All locations of the study were planted this spring, with timely planting at each location. Tissue sample collection atR1 is underway. We will continue to manage plots throughout the growing season and prepare for harvest.
A Pioneer variety soybean (P45T88E) was planted at Keedysville, Clarksville, and Wye Research and Education Centers (REC) at the following planting dates in 2021 and 2022. This variety was also planted by Dr. Miller at the Delaware location and seed was sourced through UD. Weather and seed availability delayed early plantings in both years, but once the first planting date was established, subsequent plantings were completed on time. We did not observe the predicted response of increased yields with earlier planting dates in either year of the study. It is possible that we did not plant early enough in the season to maximize vegetative growth, although the first plantings in each year likely took place as soon as farm crews at the REC locations were able to get into the field, so it is unlikely that the first plantings could be pushed earlier. In 2022, we duplicated the soybean variety trials at two locations (Clarksville and Wye RECs) and planted the entire trial at both an early and regular planting date. Each variety was replicated three times in the early and regular planted test. Yield was collected from all plots and yield difference was calculated for each entry. Yield difference was the average yield from the entry in the early planted test subtracted from the average yield for the entry in the regular planted test. We predicted a higher yield for the early planted test, therefore a negative yield difference for each entry was predicted. At Clarksville, there was a general trend of increased yield with early planting across all maturity group categories, however that trend was not as apparent at the Wye location. In fact, the MG 3 and early MG 4 soybeans yielded better with the regular planting date at this location. Results such as these prevent the generation of sweeping recommendations for the state and we anticipate that the impact of early planting will likely be more apparent in some areas of the state, not necessarily across the entire state. We will perform this project again in 2023 to observe the impacts of year on these data. Tables and figures are presented in the attached report.
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