Timeliness of the completion of various tasks that are a part of research
programs is very important to theirsuccess. Many times, observations such as
maturity dates and disease ratings must be done at a certain time orthe
opportunity will be lost. This project will make a significant contribution to the
overall success of the soybeanresearch programs at the Eastern Virginia
Agricultural Research and Extension Center (EVAREC), which in turnwill benefit
soybean producers by providing accurate research based information to assist
them in managementof their soybean crop.
Goal and Objectives
The goal of this program is to assist in the development of new soybean varieties
and breeding lines, testing ofwidely used varieties from numerous seed
companies, and agronomic research on soybean cultural practices,pests (weeds,
insects, disease, nematodes), and soil fertility.
1. To provide technical support for soybean research programs so that time
sensitive and important informationsuch as flowering date, disease and lodging
scores, height, maturity date, yield and test weight can be collectedin a timely
manner. Other time sensitive tasks include planting of plots, tissue sampling,
hand harvesting,machine harvesting, and data collection after harvest.
2. To provide an opportunity for college students to gain firsthand agronomic
experienceworking in crop research programs at an AREC.
Expected Outcomes
- Planting of soybean research trials will take place in a timely manner
- Data will be accurately collected in a timely manner
- Harvest will be completed on-time to ensure accurate yields and quality
- Students will learn research techniques that will benefit their future careers, as
well as have an opportunity toobserve, learn, and engage in SmartFarm
Innovation Network protects at the Eastern VA AREC.
- New varieties and breeding lines
- Useful research to farmers.