Tangible Outcomes:
1. The PI’s group builds off prior successes – The PI’s group has built various sized plasma devices (15 µm to 3m size) and highly reactive plasma liquid.
2. Excellent flexibility for any geometry.
3. Easy fabrication/simple structure – low investment cost and low business risk.
4. No arc, and low temperature – safety.
5. High speed, direct, and precise treatments.
6. Handy and light – can fabricate compact sized plasma bundle devices to treat and carry in the field.
7. Robust in poor environmental conditions.
8. Low operating cost.
9. Low power (under 1 W) – safety and low maintenance cost.
10. Long life time.
11. Low manufacturing and maintenance cost.
12. Green technology (no chemical and radiation remains).
13. Fast to market.
Intangible Outcomes:
1. Training students to be next intelligent farmers.
2. Provide learning/research experience for graduate and undergraduate students through involvement in research group activities.
3. Introduce research context into existing courses and develop a novel course in the physics, characterization, and applications of advanced plasma agriculture.
4. Outreach to undergraduate and graduate student education in the United States.
5. Increasing the reputation of high quality soybean products in Kansas and the United States.
6. Increasing the multidisciplinary collaborative environment between the Kansas Soybean Commission and Kansas State University.