FY2017 NCSRP Research Coordination (1720-172-0121)
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Lead Principal Investigator:
Ed Anderson, Iowa Soybean Association
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Leveraged Funding (Non-Checkoff):
Approximately $3,185,000. Member states and their 2016 funding levels (FY17 funding levels not received): Illinois Soybean Association $200,000 Indiana Soybean Alliance $275,000 Iowa Soybean Association $640,000 Kansas Soybean Commission $250,000 Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee $190,000 Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council $400,000 Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council $ 50,000 Nebraska Soybean Board $450,000 North Dakota Soybean Council $200,000 Ohio Soybean Council $150,000 South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council $200,000 Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board $180,000
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Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

Unique Keywords:
#research coordination
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

1. Sustained USB support will maintain productive and cost-effective activities of the NCSRP Board and, thus, advance soybean research and productivity across the North Central Region and the U.S.
2. USB support will assist with organization, travel and execution of three annual board meetings and various teleconferences, and other administrative activities of the NCSRP Board and staff.

Final Project Results

Project Status - What key activities were undertaken and what were the key accomplishments during the life of this project? Please use this field to clearly and concisely report on project progress. The information included should reflect quantifiable results (expand upon the KPIs) that can be used to evaluate and measure project success. Technical reports, no longer than 4 pages, may be included in this section.
With USB support to complement member state contributions for administrative costs, board and staff travel and expenses, and facilities rentals for board meetings, the NCSRP was able to successfully conduct three meetings, various teleconferences and other administrative activities throughout the fiscal year while dedicating the bulk of state checkoff contributions to funding and communicating high priority soybean research and Extension activities coordinated across the region. Specifically, the NCSRP farmer board members, state staff and invited guests conducted three in-person meetings, with active participation by all member states. The Board reviewed and endorsed its strategic plan, maintained or increased state QSSB contributions, totaling $3.2M, funded 13 research and Extension projects, totaling $4.2M, and communicated basic and applied results, including meaningful soybean production management solutions, via various grower meetings, seminars, society meetings, guides, bulletins, peer-reviewed journal articles, the Soybean Research & Information Initiative (SRII) website and the National Soybean Research Checkoff Database. For FY18, the Board held its annual summer meeting in St Louis, MO, and funded 13 program/project renewals and new projects, totaling $4M. The member states have committed approximately $3.5M in FY18 funding. The Board and invited guests will celebrate the 25th anniversary in December, 2017. Through the SRII, National Soybean Checkoff Research Database, various state magazine articles, and word-of-mouth, the NCSRP is increasingly recognized by farmers, organizations, universities and companies as the model for multi-state collaborative research.

Did this project meet the intended Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? List each KPI and describe progress made (or not made) toward addressing it, including metrics where appropriate.

1. Member states are engaged in at least three NCSRP in-person Board meetings and conference calls throughout the year as measured by active participation of all 12 participating states. Yes, all states fully engage with farmer board members and state staff/contractors. Three meetings held, minutes published.
2. A strategic plan for setting NCSRP research activities is executed and adopted by all participating states. Yes, strategic plan reviewed and endorsed by all members.
3. On-going and/or increased state QSSB membership and funding support for NCSRP research activities is obtained from participating states. Yes, state contributions: FY16=$3.19M, FY17=$3.21M, FY18=$3.5M (anticipated).
4. Farmers, researchers, associations and industry acknowledge that NCSRP activities are valuable to their continued success and economic viability, as measured by participation in outreach to disseminate research results. Yes, through SRII, the National Database, grower meetings, collaborative university, state soybean research center, USB, QSSB, and company meetings, the NCSRP continues to gain recognition through engagement and productive research and Extension activities.
5. Researchers in the 12-state region work together to develop new soybean production practices that are adopted by farmers. Yes, the collaborative and coordinated programs funded and communicated by the NCSRP have contributed significantly to increased yield and yield preservation. A few examples include: Multi-disciplinary and novel work to increase soybean rates of genetic gain, SCN Coalition II, soybean aphid management and focus on new and emerging insect pests, soilborne and seedling disease management, improved understanding of iron deficiency chlorosis, potential commercial leads on biological disease control agents, regional on-farm research programs, soybean production and profitability best management practices benchmarking, multi-state soybean Extension and Outreach program, white mold management, SDS management, soybean fungicide efficacy assessments and management, stem canker management.

Expected Outputs/Deliverables - List each deliverable identified in the project, indicate whether or not it was supplied and if not supplied, please provide an explanation as to why.

1. Sustained USB support will maintain productive and cost-effective activities of the NCSRP Board and, thus, advance soybean research and productivity across the North Central Region and the US. Yes, the NCSRP is a model organization in its low overhead, minimal politics, coordinated and high priority programs and projects, efficient and effective expenditures, project tracking and reporting, and maximized ROI for soybean checkoff investments.
2. USB support will assist with organization, travel and execution of three annual board meetings and various teleconferences, and other administrative activities of the NCSRP board and staff. Yes, all of these outputs and deliverables fully accomplished.

Describe any unforeseen events or circumstances that may have affected project timeline, costs, or deliverables (if applicable.)


What, if any, follow-up steps are required to capture benefits for all US soybean farmers? Describe in a few sentences how the results of this project will be or should be used.

The work of the NCSRP Board and staff, and the progress made by funded university research and Extension personnel contribute to the productivity, profitability and sustainability of all Midwestern and US farmers. On-going efforts to drive more, better and broader communication of results and information will ensure that more farmers benefit from the work of the NCSRP.

List any relevant performance metrics not captured in KPI’s.


The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.