Impact of cover crops and soybean residue removal on soil health, soybean yield, and soil hydraulic properties
Sustainable Production
AgricultureField management Soil healthSustainability
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Frank Yin, University of Tennessee-Institute of Agriculture
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
This study will be conducted to better understand the role of cover crop and crop residue on soil water dynamics and other properties. This study will also address the most common concern of the producers for the wide adoption of cover crops and maximum retention of crop residue. The objectives of this study are to evaluate: i) the impacts of cover crops and crop residue on soil organic carbon and soil hydrological properties; ii) the effects of cover crop and crop residue on soil moisture, water use efficiency, and soybean yield.
Information And Results
Project Summary

Project Objectives

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Deliverable 1 – Identify the Best Cover Crops before Soybeans Based on the results from Deliverable 2 & 3 (outlined below) we did not observe differences due to cover crop on soil health, hydraulic properties, or soybean yield that led to a conclusion of what the best cover crop(s) is for soybean production systems. However, maximizing the utility and success of cover crops is a long-term proposition. It is not advisable to make concrete management decisions regarding the implementation of cover crops based on 1 year of data. If that were the case, the conclusion and recommendations of this research would be not to employ cover crops in soybean production systems due to added cost without a return on investment. Deliverable 2 – Impact of Cover Crops on Soil Health and Hydraulic Properties Data Taken 1) Gravimetric soil moisture content (0 – 2” and 0 – 4”) depths at V2 (2 trifoliates) and R6.5 (physiological maturity). 2) Bulk Density and Porosity of Soil (V2 & R6.5) 3) Soil Infiltration Rate (SIR) taken at V2 4) Plant Heights – R3 and R6.5 5) Stem Diameter – at harvest Summary Stand Counts Stand counts were measured at 7, 14, 21, & 28 days after planting (DAP). At 7 DAP, the stand varied due to residue management, and was 10% more in plots where the residue had been removed the previous fall. At 28 DAP, stand counts varied due to cover crop and was only 58% of the seeding rate. Cover crops and soil surface residue insulate the soil and help soils retain soil moisture longer into the spring. This results in soils that remain cooler for longer as well. However, soybean has a substantial amount of phenotypic plasticity, and this delay in stand establishment or potential decrease in final stand do not always negatively impact soybean yield. Gravimetric soil moisture content (Og) Og was measured in the spring (V2 growth stage) varied due to cover crop, and was greatest following cereal rye (27.6%). It was statistically similar to cosaque oat + crimson clover + forage radish (25.8%) and our 6-wax mix (25.6%), and at least 2.8% more than all other treatments. However, we observed no differences in soil water content at the deeper depth of 0 – 4”. Cereal rye produces substantial above-ground biomass and upon chemical termination, produces a large amount of surface residue that “insulates” the soil surface and reduces the amount of water that evaporates from the upper soil profile. Cereal rye is an excellent scavenger of soil nitrogen, however, is not a concern in a soybean production system. Gravimetric soil moisture content also varied when sampled at R6.5, but this time due to residue management. Plots where residue was not removed contained 3.45% more soil moisture from 0 – 2” than those where residue was removed. The removal of soybean residue post-harvest is not a commonly utilized agronomic practice in soybean production systems. However, this provides value in our research by allowing us to quantify the impact that soybean residue has on these factors. Bulk Density and Soil Porosity Bulk density and soil porosity were both measured at V2 and again at R6.5 in the uppermost 2” of the soil profile. We observed no differences due to cover crop or residue management in 2024 at either of these sample timings. We believe that any changes in these soil properties will likely take multiple successive years of cover crops and the literature supports this conclusion. Soil Infiltration Rate Soil infiltration rate was measured at the V2 growth stage. While many studies have shown cover crops to improve soil infiltration, we did not observe any differences in this study. Many studies in the literature take soil infiltration measurements prior to cover crop termination. However, we wanted to evaluate the “in-season” impact of cover crops on infiltration and as such observed no differences. Again, we conclude that additional years of continuous cover cropping are likely necessary prior to seeing significant results in this category.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Cover crops are widely encouraged as a means to provide agronomic and agroecosystem benefits to producers throughout the United States. In this research, we evaluated 8 different cover crop treatments planted the fall prior to soybean on soil health, hydraulic properties, and soybean yield. Upon completing 1-year of research, we found no differences in yield due to cover crop. Additionally, the impact on various soil properties related to soil health and water conservation were minimal and inconsequential to improve yield. When considering utilizing cover crops, and long-term management approach must be adopted. It likely requires multiple years of continuous cover crops prior to substantive and consequential differences being observed that impact soil health, yield, and provide a positive return on investment.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.