Updated July 12, 2024:
We have completed the purchase of the Ussing chamber (7/8/2024) and are in the process of its setup and calibration. This includes setting up the software and accessory equipment, as well as conducting preliminary experiments on trout intestinal tissues. These preliminary experiments will be cross-referenced with previously published research with Ussing chambers in trout to ensure accuracy of results and proper functioning of this machine. All chemicals (i.e.: physiological buffer components, isotope, etc.) and accessory equipment (i.e.: gas tanks, water bath chillers, etc.) required for the Ussing chambers have been purchased to establish baseline characterization of methionine transport in both salmon and trout. During the measurements of methionine transport, flux samples taken from the Ussing chamber will be measured on a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument (LC-MS). The facility required to perform the LC-MS measurements has been set up, with a technician present to help with its troubleshooting and analysis. Finally, we have been growing trout and salmon to an acceptable size (~300-400g) for the Ussing chambers to complete baseline characterization experiments. Intestinal tissue samples will be collected and frozen (-80oC) for gene expression analysis for Year 2 – Q4.
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Updated September 17, 2024:
The setup of the Ussing chamber has been completed, including the purchase and calibration of accessory equipment (i.e.: gas tanks, refrigerated recirculating water system, DMMC6 membranes included with the Ussing chambers, etc.). We designed preliminary experiments to test the proper functioning of the Ussing chamber and its software. This included running trout intestinal tissues on the Ussing chambers to measure transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER). Briefly, TEER measurements along the intestine can indicate differences in barrier function/integrity/resistance of those segments. The data generated from these preliminary experiments will also establish an expected baseline for TEER measurements from rainbow trout. Similarly, TEER experiments will be conducted in Atlantic salmon along the intestinal segments.
These preliminary results demonstrated significant differences in TEER between all segments except for the posterior proximal and distal segments, suggesting differences in barrier function along the intestinal tract. Interestingly, the anterior proximal has the highest TEER compared to the other segments, suggesting a more resistant tissue with higher barrier function (less paracellular activity). In contrast, the following mid segment has the lowest TEER, suggesting lower barrier function and possibly higher paracellular activity.
Finally, the measurement of methionine transport from the Ussing chamber will be performed on a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument (LC-MS). The facility that will perform the LC-MS analysis for our methionine transport will be expected to start our sampling and analysis in the beginning of October. Therefore, our methionine transport experiments, as well as the effects of anti-nutritional factors on methionine transport, will be commencing in mid-September, followed by the shipment and analysis of our samples in October.
Updated December 17, 2024:
We have started with the baseline characterization of methionine transport along the intestinal segments (proximal, mid-, and distal intestines) in both rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Specifically, we are using ex vivo intestinal segments and adding specific concentrations of methionine to the apical side in the Ussing chamber to establish a concentration gradient. This gradient will allow us to calculate a saturation curve using enzyme kinetic models (i.e.: Michaelis-Menten or Sigmoidal) to determine methionine transport saturation along specific intestinal segments. We can correlate these results with RT-qPCR to identify specific transporters involved in methionine transport along these segments. Additionally, to characterize possible ANF inhibition of methionine transport, we need to establish methionine transport at saturation to ensure complete inhibition. Therefore, it is essential we complete the baseline characterization before commencing with the ANF study and the feeding trial.
The resulting methionine samples from the Ussing chamber need to be measured on a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (LC-MS). Therefore, these samples are sent to a collaborator at the National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center (Orono, Maine) where they are measured. Currently, we have generated preliminary data for methionine transport in both species in the Ussing chamber, and the LC-MS results are pending.
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