Partial support from USB for the operations, administration, and communications and outreach of and by the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) were essential to the NCSRP in supporting farmer and key staff travel and meeting facilities for three board meetings, held in December (St Charles, MO), February (Orlando, FL), and August (State College, PA). During these important board meetings, NCSRP farmer Board members (Directors), state research staff, regional and national guests (e.g. Atlantic, South, Mid-South regions, USSRC, and USB), and funded researchers discussed Midwest regional, multi-state, and national soybean research results, data, and program progress, basic and applied research needs and priorities, and communications and outreach progress and strategies for broadly sharing important research findings that benefit farmers and the soybean industry in the short- and long-term. Importantly, state staff and the Board carefully considered research programming, priorities, and the annual research budget to develop a set of guideposts, strategies, and tactics for maintaining a relevant, robust, and high-impact research portfolio. The primary focus of the research, teaching, training, and Extension and outreach supported by the NCSRP is on soybean production and many factors contributing to supporting farmers in sustainably producing a high-yielding and high-quality soybean crop. Funded researchers submitted timely and meaningful research progress reports through the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database, and research results and information were published and promoted on the Soybean Research and Information Network (SRIN) website, the Crop Protection Network, via the Science for Success program, many field days, management guides, Extension bulletins, field and management guides, student theses and dissertations, and peer-reviewed journals and various text and annual review books and on-line publications.