1) GOAL : Minnesota SCN Squad: 2022 Minnesota Soybean Cyst Nematode Sampling and Education Program (PI): Angie Peltier, University of Minnesota Extension, apeltier@umn.edu. Co-PI(s): Jared Goplen (gople007@umn.edu) and Anthony Hanson (hans4022@umn.edu), UMN Extension and Seth Naeve (naeve002@umn.edu), UMN Dept. of Agronomy and Plant Genetics. Cooperator: Phyllis Bongard (bonga028@umn.edu), UMN Extension.
a. Provide an educational curriculum to Minnesota ag teachers/FFA club advisors to increase students’ general knowledge about soybeans, their importance to the rural Minnesota economy (and our diets!) and SCN, the most yield-limiting pathogen of Minnesota soybeans.
b. Provide MSRPC-branded SCN sampling kits to FFA chapters so that they can collect soil samples for analysis from real-world farm fields, be they fields their own family or fields that local area producers farm. This sort of hands-on learning tends to create memorable ‘teachable moments’ for learners.
c. Provide results from SCN samples collected by FFA chapters so that students can discuss and map the results of their own survey, ‘learning by doing’ about the importance of gathering real-world data to assist soybean producers’ decision making.
d. Provide data sheets and management recommendations that students will share with the farmers whose fields they sampled. This is a way to introduce students to one of the tasks of ag service providers and Extension agents.
e. Get a ‘30,000 ft’ picture of the prevalence and severity of SCN infestations in areas of MN where SCN survey data has been sparse and underrepresented.
f. Survey participating FFA instructors, FFA students and farmers to evaluate program effectiveness for increasing knowledge about SCN and SCN management and increasing the desire to periodically monitor SCN population densities.