We initiated the process of developing the UMN Soybean Research Center in the last funding cycle starting in May of 2021. Below were our tasks for last year, followed by our progress on each task. The last progress report was prepared in May of 2022 where we highlighted the events of the 21-22 academic year. Because this report covers the summer period, there were fewer activities to report as soybean researchers were largely busy in the field managing there experiments, and students were not on campus as frequently. The main activity to report for the summer is a Center-sponsored tour of soybean agriculture held on June 30. We brought 20 students and postdoctoral researchers to three soybean-related sites in southern MN – A farm near Wells, MN (Darrin Johnson), a feed mill in Mapleton, MN (Protein Sources), and a specialty grains merchandiser in St. Peter (Grain Millers). Each stop was excellent and informative for the students. There were two goals of the tour: 1) Expose student and postdoctoral researchers on campus to wider soybean production in rural MN. Researchers on campus can be consumed by their narrow field of research and often don’t have the opportunity to see the larger soybean production infrastructure. 2) Provide an opportunity for students and postdocs working on soybeans from different departments to network with one another. We feel we accomplished both objectives as the participants of the tour were very pleased for the opportunity to attend.
We started working with a free lance writer to start writing up news stories about Center news and events. He already prepared a story on the tour, and we are working with him to identify other sources of stories for better publicity. Finally, we are in the process of enhancing our website and creating a flyer to start soliciting donations and investment from outside private companies. We hope to make progress on this this fall and winter.
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Our main activity this past quarter was a "Lightening talk, research update, and networking session" held on Nov. 11, 2022. We invited in Ed Anderson (NCSRP), Lisa Weaver (USB), and David Kee (MSRPC) to talk briefly about checkoff priorities and advice on how to obtain checkoff funding for research, and propose impactful projects. After the presentations, we held a poster session and networking session. This was well attended (~40 individuals) by students, researchers, and faculty who work on soybean research across at least five UMN departments.
This past quarter was pretty quiet for the Center. We are currently brainstorming our next activities. One thing we did was create a brochure that we plan on using in the near future for solicitation of donations to support the Center. See attached brochure.
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