The goal of this proposal is to develop a new seed treatment technology using beneficial microbes for enhancing soybean resilience to various biotic and abiotic stresses. We performed research activities for the following objectives: 1) To determine optimal experimental conditions to assess the soybean resilience to abiotic stresses; 2) To assess the efficacy of biostimulants (bacterial consortium/mixture) in enhancing the tolerance to abiotic stresses; 3) To assess the efficacy of biostimulants (bacterial consortium/mixture) in enhancing the resistance to soybean pathogen Rhizoctonia solani, 4) To verify the efficacy of biostimulants in field conditions of Louisiana, and 5) To identify soybean-associated beneficial bacteria enhancing the resilience to drought stress. From our research on this project, we optimized the experimental conditions for drought, flooding, and salinity stresses; found that seed treatment of the biostimulants developed from this project (bacterial consortium/mixture) enhanced the soybean tolerance to abiotic stresses significantly, showing ~ 30-100% improvement in germination rate and root development, as well as the soybean resistance to a major fungal pathogen R. sonali; and formulated new bacterial consortia as biostimulants that enhanced the growth and development of soybean plants in normal and drought conditions. As key outcomes of this project, we have published two research articles and secured one federal research grant fund from National Science Foundation for studying soybean resilience to heat and drought stresses.