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Project title: Soybean pest management research – SW MN 2022
Objective I. Evaluate insecticide and fungicide efficacy in an ongoing and systematic way.
I a) Foliar Fungicide: This project continued long-term studies in southern Minnesota to determine the value and efficacy of standardized foliar fungicides on soybean moisture and yield. Study sites were located at three University of Minnesota Research and Outreach Centers (ROCs). These sites were not selected on the expectation of soybean disease (white mold, frogeye leaf spot, etc.). At each site, two foliar fungicides were compared with an untreated control on three unrelated soybean varieties.
Not unexpectedly, moisture and yield differed by study location and moisture differed by variety. We did not detect significant yield differences among the three fungicide treatments at any site or overall. All study sites saw low levels of foliar disease. With the inclusion of this 2022 data, foliar fungicide application provided a significant yield benefit for fungicide in only 53% of 19 site years (2016- 2022). Dry 2021 and 2022 site years dramatically reduced the overall probability of fungicide response.
b) Soybean aphid foliar insecticide: In a SW Minnesota study, thirteen foliar insecticide treatments were applied on August 10 to early R5 stage soybeans. Aphid populations were rated at 0, 5, 7, 15, and 21 days after application.
Dry weather after insecticide application affected the development of both soybeans and aphids. Insecticide applications did not impact yields due to few cumulative aphid days (< 7,000) in untreated plots. Although most insecticides performed well, bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin insecticides applied alone accumulated more aphid days than other treatments. These results, combined with reports from 2022 farm fields, indicate a portion of the soybean aphid population in this area remains resistant to pyrethroid insecticides. Insecticide resistance should be accounted for in grower’s soybean aphid management plans.
Objective II. Define the distribution and host range of the soybean gall midge (SGM) within Minnesota.
a) Soybean survey: Eighty-six fields were surveyed in 2022. No new SGM infested MN counties were identified during surveys of counties adjacent to those previously found to be infested. 2022 SGM larval populations were not detected or were apparently lower during in several surveyed counties previously found to be infested.
b i) Dry edible bean survey: Dry edible bean fields in four West Central Minnesota counties with known SGM infestations were surveyed. Two SGM-infested navy bean fields were found in Lac Qui Parle County on 8/12/22. Soybeans near these navy bean fields were also infested and at a higher rate. These fields represent the first report of SGM infestations of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in production fields. Yield losses from SGM in Phaseolus crops have not been documented, but dry bean growers should be aware of potential field edge injury from SGM larvae in areas where SGM occurs on soybeans.
b ii) Prairie legume survey: It is unknown whether SGM is an introduced insect or a native that is adapting to soybean as a host. Potential native prairie legume hosts (lead plant, prairie clover, tick trefoil, etc.) were examined in roadsides and wildlife areas in these same WC MN counties as well as Rock, Lincoln, and Cottonwood counties in SW MN. SGM larvae were not observed on prairie legumes during 2022.
b iii) Sentinel plants: Mobile sentinel plants were used to examine whether SGM could attack annual legume crops other than soybean. Eighteen annual legumes were greenhouse-grown in four-inch pots and used as sentinels. The potted plants were placed in a soybean field for one week when the overwintering and 1st generation adults were active (June 14 and July 18 respectively). The plants were moved back to the greenhouse and after a week their stems dissected for SGM larvae.
SGM larvae from overwintering adults were found in three soybean varieties. SGM larvae from 1st generation adults were found in the stems of the three soybean varieties, four of the seven bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars, and lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus). Bean and lima bean represent two new SGM hosts! The bean and lima bean sentinel plants had a lower percentage of infested plants than soybeans and except for lima bean fewer larvae/plant. Lower infestation rates compared to soybean were also noted in Lac Qui Parle commercial navy bean fields.