Western Minnesota Soybean IPM Survey
Sustainable Production
(none assigned)
Lead Principal Investigator:
Angie Peltier, University of Minnesota
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
One of the goals of this project is to provide an enriching summer internship opportunity to an early career in agriculture. To provide a more diverse experience for these interns, we have also applied to the Minnesota Wheat Research and Promotion Council for funding to support a similar earlier season small grains-version of this soybean IPM survey. Not only will interns be provided with better experience, but each council will share the cost of funding salary and travel expenses.
In addition, Dr. Robert Koch, Associate Professor & Extension Entomologist and Angie Peltier have a project funded by the Minnesota Rapid Agricultural Response Program titled “Rapid response to a new leaf-mining pest of soybean in Minnesota: Evaluating the magnitude of the threat and control methods”. The long-term relationship between UMN Extension and the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council in carrying out the Western Minnesota Soybean IPM Survey was useful in obtaining this additional funding to develop a better understanding of the geographic range and yield losses attributable to this pest and to develop practical and effective means of control, all of which will assist Minnesota soybea
Information And Results
Project Summary

The Western Minnesota Soybean IPM Survey expands our ability to obtain field reports on crop conditions and pest activity to tailor educational outreach to crop managers through radio, digital newsletters, podcasts, webinars and print in the ag press. Should something for which additional information is needed in-person, the primary investigators will partner with company-sponsored plot tour events to provide education regarding new or emerging pest and disease issues. The goal is to provide information regarding pest and disease pressure to producers to assist them in making economical pest management decisions.
With the invasive soybean gall midge confirmed in 25 Minnesota counties since 2020 and the soybean tentiform leafminer that was found colonizing soybeans for the first time in the US in southeast Minnesota in 2021, understanding the range of and injury caused by these pests is critical. It was through this survey that the number of infested counties infested with soybean tentiform leafminer expanded to include Douglas and Marshall. In 2023, multiple insect pests or insect and arachnid pests were found infesting plants at the same time. Without having “boots in the field” trained to look for both current and invasive pests, Minnesota soybean producers would not be alerted to potential current or emerging management challenges.
For example: Pyrethroid insecticide-resistant soybean aphids were first observed through this survey. In 2023, threshold-level soybean aphids and two-spotted spider mites were present concurrently. Selecting active ingredients that could manage both became more complicated with the losses of both pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos. Neonicotinoid insecticides were also off the table as they tend to flare spider mites. Multiple webinars/podcasts, radio interviews and articles covered how best to scout for and manage these multi-species infestations that we were alerted to through the survey.

Project Objectives

2024 Western Minnesota Soybean IPM Survey. (PI: A. Peltier & A. Hanson)
a) Conduct field surveys to report soybean crop stage and pest conditions in NW and WC MN.
i) Partner with the NDSU IPM program in conducting and reporting field and pest conditions across a region that includes NW and WC MN and eastern ND.
ii) Deliver timely crop updates based on field observations with an emphasis on soybean aphid, two-spotted spider mite and other crop pest conditions as they develop.

Project Deliverables

This project will deliver real-time, in-season information regarding the incidence and severity of pest populations in soybean fields in western Minnesota through the development of data summaries and the presentation of maps of data from recent survey findings. This information will be shared through multiple means to reach western Minnesota soybean producers, including through online webinars, podcasts, blog and newsletter articles distributed through email list-servs, ag radio programs and press releases sent to print media venues.
Pests and diseases of note will also be shared during the winter meetings season at county soybean and corn growers association meetings, at the Prairie Grains Conference soybean research reporting session, the Norman County Crops Show, through the print publication, “On-farm Cropping Trials Northwest & West Central Minnesota and Minnesota Wheat Research Review” distributed to farmers and ag service providers at the Prairie Grains Conference, and at the six Small Grains Update meetings in northwest Minnesota.

Progress Of Work

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

This project will have scouts on the ground feeding data to the primary investigators on this project. When an economically important soybean pest issue is encountered, Extension’s network of contacts at radio stations, digital newsletter mailing lists (MN Crop News & Cropping Issues in Northwest Minnesota), webinars, podcasts and print media can get this vital and timely information quickly to the soybean producers whose check-off dollars have been invested for this purpose.
An agricultural workforce with practical, on-the-ground, and hands-on experience is a critical ingredient for service providers to be effective. Another benefit to the soybean producers funding this project will be three experienced crop scouts that can ‘hit the ground running’, working to assist soybean producers in managing economically important soybean pests and diseases.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.