This project has a direct benefit to soybean farmers in the North Central region by providing current and timely Extension material to aid in the identification and management of emerging diseases, diseases lacking Extension information, and other agronomic and pest issues. This project will also strengthen the communication between university scientists and communication specialists with NCSRP. Over the past three years, NCSRP has funded the Disease Study Group project. This proposal is continuing that work and expanding the project to address new areas, such as the SRII website, and incorporating agronomic and insect information into publications and developing new integrated publications. Some of the past program highlights include:
• Developed or revised 13 total publications, in full-length, scouting card, and one-page factsheet formats.
• Publications have been printed or downloaded over 68,000 times, and distributed to stakeholders across the North Central region, as well as Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Canada.
• Publications have become part of the Agronomy Basics course for DuPont Pioneer, which is a course for approximately 300 seed sales people each year.
• Developed a uniform template for all group outputs that allows the reader to associate information with NCSRP and research-based information through Extension (identified as the Crop Protection Network).
• Disseminated information through multiple channels, including videos, the SRII website, press releases, and showcased all NCSRP-funded Extension materials at the Commodity Classic in New Orleans, LA in 2016.