The team of all the collaborators from multiple states (Ohio, Indiana, South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas), including John Fulton, Shaun Casteel, Peter Kovacs, Andre Borja Reis, Scott Nelson, Mark Seamon and Mani Sing, Randy Pearson, David Kramar and Michael Ostlie, and Guillermo Balboa, helped on collecting all field sites for 2023 growing season. All seeds were processed for seed quality traits, mainly protein and oil concentrations, from all fields were obtained and data share across all collaborators.
For the last two growing seasons, 2022-2023, a total of 234 fields with complete data on soybean seed quality and relevant crop management has been collected and compiled across the US soybean producing region. The states in the southern part of the US (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama) were collected via a grant provided by the USB. The rest of the states are all the ones included in the current project funded by NCSRP.
The soybean quality economic simulator has been updated and modified in two key areas. The first being that the oil quality portion of the tool has been built and is functioning well. The second update was to the existing user interface to make it more intuitive for users. Based on feedback from farmers the old version was difficult to understand what yield was used and how to add yield loss properly. We also added a break-even premium price so that farmers can quickly decide on if the premium they are receiving will have a positive ROI on their farm. The last addition we made is that users can export their results in a pdf, csv, or XLSX document so they can save their work for future use.
The next steps are to develop a first database and publication of the within-field variation for soybean seed quality, protein, and oil, for farmer fields across the US. A new growing season, 2024, will be added to complete the entire data collection. For more information, please see the attached report.
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