Updated October 28, 2022:
On-farm studies provide information that producers use to reduce the economic risks associated with new products, test the efficiency of components within their current operation, and test innovative new ideas and concepts. In the project, a producer chooses his/her treatments based on their interest or desire prior to implementation. SDSU agronomists assist in experimental design, treatment application, scouting, and analysis. At the completion of the project, reports are distributed to the farmer collaborator, and they are posted SD Soybean Research and Promotion on-farm web site. Farmers use results from the study to identify treatments that might be success on their farm and reduce the economic risks associated with new products. To date, over 450 experiments have been conducted by SD farmers. SDSU undergraduate students are using the on-farm studies for their capstone class and planning for SOY100 2022 has started. We just received word that the American Ethanol Coalition and SDSU were funded in a UDSA-RCPP project focused on soil health. This project is centered around Madison, and it will provide funding for the adoption and quantification of BMP on soil health. We are in the process of identifying collaborators for this this on-farm study. This new project will help expand our on-farm research on soybeans and soil health. Soy100 planning is being conducted. The project report is provided in the attachment.
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Updated January 30, 2023:
On-farm studies provide information that producers use to reduce the economic risks associated with new products, test the efficiency of components within their current operation, and test innovative new ideas and concepts. In the project, a producer chooses his/her treatments based on their interest or desire prior to implementation. SDSU agronomists assist in experimental design, treatment application, scouting, and analysis. At the completion of the project, reports are distributed to the farmer collaborator, and they are posted SD Soybean Research and Promotion on-farm web site. Farmers use results from the study to identify treatments that might be success on their farm and reduce the economic risks associated with new products. To date, over 450 experiments have been conducted by SD farmers. SDSU undergraduate students are using the on-farm studies for their capstone class and planning for SOY100 2022 is completed. We just received word that the American Ethanol Coalition and SDSU were funded in a UDSA-RCPP project focused on soil health. This project is centered around Madison, and it will provide funding for the adoption and quantification of BMP on soil health. We are in the process of identifying collaborators for this this on-farm study. This new project will help expand our on-farm research on soybeans and soil health.
1) Continue the on-farm research program in 2021;
a. On farm studies
b. Create a remote sensing yield model
2) Continue research designed to determine the importance of soil health in optimizing soybean
3) Deliver information to producers through Soy100, AgOutlook, SD on-farm web-site, news releases, radio interviews, and SDSU websites.
4) Use data collected in the on-farm SDSU classes (PS475 and PS428)
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Updated April 29, 2023:
On-farm studies provide information that producers use to reduce the economic risks associated with new products, test the efficiency of components within their current operation, and test innovative new ideas and concepts. In the project, a producer chooses his/her treatments based on their interest or desire prior to implementation. SDSU agronomists assist in experimental design, treatment application, scouting, and analysis. At the completion of the project, reports are distributed to the farmer collaborator, and they are posted SD Soybean Research and Promotion on-farm web site. Farmers use results from the study to identify treatments that might be success on their farm and reduce the economic risks associated with new products. To date, over 450 experiments have been conducted by SD farmers. SDSU undergraduate students are using the on-farm studies for their capstone class and planning for SOY100 2022 is completed. We just received word that the American Ethanol Coalition and SDSU were funded in a UDSA-RCPP project focused on soil health. This project is centered aroudison, and it will provide funding for the adoption and quantification of BMP on soil health. We are in the process of identifying collaborators for this this on-farm study. This new project will help expand our on-farm research on soybeans and soil health.
1) Continue the on-farm research program, reports from 2022 have been completed
a. On farm studies
b. Create a remote sensing yield model, completed and submitted for review
2) Continue research designed to determine the importance of soil health in optimizing soybean, over 30 projects have been identified for 20223
3) Deliver information to producers through Soy100, AgOutlook, SD on-farm web-site, news releases, radio interviews, and SDSU websites. Completed 139 people attended the meeting
4) Use data collected in the on-farm SDSU classes (PS475 and PS428)
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Updated July 28, 2023:
n-farm studies provide information that producers use to reduce the economic risks associated with new products, test the efficiency of components within their current operation, and test innovative new ideas and concepts. In the project, a producer chooses his/her treatments based on their interest or desire prior to implementation. SDSU agronomists assist in experimental design, treatment application, scouting, and analysis. At the completion of the project, reports are distributed to the farmer collaborator, and they are posted SD Soybean Research and Promotion on-farm web site. Farmers use results from the study to identify treatments that might be success on their farm and reduce the economic risks associated with new products. To date, over 450 experiments have been conducted by SD farmers. SDSU undergraduate students are using the on-farm studies for their capstone class and planning for SOY100 2022 is completed. We just received word that the American Ethanol Coalition and SDSU were funded in a UDSA-RCPP project focused on soil health. This project is centered aroudison, and it will provide funding for the adoption and quantification of BMP on soil health. We are in the process of identifying collaborators for this this on-farm study. This new project will help expand our on-farm research on soybeans and soil health.
1) Continue the on-farm research program, reports from 2022 have been completed
a. On farm studies
b. Create a remote sensing yield model, completed and submitted for review
2) Continue research designed to determine the importance of soil health in optimizing soybean, over 30 projects have been identified for 20223
3) Deliver information to producers through Soy100, AgOutlook, SD on-farm web-site, news releases, radio interviews, and SDSU websites. Completed 139 people attended the meeting.
4) Use data collected in the on-farm SDSU classes (PS475 and PS428)
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