Science for Success: Agronomists Collaboratively Delivering Soybean Best Management Practices
Sustainable Production
Data analysisData ManagementDiseaseExtensionPest
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
Rachel Vann, North Carolina State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
The objective of the Science for Success project is to develop and distribute research-based information to soybean farmers across the U.S. on emerging best management practices (BMP’s). We seek to expand previously successful efforts with the continued development of soybean BMP’s through both the effective summarization of existing data and the generation of new data-driven information that will allow soybean farmers to increase revenue and invest in sustainable on-farm practices.
Information And Results
Project Summary

Project Objectives

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

The ‘Science for Success’ initiative delivers information on Best Management Practices to soybean producers across the United States through research and education. We continued our collaborative research projects on biological seed treatments, soil health, N-fixation and desiccation with over 50 sites in all 26 of our states. In 2023 we released five new factsheets that are housed along with all of our existing materials on the newly launched Science for Success section of the Soybean Research and Information Network website (SRIN). The new Extension publications are on Planter Technologies, Variety Selection, Replanting Decisions, Soybean Yield Response to Nitrogen (N) and Sulfur (S) Fertilization: Contribution of Soil N and Biological N Fixation Processes and Soybean Yield Response to Sulfur and Nitrogen Additions Across Diverse US Environments. The Nebraska Soybean Association also requested a condensed version of the replanting decisions factsheet to be included in SoybeaNebraska Magazine. We further extended the reach of the factsheet content by hosting three national webinars for farmers and agronomists. The webinars were also recorded and posted online: Replanting Decisions (3/17/23), Planter Technologies (3/24/31) and Nitrogen Fixation in Soybean (3/31/23). In March 2023, 395 participants attended our three-part webinar series “Keys to Early Season Soybean Success”. Attendees indicated that they were located in 20 states and 5 countries. Certified Crop Adviser professional development credits were also offered. When asked “On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, how beneficial to you was the education provided?” Post webinar survey respondents (n=18) indicated an average of 4.2 / 5 and 80% indicated that they would use or share what they learned. When asked the value per acre of the education provided, the average response was $20/acre. The 18 respondents also indicated that they farm over 300,000 acres. Based on documented survey responses alone, the value of education to the 18 webinar series survey respondents was a minimum of $6,000,000 (4% of the attendees). We hosted our annual graduate student tour in Wisconsin and Minnesota this summer for 29 students. Twenty-one of our 29 team members attended the Commodity Classic conference in Orlando and Twenty-four team members attended our content development meeting in Charlotte, NC which was featured in an article by NC State Extension. At that meeting we filmed 6 videos and drafted 5 factsheets. Science for Success continues to further extend our outreach through our Twitter (X) account with 891 followers.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

‘Science for Success’ delivers information on Best Management Practices to soybean producers across the United States through research and education. We conduct collaborative protocols, educational programs and outreach. Based on survey responses, in 2023 the value of education to our stakeholders was a minimum of $6,000,000 due to the education provided.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.