An integrated approach to enhance durability of SCN resistance for long term strategic SCN management
Sustainable Production
Biotic stressCrop protectionField management Pest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Thomas Baum, Iowa State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Andrew Severin, (not specified)
Thomas Baum, Iowa State University
Gregory Tylka, Iowa State University
Brian Diers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Matthew Hudson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Melissa Mitchum, University of Missouri
Henry Nguyen, University of Missouri
Andrew Scaboo, University of Missouri
+7 More
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) or Heterodera glycines is the most damaging pathogen to soybean production in North America. Current annual yield losses are estimated at more than $1.2 billion. Though SCN-resistant soybean varieties frequently are available to minimize yield loss, producers are faced with limited options for rotation once virulent SCN populations develop in their fields. The widespread lack of genetic diversity in SCN resistance in soybean has significantly increased the prevalence of virulent SCN populations and reduced the effectiveness of current sources of resistance. Thus, we have two major research challenges that, when successfully achieved, will enable us to develop...

Unique Keywords:
#effectors, #genome assembly, #insects and pests, #scn, #scn management, #scn resistance breeding
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

Objective 1:
1.1 A population segregating for Rhg1 from PI 88788, two resistance genes from G. soja, and the chromosome 10 gene from PI 567516C will be yield evaluated in two locations to test for the presence of yield drag associated with these genes. Breeding will be done to incorporate new combinations of resistance genes into high yielding genetic backgrounds.
1.2 From 200-300 experimental lines in the Northern Regional Soybean Cyst Nematode Tests and the Northern Uniform Test that were tested and shown to have SCN resistance will be tested for Rhg1 copy number. Lines that may carry Rhg4 will be tested for this gene.
Objective 2:
2.1.1 Inbreed nematodes, extract DNA, begin sequencing, begin cell culture experiments
2.1.2 Create SCN-SoyBase cyberinfrastructure, GBrowse, tracks, and integrating with Soybase using existing draft assembly and available SNP data/transcript data. This pipeline will be created in a species generic fashion to enable the reuse of this pipeline for other soybean pest species.
2.2 RNAseq data generated from sequencing whole nematodes representing the early parasitic stages of SCN populations differing in virulence on resistant soybean will be mapped to the draft SCN genome to facilitate annotation. In addition, various computational analyses will be conducted to compare and identify differences among the populations to identify genes that may correlate with SCN virulence on resistant soybean. All data will be integrated into the SCN-SoyBase website.
2.3 A series of greenhouse selection experiments will be undertaken on genetic material developed by the plant breeders with new combinations of SCN resistance genes to evaluate different rotation schemes for effectiveness at reducing the selection pressure on the nematode population.
Objective 3: A survey of extension and outreach educational materials about SCN biology and management in the NCSRP states will be conducted.
Objective 1:
1.1 The population segregating for Rhg1 from PI 88788, two resistance genes from G. soja, and the chromosome 10 gene from PI 567516C will be yield evaluated in three locations to test for the presence of yield drag associated with these genes. A second population segregating for Rhg1 and Rhg4 from PI 437654, two resistance genes from G. soja, and the chromosome 10 gene from PI 567516C will be yield evaluated in two locations to test for the presence of yield drag associated with these genes. Breeding will be done to incorporate new combinations of resistance genes into high yielding genetic backgrounds.
1.2 From 200-300 experimental lines in the Northern Regional Soybean Cyst Nematode Tests and the Northern Uniform Test that were tested and shown to have SCN resistance will be tested for Rhg1 copy number. Lines that may carry Rhg4 will be tested for this gene.
Objective 2:
2.1.1 Complete first phase of sequencing, begin genome assembly and produce first drafts, evaluate cell culture and extract DNA if working.
2.1.2 Create gene models from latest assembly from Object 2.1.1 using RNASeq data from Objective 2.2. Provide functional annotation for gene models based on best BLAST to human curated databases and using the literature.
2.2 Genes identified as putative virulence genes in year 1 will be further characterized using molecular, biochemical and/or genetic analysis. Additionally, genetic differences that correlate with virulence will be exploited for marker development.
2.3 A series of greenhouse selection experiments will be undertaken on genetic material developed by the plant breeders with new combinations of SCN resistance genes to evaluate different rotation schemes for effectiveness at reducing the selection pressure on the nematode population.
Objective 3: Create traditional and innovative information materials to further educate and increase awareness of SCN-related topics.
Objective 1:
1.1 The population segregating for Rhg1 and Rhg4 from PI 437654, two resistance genes from G. soja, and the chromosome 10 gene from PI 567516C will be yield evaluated in three locations to test for the presence of yield drag associated with these genes. Breeding will be done to incorporate new combinations of resistance genes into high yielding genetic backgrounds.
1.2 From 200-300 experimental lines in the Northern Regional Soybean Cyst Nematode Tests and the Northern Uniform Test that were tested and shown to have SCN resistance will be tested for Rhg1 copy number. Lines that may carry Rhg4 will be tested for this gene.
Objective 2:
2.1.1 Complete all sequencing, complete cell culture evaluation, complete genome assembly.
2.1.2 SCNBase will be updated with the final assembly and annotation.
Final data from this project will be curated into SCN-SoyBase: Genetic Markers and copy number variation identified in Soybean from Objective 1.2, SNPs and markers spanning 200-300 lines identified in Objective 1.1. Link SCN genes to soybean genes for easy cross reference of databases.
2.2 Genes identified as putative virulence genes in year 1 will be further characterized using molecular, biochemical and/or genetic analysis. Additionally, genetic differences that correlate with virulence will be exploited for marker development.
2.3 A series of greenhouse selection experiments will be undertaken on genetic material developed by the plant breeders with new combinations of SCN resistance genes to evaluate different rotation schemes for effectiveness at reducing the selection pressure on the nematode population.
Objective 3: Create traditional and innovative information materials to further educate and increase awareness of SCN-related topics.

Final Project Results

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.