A white paper outlining producer-identified research priorities was compiled from a focus group and survey of producers, industry personnel, and other stakeholders, focus groups with soybean entomology research and extension faculty, and discussions with soybean checkoff boards. . This document was supplied to the NCSRP in February, 2015. Title: Needs Assessment For Soybean Entomology in the North Central Region (2015-2018).
The capstone outreach event was a NCSRP booth at the 2015 Commodity Classic (Phoenix, AZ). We accomplished this objective with combined funding from this grant and the NCSRP Soybean Aphid Management grant. The booth was designed to distribute information from NCSRP-funded research on soybean entomology as well as other NCSRP pest management projects. We made close to 2,000 direct contacts with producers and other agricultural professionals at this 3-day event.
Extension products highlighted at the booth included host plant resistance videos, webinars on soybean aphid management, aphid scouting cards, soybean aphid field guide, and postcards featuring the new NCSRP Soybean Research and Information Initiative (SRII) website.
Material we distributed included 2,000 copies of the Soybean Aphid Field Guide booklet, 1,000 postcards and USB drives designed by our team, containing digital NCSRP publications and highlighting the new NCSRP SRII website; handouts promoting the NCSRP-sponsored free pest management webinar series available on the Plant Management Network; 1,500 field-friendly soybean aphid scouting cards designed by our team, hung on NCSRP-branded lanyards, with attached magnifying lens to assist scouting efforts.