OBJECTIVE 1: Soybean pesticide field efficacy evaluations
During the initial period of this grant (Oct 1, 2022 to March 31 2023), we accomplished the following per each of the three objectives.
1. The plots established during the 2022 growing season, which is not immediately covered by this grant, were harvested and evaluated with funding from this grant. We are preparing a similar evaluation for 2023.
The insecticide evaluations conducted during 2022 were conducted in plots at one ISU Research Farm in northwestern Iowa in 2022. In total, we evaluated 26 replicated treatments with six insecticidal group/subgroups. The plots were initially colonized by soybean aphid in late June, and populations remained very low throughout the summer. There were a few other soybean pests present (e.g., spider mites, stink bugs, grasshoppers) but economic populations were not evident. Natural enemies, such as beetles, flies, lacewings, and wasps, were also present throughout the reproductive stages. The threshold was never reached, so plots were sprayed on 17 August when plants were at the R5 (beginning seed set) growth stage. Soybean aphid populations in the untreated control peaked on 16 August with 17.4 aphids per plant. Since soybean aphid populations were well below the economic threshold, no yield losses were expected or observed. Average treatment yields ranged from 45.4 to 57.1 bushels per acre.
We are accumulating request from various agribusinesses to evaluation products during the 2023 growing season.
OBJECTIVE 2: Using RNAi to restore pyrethroid susceptibility among resistant soybean aphids
This research topic attracted the interest of a visiting professor from Brazil, Dr. Jonas Arnemann, of the Federal University of Santa Maria who assisted us in conducting some of the early tests of our RNAi probes. The preliminary evidence was strong enough to further attract the attention of his graduate student, Bruna Wojahn. She continued tests of several RNAi probes on multiple aphid genotypes that represent aphids both resistant and susceptible to insecticides. Bruna returned to Brazil in November of 2022, and is returning to August in 2023 to complete the objectives of this first year as well as those scheduled for the second year of this project (in the proposal to be submitted on May 8th, 2023).
To determine the optimal dsRNA sequence and concentration for killing insecticide-resistant soybean aphids we used five colonies of aphids kept in the Soybean Entomology laboratory in the ATRB at ISU. These five colonies have distinct genetic backgrounds (Table 1): four are resistant to pyrethroids and have different mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) associated with resistance to pyrethroids, The fifth colony is susceptible to pyrethroids and does not have any of these mutations (i.e. wild type).
Working with Dr. Coates, dsRNA was synthetized from each colony. A section of dsRNA was developed from each colony that included the regions where point mutations associated with insecticide resistance are found. Once we created these dsRNA, our objective was to determine if these five sets dsRNA would selectively kill the resistant aphids. When dsRNA is applied to these insects with regions in their genome that correspond to them, it will interfere with the function of the gene. Therefor we refer to these sections of dsRNA as an RNAi treatment. A subset of our colonies are heterozygotes, meaning they have a mutated version and the wild type version of the VGSC gene. Therefore we can test if RNAi shuts down the mutated version could return the resistant aphid to being susceptible to the insecticide. To accomplish all of this, we have to test if RNAi applied alone or in combination with a pyrethroid can increase aphid mortality.
To measure the impact of the potential RNAi treatments, we conducted assays using a small section of aphid infested soybean leaf. Each leaflet had 10 aphids from a unique colony. The treatments included lambda-cyhalothrin alone, a unique isolated dsRNA from each colony alone, or the dsRNA with lambda-cyhalothrin. Each unique section of dsRNA was tested in individual experiments using plates with soybean leave disks, where the insecticide treatment was applied by dipping the leaf disks in lambda-cyhalothrin solution and the probe was applied by topical delivery method, where 1 ul was displayed on the dorsal side of the soybean aphid abdomen. A total of 30 separate experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of the five dsRNA strands on the five colonies. Aphid mortality was assessed 24 hours after the treatments were applied. For purposes of this report, we have summarized a subset of the experiments, combining the results of the various dsRNA treatments.
Table 1. Aphid colonies kept at ISU and used in these experiments.
Colony Mutation Name
Nashua, IA L1014F (heterozygous) MtA Rs
Kanawha, IA L1014F (homozygous) MtA RR
MN L1014F + M918I (heterozygous) MtAB Rs
Darwin, MN L925M + M918L (heterozygous) MtCB Rs
Boone, IA Wild type Wild type
Overall, we were able to increase mortality of insecticide resistant aphids by adding dsRNA to the insecticide (Figure 1 see attached). The summary in figure 1 shows the average mortality for each probe applied to the four colonies of resistant aphids and the wild type. These data suggest that combining dsRNA and insecticides can manage aphids that are both susceptible and resistant to an insecticide, at the same time in one application.
OBJECTIVE 3: Extension communication strategies
Co-PI Erin Hodgson and collaborator Ashley Dean are conducting extension programming summarizing efficacy data in soybean. Field day demonstrations and winter programs were coordinated with ISU Extension and Outreach, Iowa Soybean Association, industry partners, and other organizations. Examples include: ISU Extension and Outreach programs include: Integrated Crop Management Conference, Crop Advantage Series, and field days with ISU. In 2022, Erin and Ashley delivered real-time updates via text message on soybean pests during the summer, and they will continue posting updates to the Integrated Crop Management News and Blog.
Regional/invited extension presentations:
Hodgson, E. W. What happens when the easy button fails: insect management outlook. University of Missouri Crop Management Conference, Columbia, MO [175 people] 15 December 2022
Hodgson, E. W. Let’s get real about soybean insecticides: what’s in and works. Crop Pest Management Short Course, Minneapolis, MN [2 sessions; 225 people] 8 December 2021
Hodgson, E., and A. Dean. Why you “need” need assessment in your impactful extension program. ANR Extension Faculty Meeting, Ames, IA. [28 people]
Hodgson, E. Planter University: every seed counts. ANR Extension Professional Development, Lightning Talk Session. Ames, IA. [220 people] 11 October 2022.
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean. Throwing the kitchen sink at soybean gall midge. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Crop Advantage Series Workshops.
- Storm Lake, IA. [11 people] 4 January 2023
- Webster City, IA. [2 sessions; 40 people] 11 January 2023
- Ankeny, IA. [2 sessions; 30 people] 17 January 2023
- Denison, IA. [15 people] 26 January 2023
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean. Direct destruction: how to manage late-season pests. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Crop Advantage Series Workshops.
- Burlington, IA. [25 people] 5 January 2023
- Atlantic, IA. [66 people] 19 January 2023
- Davenport, IA. [25 people] 20 January 2023
- Le Mars, IA. [25 people] 20 January 2023
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean. Throwing the kitchen sink at soybean gall midge. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Ag Chem Dealer Update.
- Nevada, IA. [20 people] 13 December 2022
- Crawfordsville, IA. [35 people] 14 December 2022
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean. Direct destruction: how to manage late-season pests. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Crop Management Annual Conference, Ames, IA. [2 sessions; 175 people] 30 November 2022
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean. Throwing the kitchen sink at soybean gall midge. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Integrated Crop Management Annual Conference, Ames, IA. [2 sessions; 190 people] 1 December 2022
Dean, A., and E. W. Hodgson. Throwing the kitchen sink at soybean gall midge. Iowa Advanced Agronomy Day, Growmark, Ames, IA [35 people] 21 November 2022
Hodgson, E. W., B. Kolbe, and J. McMechan. Can pre-season tactics help with soybean gall midge management? Regional webinar for soybean gall midge, Virtual Delivery. [230 views live] 27 February 2023
Dean, A., and E. W. Hodgson. Tolerances revoked for chlorpyrifos: what are some other options? Loveland/Nutrien Regional Meeting Virtual Delivery [25 March 2022]
Hodgson, E. W., B. Kolbe, and J. McMechan. Using tillage to reduce overwintering soybean gall midge. Soybean gall midge discussion series, Virtual Delivery. [245 views live] 22 February 2022
Hodgson, E. W., and J. McMechan. Soybean gall midge ID, distribution, scouting tips, and injury score. Soybean gall midge discussion series, Virtual Delivery. [165views live] 15 February 2022
Peer-reviewed and peer-edited extension publications:
Coyle, D. R., and E. W. Hodgson. 2022. Guiding the next generation of extension professionals: there’s a method to the madness. American Entomologist. DOI: 10.1093/ae/tmac036.
Huseth, A. S., R. L. Koch, D. Reisig, J. A. Davis, S. V. Paula-Moraes, and E. W. Hodgson. 2021. Current distribution and population persistence of five caterpillars in U.S. soybean. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. DOI: 10.1093/jipm/pmab004.
Hodgson, E. W., R. L. Koch, J. A. Davis, D. Reisig, and S. V. Paula-Moraes. 2021. Identification and biology of common caterpillars in U.S. soybean. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. DOI: 10.1093/jipm/pmab006.
McMechan, A. J., E. W. Hodgson, A. Varenhorst, T. Hunt, R. Wright, and B. Potter. 2021. Soybean gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a new species causing injury to soybean in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. DOI: 10.1093.jipm/pmab001.
Hodgson, E. W., and A. Dean, V. Schmitt, and N. Seiter. 2020. Insect and mite management, pp. 109-116. In Hodgson, Licht, and Sisson [eds.], Field Crop Production Handbook, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Publication 3162.
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