Updated January 5, 2024:
2023 Fall Progress Report
Larry Cihacek and Rashad Alghamdi
NDSU SNRS – Soil Science
Fargo, ND 58108
Soil test N fertilizer recommendations developed in North Dakota within the last decade suggest that up to 50 lbs. N/A credit can be taken for fields in long-term no-till culture if no-till has been practiced in that field for more than 6 years (Franzen, 2018). Recent laboratory work on nitrogen (N) mineralization/immobilization in North Dakota has shown that post-harvest crop residues are low in N and promote N immobilization as they decompose (Alghamdi and Cihacek, 2021a; Alghamdi et al., 2021b; Alghamdi et al., 2022). This study was established to validate our observations under field conditions with the specific objective of evaluating seasonal soil moisture and temperature conditions that influence both soil microbial activity as well as the rate of residue breakdown across at least 3 growing seasons.
Materials and Methods
A series of 96 microplots were established on a Fargo silty clay soil (fine, smectitic, frigid Typic Epiaquerts) on the NDSU campus in May of 2021. Each microplot was 15 inches in diameter and was surrounded by a ring constructed with landscape edging. In 64 of these micro plots, a time-domain reflectometry (TDR) probe was installed at a depth of 5 cm near the center of the microplot. The microplots were arranged in “nests” of 5 plots in order to accommodate a data logger to collect continuous temperature and moisture data from the 5 plots. Residues for all crops were collected from research plots or fields in the Fargo area, dried and passed through a garden leaf shredded to reduce the residue particle size that is easier to handle for the conditions in this study.
Crop residues at a calculated rate of 6.25 T/A were applied to all plots except the bare soil controls. The residue was either left on the surface (no-till) or mixed with the soil (conventional tillage) in three replications. A set of microplots also received the same treatments but with the equivalent of 30 lbs. N/A as a urea solution to evaluate the potential priming effect of N fertilizer. The residue treatments represented the same treatments used in previous laboratory incubation studies and included: a) No residue-bare soil control, b) soybean, c) corn, d) spring wheat and e) radish residues, Crop residues (soybean, corn and spring wheat) with 30% radish by weight were included to evaluate the ability of quickly N mineralizing materials (radish) to help offset the N immobilization normally observed in our lab studies. The residues are applied annually utilizing a corn-soybean-spring wheat (C-S-SW) rotation with each crop being represented in each year. The residues are applied at the beginning of the growing season and follow the C-S-SW sequence in subsequent years depending on the entry crop in 2021. The entire study is designed to last for three years in order to evaluate the effects of the whole rotation sequence. Soil N samples were collected at the beginning of the study, July 2021, and October 2021 (end of season). This was repeated in May, July and September 2022. In 2023, the samples were collected in late May, July and October. All samples except the 2023 soil samples have been analyzed in the laboratory and these are being analyzed at the writing of this report. 2023 is the last season for this study. End of season temperature and moisture sensor data was collected in October of 2023 and this data is currently being summarized and analyzed.
Results and Discussion
The summer of 2021 at Fargo was very dry with low rainfall and above average temperatures through early August. Consequently, very little residue decomposition appeared to have occurred during the growing season. The 2022 growing season started out wet and cool, thus providing a contrast to the 2021 season but turned dry later in the season. The 2023 season has started out with snow extending into late April followed by a short period of saturated soils. However, the summer turned out relatively dry for the rest of the growing season.
At this time, the data is highly variable due to the highly variable weather conditions (drought in 2021, wet spring in 2022, late spring in 2023). We expect that N mineralization rates will be lower under actual field conditions than under controlled conditions in the laboratory Acknowledgements
We thank Kaylie Carver and Jordan Whitterall for helping in establishing the plots and initial sample collection. We also thank Maria Batool, Muhammad Asfaq, Maksat Batyrbek and Anand Gupta for sample collection and sample analysis. We also thank Joel Bell for maintaining wheat and soybean crops on the study site.
Alghamdi, R., and L. Cihacek. 2021a. Do post-harvest crop residues in no-till systems provide for nitrogen needs of following crops? Agron. J. 2021:1-18. doi: 10.1002/agj2.20885.
Alghamdi, R., L. Cihacek, A. Daigh and S. Rahman. 2021b. Post-harvest crop residue contribution to soil N availability or unavailability in North Dakota. Agrosys. Geosci. Environ. 2021(4):e20221. doi: 10.1002/agg2.20221
Alghamdi, R., L. Cihacek and Q. Wen. 2022. Simulated cropping season effects on N mineralization from accumulated no-till crop residues. Nitrogen 3(2):149-160. https://doi.org/10.3390/nitrogen3020011.
Franzen, D. 2018. North Dakota Fertilizer Recommendations Tables and Equations. NDSU Ext. Bull. SF882 (Revised). NDSU Extension Service, Fargo, ND. February 2018.
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