Efforts were made to evaluate biological control products against SDS and white mold by establishing multiple locations in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. Multiple field trials were established in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota in 2013 to evaluate biological control products for their effectiveness against SDS and white mold treatments were made on production farms with strip plots or on university farms of the participating states. Treatments were made on production farms with strip plots or on university farms of participating states. Yield data from university farms have been collected and analyzed. Yield data from commercial farms are being analyzed. Results on yield data from university farms show that plots treated with biological control product(s) had less disease and higher yields compared to control. Remote sensing images taken for plots on commercial farms where treatments had applied showed differences between treated area and adjacent area (control).
The data is encouraging in that 2013 was a season with delayed planting, which was unfavorable to SDS and several other soil borne diseases, suggesting the differences could be greater in years favorable to soiborne diseases.
Green house experiments were carried in both Iowa State University and University of Illinois to determine the effects of bacterium strain on the reduction of soybean sudden death syndrome. Significant progress has been made. In 2014, we have made plan to repeat similar field experiments which will be carried in all three states.