The Use of Soy Protein as a Preferred carrier for Beneficial
AgricultureBiologicals Industrial UsesSoy isolate
Parent Project:
This is the first year of this project.
Lead Principal Investigator:
David Kloostra, Center for Protein Research
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
We propose to study the impact of protein modifications on seed coatings, foliar (spray) applicants and dry seed applied technology to develop commercially available soy alternatives that will carry beneficial substances such as biology, chemistry and micronutrients for use in agriculture.
Information And Results
Project Summary

Project Objectives

Project Deliverables

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

As we have evaluated the use of soy protein as a delivery mechanism, we have worked through multiple modes and methods of delivery to the plant. We have developed a number of methods that delivery key beneficial substances to the plant using soy protein. These delivery points were as a planter box additive, as a seed coating and as a foliar applied wetable powder. Doing this accomplishes the deliverables in our project. Using the planter box additive as our base, we learned how to grow into each of the other methods of delivery. We were able to achieve CFU counts on planter box products that achieved yield results with multiple types of microbiology. Notably with Gluconobacter Diazatropicus, which pulls nitrogen from the atmosphere and a strain of bacillus that makes phosphorous more available. With the CFU counts we were able to maintain a 2 log loss from the initial 6 months later. Initial quantities going in were 1*10e8 and ended up at 1*10e6/ml six months after being introduced. We were also able to increase testable amounts of Phosphorous, Potassium, Silica, Zinc. Further, we added fulvic acid, humic acid and combinations of these various micronutrients to the planter box formula. We did find some microbiologic products that did not make it through the spray drying process. These were almost always gram negative strains of products that focused on increased yields through nitrogen manipulation. We found we could get the products into the dryer, but due to a number of circumstances, could not always see the end result coming out of the dryer in numbers sufficient to knowingly enhance yield. More study on methods for this is required. We have ideas on how to eventually make this happen. In the seed treatment arena, we were able to provide beneficial substance coverage of additional Phosphorous and Potassium, as well as inclusion of certain kinds of other micronutrients and algae. In the area of foliar work, we’ve completed work with algae that lead to noted increases in yield using foliar applied algae. This now gives soy protein ways to deliver products in a combination of ways and sets soy as the preferred carrier for planter box treatments, seed coatings and foliar applied applications. This sets the stage for a systems approach where more than one of these methods at a time can be stacked upon another to either provide additive or multiplicative yield benefits and better environmental and sustainable impact. A solution that is unique to soy.

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Soy has now been proven to be a carrier in a number of beneficial substances which positively impact yield. This provides a long-term, highly sustainable, environmentally friendly substitute for man-made nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. Yield is impacted and more substances can be tried to take the place of petroleum based seed adherents and pesticides in favor of more sustainable and "natural" solutions. These methods also open the door for perhaps better keeping neo-nicotinoids on-target and in more limited application, which is beneficial to US soybean farmers.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.