This project will deliver real-time, in-season information regarding the incidence and severity of pest populations in soybean fields in western Minnesota through the development of data summaries and the presentation of maps of data from recent survey findings. This information will be shared through multiple means to reach western Minnesota soybean producers, including through online webinars, podcasts, blog and newsletter articles distributed through email list-servs, ag radio programs and press releases sent to print media venues.
Pests and diseases of note will also be shared during the winter meetings season at county soybean and corn growers association meetings, at the Prairie Grains Conference soybean research reporting session, the Norman County Crops Show, through the print publication, “On-farm Cropping Trials Northwest & West Central Minnesota and Minnesota Wheat Research Review” distributed to farmers and ag service providers at the Prairie Grains Conference, and at the six Small Grains Update meetings in northwest Minnesota.