Updated May 9, 2024:
We evaluated a hydroponic method (Lebreton et al. 2018) to inoculate soybean with P. sojae. This method was developed to infect soybean seedlings that were approximately 12-days old, at growth stage VE-VC. While we were able to get infection of seedlings 7-14 days old, we were unable to get infection after V1. This was surprising because, according to published literature, soybean is susceptible to infection by P. sojae at all growth stages. Since partial resistance (also known as field tolerance) is only activated after the first true leaves form (V1) we were unable to evaluate the role of partial resistance in shaping the diversity of P. sojae. We are continuing to try different methods of inoculating soybean at different growth stages with the pathogen.
It is important to characterize the pathotype of P. sojae causing Phytophthora stem and root rot (PSRR) in a field to identify what Rps genes should be used in future soybean plantings to reduce losses to PSRR. It is also important for soybean breeders to know what pathotypes are prevalent to guide breeding efforts and ensure the correct Rps genes are incorporated into commercial soybean varieties.
Dussault-Benoit et al. (2020) developed a molecular assay based on discriminant mutations that lead to genetic variations associated with seven Avr genes in P. sojae. Their assay accurately predicted the virulence of isolates of P. sojae on Harosoy differentials based on the presence or absence of each Avr gene amplicon. Traditionally, pathotypes of the pathogen are distinguished using a hypocotyl assay. The hypocotyl assay is laborious, requires considerable space and it may take up to 18 days for results. The molecular assay provides pathotype results within a few hours.
Thus, we evaluated the molecular assay to predict the virulence and thus pathotypes of isolates of P. sojae recovered from soil samples or diseased soybean plants from Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio. Four isolates that were used in the development of the molecular assay were used as checks. The objectives of the study were to:
1. Determine the pathotype of the isolates on Harosoy and Williams sets of differentials using the hypocotyl inoculation assay.
2. Compare the virulence of each isolate on differential lines in a Harosoy background compared to a Williams background.
3. Use the molecular assay to predict the pathotype of each isolate.
4. Compare the predicted pathotype with the pathotype of each isolate determined using the hypocotyl inoculation assay.
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For some isolates of P. sojae that we characterized for pathotype (formally known as race) using the hypocotyl inoculation method and a molecular assay, the ability to cause disease (virulence) varied among the differential lines of Harosoy and Williams carrying the same Rps gene (see Table 1). In fact, the pathotype determined by hypocotyl inoculation assay of the Harosoy and Williams differential lines was identical for only 5 isolates. These data suggest that differentials of a specific Rps gene in distinct genetic backgrounds may reflect the activity of distinct Rps alleles or even a different Rps gene that may be tightly linked. While virulence was predicted correctly for some Avr genes of some isolates using the molecular assay, it was not correctly predicted for many others. Absence or presence of the amplicon in the molecular assay was not associated with the actual virulence or avirulence (no disease) observed on the differentials. These results may reflect that Avr mutations present in the P. sojae isolates tested here differ from those occurring in the isolates used in the development of the molecular assay. Our study suggests additional evaluation of the molecular assay is recommended before its widespread use for determining the pathotypes of P. sojae present in a population.
Characterizing the pathotypes of P. sojae that are present in Iowa, and throughout the North Central Region informs soybean breeders of which Rps genes to incorporate into soybean varieties. This research demonstrated pathotype may vary depending on the soybean differential used. This research also suggests the molecular assay needs further evaluation before it can be used to characterize P. sojae. Some suggestions for future work include (i) evaluating discriminate mutations in Avr genes in a broader range of isolates of P. sojae to optimize primers that could be used in a molecular assay, (ii) assembling a standard set of isolates of P. sojae to be used as controls for comparing soybean differentials that each contain the same Rps gene and characterizing pathotypes of P. sojae, (iii) an improved understanding of the epidemiology of PSRR, specifically the susceptibility of different growth stages of soybean to P. sojae, and (iv) improved mapping, or cloning, of Rps genes in soybean to confirm their presence in a soybean differential set.
Watson, G. and Robertson, A.E. 2023. Validation of a molecular assay to identify Phytophthora sojae pathotypes (Abstr.). Phytopathology 113:S3.154. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-113-11-S3.1
Lopez-Nicora, H., Mangel, D., McCoy, A., Webster, R.W., Robertson A., Chilvers, M., Tenuta, A., Mueller, D. and Wise, K. 2024. An overview of Phytophthora root and stem rot. Crop Protection Network. (doi: to be determined)