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Nutrient Loss in Runoff - Do Cover Crops Make It Better or Worse?
Lay Language Summary of Work April 2022 – March 2023
Ray Weil
Environmental Science and Technology Department
University of Maryland
The goal of the proposed research is to provide data on how a range of cover crop practices following both corn and soybean crops impact the loss of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in surface runoff. Both P and N cause water quality deterioration by eutrophication.
We are investigating several mechanisms by which cover crops could increase or decrease the loss of P. Most runoff research has been conducted on plowed soils where P attached to sediment is the main pathway of P loss. However, most Maryland farms use some version of no-till soil management which leaves the soil surface undisturbed and mulched with crop residues during the off-season. No-till soil management tends to greatly reduce the amount of soil that erodes and carries away P during intense rain events, but no-till, especially combined with cover cropping, is thought to stratify P near the soil surface, increasing the concentration of P that come into contact with rainwater and can be dissolved in the runoff. Phosphorus in runoff might be reduced by cover crop P uptake but it might be increased by freezing injury that releases soluble P from cover crop tissues. Research has already been published that compares the solubility of phosphorus in live and dead tissues from a wide range of cover crop species. What is lacking, and our research will provide, is data that shows the actual runoff volume and P concentration from single-species or multi-species cover crops in differing soil in a no-till system.
We are generating this data from field plots that represent Maryland’s typical long-term no-till crop production with retention of all crop residues and the use of some kind of cover crop during the winter season. The field used to collect runoff from natural rain events has silt loam topsoil with clayey subsoil and somewhat impaired drainage that limits infiltration and favors the production of runoff during heavy rain events. To study runoff from controlled simulated rainfall, this silty field and a field with a similar history but very sandy soils were both used. Both fields have been managed with no-till techniques for most of the years since 1993, with the Maryland nutrient management program since 2000, and have had some kind of cover crop in most years since 2006. The current cover crop treatments were imposed in 2020, so the year covered by this report was the third year of the cover crop treatments. In 2020 a no-cover crop control treatment (No cover) was established with only weeds growing between crop harvest in fall and crop planting in spring. This control treatment essentially represents the withdrawal of cover cropping from a system that had cover crops for 15 years, while allowing any winter weeds to grow. The other two cover crop treatments represent the enhancement of the previous system by the extension of the cover crop growing season with earlier planting in fall and later termination in spring. These two cover crop treatments are interseeded several weeks prior to corn or soybean harvest using a high clearance air-seeder with drop tubes that spread the seed on the ground under the senescing crop canopy. The two cover crops treatments intersown were a single-species cover crop of cereal rye (Rye) and a three-species cover crop mixture of forage radish, cereal rye (Rye) and crimson clover (Clover).
The project is measuring the effect of the three cover crop treatments (No cover, Rye, and 3-Way) on the amount of runoff generated and the hydraulic properties of the soils as well as the concentrations of the nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, in the runoff water. The project is studying the runoff from both natural and simulated rain events during the cover crop growing season. The runoff from natural rainfall events is captured using mini-erosion weirs that channel the runoff from a 0.3 m2 area into a buried 5-liter jug. Because of the current and historical no-till practices and crop residue cover, the soi is protected from direct raindrop impact and surface sealing. Rather intense rainfall is therefore required to generate any runoff, resulting in sporadic and uneven opportunities to collect runoff from natural rain events. The rainfall simulations can apply water at a controlled rate that is high enough to ensure the production of runoff. Our rain simulations are performed with distilled water in a Cornell sprinkler infiltrometer that provides a controlled drip rate from hundreds of capillary tubes and collects the ponded water through a tube leading to a 1-liter bottle buried downslope that is replaced repeatedly until 5 liters of runoff have been collected.
Detecting the effects of cover crops, positive or negative, on runoff volumes and nutrient concentrations was difficult because we were interested in the long-term, no-till cropping situations managed under conservative nutrient management plans as is typical of farming in Maryland. The differences between two soils of contrasting textures, on the other hand, were obvious and highly significant, especially with regard to the rates of infiltration and runoff. Somewhat surprisingly, in a corn-soybean rotation, the previous crop going into the winter had a greater effect on some runoff and nutrient loss parameters than did the presence of a cover crop. Generally, in the systems studied, the nutrient concentrations in the runoff were quite moderate, and dissolved N and P were both present mainly in the rarely measured organic forms.
During the remaining year of this project, we will plan to analyze both inorganic and organic forms of the dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus associated with the runoff from the natural and simulated rain events sampled in the winter-spring of 2023, and assess the long-term impact of enhanced cover cropping on nutrient loss potential.