Updated June 12, 2024:
Executive Summary
The project, aimed at developing a machine-learning model to score distal intestinal histology slides for soybean meal-induced enteritis, was initial intended to officially commence on April 1, 2024; however, due to administrative delays, the contract was not signed until May 20, 2024 and a formal start date of May 1, 2024 was request. Despite these delays, significant progress was made in these initial months of the project, with a focus on algorithm development and initial model construction.
Q1 Project Activities and Achievements
1. Meetings and Planning:
Dr. Jacob Bledsoe (PI) and Dr. Nathan Redman (coPI) held multiple sessions to outline the construction of the ResNet algorithm and the sourcing of necessary histology slides. A pivotal 2-hour meeting involving the Project PI, Dr. Nathan Redman, and machine learning expert Anita Juhong occurred on May 25th. This meeting focused on determining the optimal parameters for constructing the ResNes analysis network, crucial for the project's success.
2. Development and Scripting of Neural Network:
The team, led by Dr. Nathan Redman, successfully developed and scripted version 1.1 of a ResNet-style architecture neural network utilizing the PyTorch framework. This version includes advanced features such as cross-entropy loss and a resource management CUDA module, ensuring efficient processing and management of computing resources.
3. Image Preprocessing Development:
Dr. Nathan Redman has begun initial scripting and development of the image preprocessing module, crucial for preparing raw histology slide data for neural network analysis. Utilizing Python Image Library and OpenCV, this module ensures that the raw image data are appropriately formatted to be optimized for input into the neural network.
4. Collaboration Changes:
Dr. Liam Neiswanger-Broughton of Washington State University had initially agreed to participate as a collaborating histopathologist, but has had to step away from the project. Discussions are currently underway with other potential histopathologists to assist with the manual ground-truth scoring of histological slides, a critical component for training our model.
Challenges and Adjustments
The delayed formal signing of the project contract posed initial administrative challenges; however, the team adapted quickly, ensuring that project milestones remained on track. The unexpected withdrawal of Dr. Broughton-Neiswanger necessitated a search for additional expertise, which is currently being addressed to minimize impact on the project timeline.
Next Steps
For the upcoming quarter, the focus will be on:
1. Finalizing collaborations with new histopathologists.
2. Beginning the collection and preprocessing of histology slides as per the project timeline.
3. Further refining and testing of the neural network model to ensure robustness and accuracy.
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Updated September 16, 2024:
Executive Summary
This quarter has seen advancements in both technical development and team dynamics. Despite the unexpected departure of Dr. Nathan Redman, our lead research scientist, the project continues to progress well with the completion of the ResNet algorithm scripting and the strengthening of our collaborative network through the addition of Dr. Salvatore Frasca, a highly regarded histopathologist.
Q2 Project Activities and Achievements
1. Staffing Updates:
-Dr. Nathan Redman, our lead research scientist/postdoc, has taken a new position effective September 13th. A broad search for his replacement is already underway, with advertisements placed at key conferences such as Mucosal Health in Aquaculture 2024 and WAS 2024 Copenhagen, as well as on university-related job boards and social media accounts. We are currently reviewing new applicants.
2. Completion of Machine Learning Framework:
-The machine learning algorithm, ResNet, has been fully scripted, and the computational framework is complete. This ensures that we have a reliable system for processing and analyzing digitized histology slides.
3. Collaboration and Crowdsourcing:
-Dr. Salvatore Frasca, a skilled and well-respected histopathologist, has agreed to participate in the project. His involvement is crucial for the scoring of digitized slides, particularly following the departure of our initial histopathologist.
-We have had success in crowdsourcing slides, particularly following our advertisement at Mucosal Health Aquaculture 2024 in Porto, Portugal. We have received contact from multiple laboratories interested in sharing slides from Atlantic salmon and trout, which enhances the diversity and volume of our data set.
Challenges and Adjustments
The departure of Dr. Nathan Redman posed a significant challenge this quarter, necessitating a swift and broad-reaching search for a qualified replacement to ensure continuity in our research activities. Additionally, securing a new collaborating histopathologist was successfully accomplished with the involvement of Dr. Frasca, mitigating potential delays in our timeline.
Next Steps
In the next quarter, we will focus on:
• Finalizing the recruitment of a new lead research scientist.
• Scoring of more histology slides with Dr. Frasca.
• Continuing to collect and process histology slides from international collaborators.
• Further testing and refining of the neural network model to ensure its readiness for practical application.
• Optimizing the model to include a pre-training quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) and image subsampling step. This will ensure that images are not biased and allow the model to effectively subsample each image, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of our analysis.
• Iterative optimization of the ResNet parameters will continue as the model is further trained on ground-truthed histopathologist scored slides.
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