Pigweed Awareness Campaign
Sustainable Production
DiseaseField management Pest
Lead Principal Investigator:
Joseph Ikley, North Dakota State University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Project Code:
Contributing Organization (Checkoff):
Institution Funded:
Brief Project Summary:
This project is continuing with Extension programming to raise awareness for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp across North Dakota. This program was successful over the 2022-2023 Extension season, and new information will be provided for the 2023-2024 campaign. These two weeds pose a serious threat to soybean production in North Dakota, and sharing updated information on their identification, biology, management, and potential yield loss will help keep farmers and agronomists engaged in detecting new infestations, as well as managing current ones.
Unique Keywords:
Information And Results
Project Summary

This project is continuing with Extension programming to raise awareness for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp across North Dakota. This program was successful over the 2022-2023 Extension season, and new information will be provided for the 2023-2024 campaign. These two weeds pose a serious threat to soybean production in North Dakota, and sharing updated information on their identification, biology, management, and potential yield loss will help keep farmers and agronomists engaged in detecting new infestations, as well as managing current ones.

Project Objectives

New Extension presentations regarding the current state of Palmer amaranth and waterhemp will be recorded and shared at applicator recertification meetings during the winter meeting season. Relevant publications will be revised and printed to ensure concise information is available. New research information will be distributed at meetings and trade shows across the state, and new tools like the 3D printed Palmer amaranth will be used to educate about Palmer amaranth identification.

Project Deliverables

Extension outreach metrics will be provided for number of individuals reached due to this project. This includes number of publications printed, number of individuals in audiences during presentations, and number of presentations delivered.

Progress Of Work

Since July 1 2023, 25 presentations have been delivered to over 2,000 individuals that focus on sharing the latest research and information on controlling Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in North Dakota. The 3D printed Palmer amaranth plants have been used at Big Iron and the Wild World of Weeds, and this has generated interest among others within NDSU Extension to utilize this tool at trainings and trade shows for the remainder of the meeting season.

Final Project Results

Benefit To Soybean Farmers

Waterhemp is currently one of the most challenging weeds for soybean production in North Dakota. Waterhemp with resistant to WSSA herbicide Groups 2, 9, and 14 have been documented in 8 counties in ND. Dicamba-resistant waterhemp has also recently been discovered in 1 county. Most populations found in ND have resistance to Groups 2 and 9.

Palmer amaranth has been detected in 19 counties in ND. Many populations have been tested for herbicide resistance. Some populations has no detectable herbicide resistance, while others were resistant to 5 sites of action (2, 4, 5, 9, 27). Most populations have confirmed resistance to groups 2 and 9. This weed continues to pose a risk to soybean production in ND, and continued awareness of proper identification, biology, and control will help with early detection of new populations in order prevent Palmer amaranth from establishing a foothold in ND.

The United Soybean Research Retention policy will display final reports with the project once completed but working files will be purged after three years. And financial information after seven years. All pertinent information is in the final report or if you want more information, please contact the project lead at your state soybean organization or principal investigator listed on the project.