Developing an integrated management and communication plan for soybean SDS
Sustainable Production
Crop protectionDiseaseField management
Lead Principal Investigator:
Daren Mueller, Iowa State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
J. G. Arbuckle, Iowa State University
Silvia Cianzio, Iowa State University
Leonor Leandro, Iowa State University
Gregory Tylka, Iowa State University
Martin Chilvers, Michigan State University
Albert Tenuta, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture-Food & Rural
Jamal Faghihi, Purdue University
Virginia Ferris, Purdue University
Kiersten Wise, Purdue University
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Brief Project Summary:

The foundational management strategy for sudden death syndrome (SDS) is using resistant cultivars. Some years when environmental conditions were favorable for disease development, it is evident that resistance alone does not provide adequate control or reduce farmer risk sufficiently. The main goal of this project is to investigate management options that will help ensure resistant cultivars that will be as effective as possible, thereby reducing risk as well as providing farmers with maximum economic return on their investment even in unusually conducive SDS conditions.

This project has a direct benefit to soybean farmers in the North Central region by providing evaluations of current...

Unique Keywords:
#fusarium virguliforme, #soybean diseases, #sudden death syndrome (sds)
Information And Results
Project Deliverables

Over this past 6 months, we were able to make great progress in each objective. Here are the highlights.
1. Completed a second year of data on the interaction between herbicide and seed treatment on SDS. Data are being summarized.
2. Published a multi-lab study evaluating performance of six qPCR assays developed for F. virguliforme in Phytopathology. In this study, we compared the strengths and weakness of six assays under different research facilities and also identified an effective protocol for better diagnosis and quantify SDS pathogen.
3. Compared seed treatments to reduce SDS foliar symptoms. In this study, we evaluated different fungicide products and application methods to see if any would complement cultivar resistance. So far, we found that the ILeVO® seed treatment or in-furrow was effective at reducing SDS severity levels in many different environments compared to control plots. Manuscript is being written for publication in peer-reviewed journal.
4. Completed a study evaluating planting date and seed treatment effect on SDS. Manuscript will be submitted for publication in next couple months. To summarize, ILeVO seed treatment reduced disease severity and increased yield nearly in all plantings and cultivars, with a maximum yield response up to 21% (Roland Iowa). Effect of planting date on foliar SDS symptoms was inconclusive.
5. Completed field experiments on determining how increasing SCN resistance to SCN-resistant cultivars will affect SDS resistance performance. Data collection and analysis are on process.
6. Presented our preliminary research at professional meetings, on Plant Management Network, gave national and international seminars, media interviews, talk in field days and conferences for farmers and also published in state newsletter articles, 20+ media releases etc. To communicate we also published in peer-reviewed journals.

Final Project Results

1. We completed a multi-lab study evaluating performance of six qPCR assays developed for F. virguliforme and the manuscript has been published in Phytopathology. In this study, we compared the strengths and weakness of all six assays under different research facilities in terms of their specificity, sensitivity, and consistency and also identified an effective protocol for better diagnosis and quantify SDS pathogen. To summarize, assays differed in their performances and also the performance of the same assay varied among the laboratories. Overall, A single copy gene (FvTox1)-based assay showed the highest specificity (with lowest false positives), while multi-copy gene based assays were more sensitive (with their ability to detect very small amount). A recent assay developed in chilvers lab showed the highest sensitivity and the second highest specificity, and thus is suggested as the most useful qPCR assay for F. virguliforme. This assay is currently being used for quantifying F. virguliforme population in root and soil in other projects.
2. Effect of planting date on SDS e.g., how mid- or late April planting compares with early to mid-May plantings, is better understood. We completed this study comparing effect of planting date and seed treatment on resistant and susceptible cultivars. To summarize, ILeVO seed treatment reduced disease severity and increased yield nearly in all plantings and cultivars, with a maximum yield response up to 21% (Roland Iowa). Effect of planting date on foliar SDS symptoms was inconclusive. Although Mid-June plantings did not have higher disease than early plantings it yielded lower grain up to 19 bu/A than early May plantings.
3. We also evaluated different fungicide products and application methods to see if any would complement cultivar resistance. From this study, the main conclusion was that ILeVO® seed treatment or in-furrow was effective at reducing SDS severity levels in many different environments compared to control plots. Foliar applications of any chemicals including ILeVO showed no effect on SDS reduction.
4. Information on the importance of early season root and soil health on SDS development is generated that will elucidate i) If increased nematode reproduction on SCN resistant cultivars based on PI88788 resistance need to be considered in SDS management decisions. We are still collecting data on SCN, SDS and yield and it will be summarized as soon as the data are collected. So far we found varieties with Peking source of resistance for SCN had lowest SDS in many environments and varieties with no resistance to SDS and SCN had the highest disease.
5. Understanding for farmers and agronomists on shifts in herbicide regimes and the associated effect on SDS risk is improved. Our study suggested that glyphosate had no association with SDS incidence or severity. Farmers will be able to make informed decisions regarding herbicide choice for the weed management strategy.
6. Effect of seed treatment and herbicide interaction on root health and SDS will be better understood. Seed treatment effectiveness in light of different management strategies for example different soil-applied herbicides, different cultivars, and other crop cultivation strategies are being investigated.
7. We improved existing NCSRP resources to better communicate with farmers, agribusinesses and other soybean stakeholders. We will also evaluate the impact of our management and educational efforts.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.