and manage engaging content
Deliver a formalized content strategy in line with the projects goals and outputs
Develop a content calendar each month that outlines the upcoming content, organizes the posts per outlet, and is strategically aligned with all ISA digital and social channels, programs and events that farmers would be interested in learning about
Schedule monthly meetings with the client to review the content calendar and discuss execution
Coordinate with outside contributors to provide regular, timely and localized information throughout the season
Include standard written blog posts as well as rich media posts, such as podcasts and videos
Engage and proactively promote social media as a primary source of valuable, expert information
Leverage paid support in social media channels to drive traffic and reach target audiences throughout the year
Refine @ILSoyAdvisor Twitter handle as a trusted source of timely, local information for Illinois soybean farmers, agronomic experts (CCAs), and agricultural media
Create a social media strategy based on a content calendar with regularly scheduled tweets, as well as occasional promoted (paid) posts for special events and activities
Build followers from 191 to at least 300 in FY18 by promoting through the @ilsoybean and @ilsoyadvisor Twitter handles, CCA Soy Envoy platforms, and at ISA and ILSoyAdvisor.com events
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counsel and client services
Participate in weekly team calls and meeting attendance, as requested
Supply web analytics as requested by the client
Produce quarterly and final reports
Provide regular client updates on project status and budgets
Develop weekly content updates, coordinate media interviews, and respond to all other ad-hoc client requests as needed
ILSoyAdvisor.com Promotion
Add paid digital and social media support to increase awareness and engagement with ISA and ILSoyAdvisor.com events to drive all growers to the content on ILSoyAdvisor.com

Build search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) into the overall digital marketing strategy to promote content on ILSoyAdvisor.com and Advisor events
CCA Soy Envoy Support and Collaboration
FY18 marks the fourth year of the highly successful collaboration with Illinois Certified Crop Advisers (ILCCA).

As local experts, the CCA Soy Envoys extend ISA’s reach and help position ISA as a trusted source of expert management information. The program also demonstrates to growers how their checkoff dollars are invested in programs that provide tangible, local observations and recommendations for increasing yields, enhancing profits and protecting the environment.

At the same time, ISA provides support for the CCA program, helping to increase the awareness and influence of the CCA group, the individual CCA Soy Envoys and their respective companies.

Collaborate with ILCCA and the CCA Soy Envoys for monthly Soy Envoy articles, podcasts and webinars
Ongoing communications with Soy Envoys; remind them of their article deadlines, proof Envoy articles, post to ILSoyAdvisor.com each month.
Interact with Soy Envoys via social media and ILSoyAdvisor twitter account; share their content, share their latest articles
Host a total of four ISA-sponsored webinars
Build relationships with important industry influencers (such as ag media, seed companies, ag retailers, ag cooperatives), identified by the client, and provide an avenue for cross-promotion of ILCCA and ISA outreach efforts, including events
Leverage CCA Soy Envoys to share soybean management information through different channels
Radio spots featuring the Soy Envoys – 1 per envoy: $12,000 (1 envoy per month at $2000 and based on ILSoyAdvisor podcast)
Illinois Field & Bean Soy Envoy column written by Soy Envoys – 6 postings at $12,000 (1 column and $2000 per Envoy)
Create an “Envoy Kickoff Meeting” curriculum to train and prepare the Soy Envoys for their roles and responsibilities throughout the season
Provide CCA Soy Envoy-branded shirts and small “thank-you” gifts at kickoff training meeting
Collect individual and group photographs of Soy Envoys at training event to be used on the website and other promotional materials
Provide responsive and ongoing planning, counseling and client service
Participate in weekly team calls and meeting attendance as needed
Produce quarterly and final reports and regular client updates on project status and budgets
Develop weekly content updates, coordinate media interviews and respond to all other ad-hoc client requests as needed

Final Project Results

Updated December 21, 2023:
A month-to-month content calendar to organize posts in line with content strategy. At least 144 posts to ILSoyAdvisor – 181 articles in total.
Sept. 2017 articles – 12
Oct. 2017 articles – 7
Nov. 2017 articles – 6
Dec. 2017 articles – 11
Jan. 2018 articles – 16
Feb. 2018 articles – 17
March 2018 articles – 8
April 2018 articles – 28
May 2018 articles – 21
June 2018 articles – 24
July 2018 articles – 17
Aug. 2018 articles – 14

6 posts/month from CCA Soy Envoys (36 posts)
At least 30 social media posts/month – both curated and organic – 723 posts in total
Sept. 2017 posts – 36
Oct. 2017 posts – 53
Nov. 2017 posts – 58
Dec. 2017 posts – 52
Jan. 2018 posts – 99
Feb. 2018 posts – 105
March 2018 posts – 65
April 2018 posts – 43
May 2018 posts – 40
June 2018 posts – 54
July 2018 posts – 59
Aug. 2018 posts – 59

Hosted 9 webinars from Sept. 1, 2017–Aug. 31, 2018 that attracted 1,847 registrants and 942 active participants, a 51% participation rate. The group was comprised of 40% farmers and 60% CCAs, reaching the established goal of providing engaging information to both farmers and agronomists.

6 Soy Envoys podcasts, 1 per month. Responsive communications and updates to ISA staff and Directors as needed, including regular status updates, meeting attendance and budget reporting. Weekly updates, magazine articles, press releases and email promotions to drive site traffic. Paid support on social media channels (Twitter and Facebook) via advertisements and boosted organic content.

As a result of our communication efforts farmers and industry influencers recognized ISA and the soybean checkoff as being more relevant and engaged in their local areas. We also increased awareness of better management practices for increased soybean yields and profitability, while minimizing environmental impact. We actively promoted the ILSoyAdvisor brand and engaged with target audiences on multiple platforms and at a variety of trade show events. The website showcased the Illinois Soybean Association as a leader and trusted third-party source in growers’ pursuit of a competitive edge. ILSoyAdvisor content offers additional, actionable information for farmers, while increasing awareness of conservation practices to try on their farms.

View uploaded report PDF file

A month-to-month content calendar to organize posts in line with content strategy. At least 144 posts to ILSoyAdvisor – 181 articles in total. ? Sept. 2017 articles – 12 ? Oct. 2017 articles – 7 ? Nov. 2017 articles – 6 ? Dec. 2017 articles – 11 ? Jan. 2018 articles – 16 ? Feb. 2018 articles – 17 ? March 2018 articles – 8 ? April 2018 articles – 28 ? May 2018 articles – 21 ? June 2018 articles – 24 ? July 2018 articles – 17 ? Aug. 2018 articles – 14 6 posts/month from CCA Soy Envoys (36 posts) At least 30 social media posts/month – both curated and organic – 723 posts in total. ? Sept. 2017 posts – 36 ? Oct. 2017 posts – 53 ? Nov. 2017 posts – 58 ? Dec. 2017 posts – 52 ? Jan. 2018 posts – 99 ? Feb. 2018 posts – 105 ? March 2018 posts – 65 ? April 2018 posts – 43 ? May 2018 posts – 40 ? June 2018 posts – 54 ? July 2018 posts – 59 ? Aug. 2018 posts – 59 Hosted 9 webinars from Sept. 1, 2017 – Aug. 31, 2018 that attracted 1,847 registrants and 942 active participants, a 51% participation rate. The group was comprised of 40% farmers and 60% CCAs, reaching the established goal of providing engaging information to both farmers and agronomists. 6 Soy Envoys podcasts, 1 per month. Responsive communications and updates to ISA staff and Directors as needed, including regular status updates, meeting attendance and budget reporting. Weekly updates, magazine articles, press releases and email promotions to drive site traffic. Paid support on social media channels (Twitter and Facebook) via advertisements and boosted organic content.
As a result of our communication efforts farmers and industry influencers recognized ISA and the soybean checkoff as being more relevant and engaged in their local areas. We also increased awareness of better management practices for increased soybean yields and profitability, while minimizing environmental impact. We actively promoted the ILSoyAdvisor brand and engaged with target audiences on multiple platforms and at a variety of trade show events. The website showcased the Illinois Soybean Association as a leader and trusted third-party source in growers’ pursuit of a competitive edge. ILSoyAdvisor content offers additional, actionable information for farmers, while increasing awareness of conservation practices to try on their farms.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.