Proposed methods/tactics:
Typically, about 250 varieties consisting of conventional, glufosinate only resistant (Liberty), glyphosate only resistant (Roundup), glyphosate and glufosinate resistant (Liberty and Roundup), 2,4-D, glyphosate and glufosinate resistant (Enlist), and glyphosate and dicamba resistant (Extend) varieties from over 20 seed companies are tested annually. The UI Variety Trial sites represent the major soils and maturity zones of the state. Non-irrigated, 30-inch-rowwidth with all herbicide traits combined in one trial are conducted on a regional basis. The regions are as follows: Region 1, Fenton, Mt. Morris and DeKalb; Region 2 Monmouth, Goodfield and Dwight; Region 3, Perry, New Berlin and Urbana; Region 4, St. Peter and Belleville; and Region 5, Elkville and Harrisburg.
For sampling and analysis, during harvest (September and November) an NIR incorporated into combine weight system will be used to determine the protein and oil content. Data is supplied to ISA and online to the U of I Variety Trial Website.
To achieve this UI will use a SCIO CNST NIR from Juniper Systems which will be installed on the Juniper Systems H2 grain gauge wight system currently installed in UI’s plot research combine. This will streamline the data collection process and eliminate the need to collect grain samples.