This project is intended to continue the development of soy-based bailing twine to expand the used
soy material from soymeal to soyhull. Currently, we are developing twine based on PLA and
soymeal. Because soyhull is cheaper, harder/stronger, and easier to grind (into finer particles) than
soymeal, we hypothesize that PLA/soyhull twine will be cheaper and stronger than its
PLA/soymeal counterpart. We plan to test this hypothesis in this new project and demonstrate the
advantages and disadvantages of the two types of soy-based twine. We will use the same
processing and formulation methodology in the current project to develop the new PLA/soyhull
twine. Properties of the twine samples obtained under different conditions/formulations will be
tested and the results will be used as feedback to tailor the conditions. Optimum processing
conditions and formulation will be determined through this meticulous iteration process. The best
soy material (soymeal or soyhull) and the most suitable processing conditions for soy-based twine
production will become clear after completing this project. The actual use of the produced twine
on bailers and the potential fabrication of a soy-based bailing net will also be considered in this